Dr. Ghazala Noureen
Department of Secondary Education
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- Profile
- Research Publications
Chairperson Department of Secondary Education. She has completed her Post Doctorate in Gender and Education from University of Wolver, Hampton United Kindom and Ph.D in Educational Administration from Institute of Education & Research, Punjab University, and Lahore. She has more than 16 years of experience in teaching, research, and administration.Dr. Noreen’s research is focused on leadership and management, gender and education, assessment and women empowerment. During her tenure at LCWU she has establishing new program in the department. She is a founding editor of an Interdisciplinary Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies (HEC Y category) that plays a leading role in highlighting research in education and aligned subject areas. She is approved HEC supervisor and welcome students interested in areas of leadership and management and gender and Education.
Name of Degree |
Institute |
Area of Specialization |
Post Doctorate |
University of Wolver Hampton |
Gender and Education |
Ph. D |
Institute of Education & Research Punjab University, Lahore |
Educational Administration |
M. Ed |
Institute of Education & Research Punjab University, Lahore |
Educational Research |
B. Ed
Education College Faisalabad |
Chemistry, Biology |
B. Sc
GC for Woman, Sargodha |
Zoology, Botany, Chemistry |
- Associate Professor (BS-20) – Lahore College for Women University
Period 24-02-2020 to date
- As Chairperson
- Administrative Responsibilities
- Started Departmental Journal (Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies)
- Started PhD Education Program
- Teaching PhD Classes
- Teaching M.Phil Classes
- Teaching B.Ed. classes
- Supervision of Ph.D. Theses
- Supervision of M.S Theses
- Supervision of B.Ed Theses
- Assistant Professor (BS-19) – Lahore College for Women University
Period 9-07-18 to 23-02-2020
- As COD
- Administrative Responsibilities
- Started MS Education Self-Supporting Program
- Started B.Ed Secondary Self-Supporting Program
- Started B.Ed 1.5 Regular/Self-Supporting Program
- Teaching P. hd Classes
- Teaching M.Phil Classes
- Teaching B.Ed. classes
- Supervision of P.hd Theses
- Supervision of M.S Theses
- Supervision of B.Ed Theses
- Assistant Professor (BS-19) – University of Education Township
Campus Lahore (On Deputation).
Period: 26-10-17 to 8-07-18
- Teaching M.Phil Classes
- Teaching B.Ed. classes
- Supervision of BS Theses
- Self- Assessment of M.Phil Programme
- Assistant Professor (BS-19) - Lahore College for Women University
Period: 21-09-06 to date
- Teaching PhD Classes
- Teaching Postgraduate Classes
- Developing Course outline and scheme of studies for BS, MS, PhD, PGDT
- Supervision of MS BS Theses
- Assistant Professor (BS-18) – GC University Faisalabad
Period: 03-02-06 to 20-09-06
- Teaching Postgraduate Classes
- Supervision of Master Theses
- In-charge Academic Counseling Cell
- Coordinator B.A (Hon) Education
- Subject Specialist (BS-17) – Punjab Education Assessments System Period: 17-07-04 to 02-02-06
- Teaching Ph. D Education Class University of Education
- Development of Test Competencies
- Construction of Achievement Test for National Achievement Testing
- Participation in different Test Construction Workshops Arranged by NEAS
School Service
Sr. No |
Name of Institution |
Period |
Designation |
1 |
Govt. Girls H/S Mankera Distt. Bhakker |
1.1.1989 to 6.7.1992 |
16 |
2 |
Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School Mid Ranjha Distt. Sargodha. |
7.7.1992 to 17.7.01 |
Headmistress |
17 |
3 |
Govt. Girls H/S Nabi Park Lahore |
18.7.01 to 19.9.04
Dy. Headmistress |
17 |
International Proceedings
2011 Education as Prerequisite of Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan British Education Index Brotherton Library University of Leeds.
Non Recognized Journal
- Noureen, G., & Azeem, M. (2008). Views of Students about Teaching Practice. Research in Education, 3(1), 59-70.
- Noureen, G. (2008) Taqabli Taleem ka Irthqa Talimi Zavia
Paper presented in International Conferences
- International conference on Status of Social Science held in International Islamic University in Islamabad (2007)
- International conference on transforming teacher education: Improving practicum and internship, Lahore, Pakistan (2008)
- European Educational Research Conference University of Vienna, Austria (2009)
- British Educational Research Conference University of Warwick Coventry, Uk (2010)
- 2nd international conference on teacher education, Lahore Pakistan (2010)
- Merry,S. Noureen, G., & Noshaba, A. (2022).Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style and University Teachers Job Performance as Mediated by Intrinsic Motivation. Webology 19(3), 927-941.
Unis, B.,Noureen, G.,&Arshad.(2022).Development of English Language Proficiency Test For Grade 7 Based on Item Response Theory. Oeconomia Copernicana 13(2),1303-1311
- Israr, M., Noureen, G., & Noshaba, A. (2022). Development of Instrument to Measure Students’ Academic Performance at Higher Education Institutions (Hei’s). Oeconomia Copernicana, 13(2), 1077-1091.
- Malik, A., Noureen, G., & Noshaba, A. (2022). Relationship between Despotic Leadership and Employees’ Creativity as Moderated by Organizational Politics at Higher Education Institutes of Pakistan. International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control, 14(1).
Noureen, G., Noshaba, A., Arshad, T., & Younis, J. (2022). Relationship between Work Autonomy and Work Place Creativity as Moderated by Task Complexity at University Level. Pakistan Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation (PJERE), 9(2). 35-43.
Naz,F.,Noureen,G.,Arshad,T.(2021).A study of Secondary School Teachers Practices Regarding Homework. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry.12(10).5905-5919.
Pervaiz, Z., Noshaba, A., Arshad, T., & Noureen, G. (2021). Relationship of Teachers’ Job Performance with Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Burnout in Public Schools of Lahore. International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control, 13(2). 301-305.
- Noshaba, A., Arshad, T., Afzal, S., & Noureen, G. (2021). Relationship between Transactional Leadership Style and Employees’ Creativity as Mediated by Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Public Colleges of Lahore. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 12(9), 8191-8202
Noureen, G., Noshaba, A., Naveed, M., & Saleem, N. (2021). South Asian Universities: Effect of Personality Traits on Procrastination of Students at University Level. A Research Journal of South Asian Studies, 36(1), 179 – 192.
Kamal, A., Noureen,G &Amin, M.(2021)Trends and Determinants of Fertility in Pakistan: Multivariate Decomposition Analysis (PDHS 1990-91 to PDHS 2012-13). Journal of Innovative Sciences,7(4) 220-234.
Noureen, G., Noshaba, A., & Akhter, Z. (2020). Exploring the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style, Job Satisfaction, Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout: A Case from Universities of Lahore. Journal of Educational Research 23(2), 161-173.
Arshad, T., & Noureen.G.(2020). Development of Reading Comprehension Assessment Tool: Applying the Rasch Model. Pakistan Social Sciences Review,4(2),772-779.
G., Arshad, T., &Bashir, M., (2020). Effect of Constructivist Teaching Approach on Student’s Achievement in Science at Elementary Level. Pakistan Social Sciences Review,4(111),904-911.
Arshad T., Noureen G., Karamat K., (2020). A Comparative Study of Teachers Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours towards Evidence Based Practices of Public and Private Universities. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences VII (2),93-100.
Noureen,G.,Zahid,M.,Karamat,K.,&Arshad,T.,(2020).Effect of Reflective Practice Training on the Attitude of Prospective Teachers Towards Teaching. Journal of Research& Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan.3(2) 982-995
Noureen, G., Noshaba, A., &Akhter, Z., (2020). Exploring the Relationship between Transformational Leadership Style,Job Satisfication,Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout: A Case from Universities of Lahore. Journal of Educational Research.23(2)
Noureen, G., Awan. R.N., Yasmin, A., & Abid, A. (2019). Motivational Factors for In-Service Students Enrolled in Higher Education Programs. Journal of Behavioral Sciences.29(2)
Noureen, G., Awan. R.N., Yasmin, A.B.,& Shamas, S.(2018).Gender difference and structural relationships among social impacts, performance beliefs, motivation and academic achievement of the students at intermediate level. Pakistan. Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation,14(1), 53-71.
Noureen, G., Iqbal, S.H., & Awan. R.N.(2017). Female university teacher’s workplace empowerment and job satisfaction: the moderating role of organizational Journal of Educational Sciences & Research ,4 (1),11-22.
Noureen, G., Awan.R.N., & Ftima,H .(2017). Effect of brain-based learning on academic achievement of VII graders in mathematics. Journal of elementary education, 27(2),85-97.
R.N., Sarwar ,M., Mehdi, M., Noureen, G., & Anwar, N. (2017). Interests and Recruitment in Science: Factors Influencing Recruitment and Retention in STEM Education at University Level in Pakistan. Bulletin of Education and Research,39(3),19-43.
Noureen, G., & Sheikh I. (2016). Student mathematical problem- solving proficiency in relation to gender at grade VI. Journal of Research and Reflection in Education,10 (2), 123- 131.
Noureen, G. (2015). Education as a Prerequisite to Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan (accepted) Women studies. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 44(1),1-22.
- Noreen, G., Neshoba, A., & Awan, R.N. (2015). Relationship between leadership style of school heads and their teacher’s job satisfaction as moderated by locus of control and task structure. The Journal of Educational Research,18(2),14-31.
- Noureen, G, Akhter, M., & Awan .R.N,(2013). Effect of descriptive feedback and corrective feedback on academic achievement of VII graders in Pakistan Journal of Education,30(2) ,33-45.
- G., & Khalid, S.(2012).Gender Empowerment through women’s Higher Education. Journal of Research and Reflection in Education, l6 (1),63-67.
- R.N., Noureen, G, Aziz, S & Hassen, H. (2011).Locus of control as moderator of relationship between leadership behaviors of principals and their faculty outcomes: a path goal approach. International Journal of Social Sciences and Education,4 (3) ,657-668.
- Awan, R.N., Naz, A, Noureen, G, Nasreen, A, Aziz, S & Hassen, H. (2011).Veiling and unveiling: Attitudes and experiences of university students in punjab. International Journal of Social Science and Education, 1(4) ,353
- Awan, R.N., Noureen, G., & Naz, A. (2011). A study of relationship between achievement motivation, self-concept, achievement in english and mathematics at secondary level. International Education Studies,4 (3), 72-79.
- Awan, R.N., Noureen, G,, & Naz, A. (2011).Practicum and ethical considerations: Gap between actual and desired behaviors. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education,7(2),259-279
- Awan, R.N., Noureen, G., & Naz, A. (2011).The effects of nationality on attitudes towards science among school students: A comparison of international studies ,Elixir Soc.Sci.37, 3633-3642.
- Awan, R.N., Sarwar,M., Naz, A.,& Noureen,G.(2011).Attitude toward science among school students of different nations: A review study. Journal of College Teaching &Learning,8 (2),43-50.
- Noureen, G., & Awan. R.N. (2011). Women’s education in Pakistan: Hidden fences on open frontier. Asian Social Sciences,7(2), 79-87.
- Awan,R.N., Zaidi,R.N., Naz , A., & Noureen , G.(2011).Task structure as moderator of college principal’s leadership behavior and their subordinates’ outcomes . International Education Studies, 4 (1), 134-143.
- Naz , F ., Khalid, A., Azeem, M., Munir, F ., Siddiqui, K., & Noureen , G. (2010). The effect of cast on leadership styles at the school level in Punjab. The International Journal of the Book,7(3),132-142.
- G. (2006).To study the relationship between school heads management competencies & school effectiveness. Bulletin of education & Research,26 (2), 1-8.