Hania Arif
Department of City and Regional Planning
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- University of Punjab (CIMR), Lahore Continue
PhD in Geo-Environmental Conservation & Sustainable Development (GCSD)
GPA: 3.74 (Thesis Submitted)
- University of Engineering & Technology (UET), Lahore 2018-2020 M.S in Disaster Management
CGPA: 3.689 - University of Punjab (PUCIT), Lahore 2011 – 2013
MPhil in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (RS&GIS)
GPA: 3.62 - University of the Punjab, Lahore 2017 – 2018
PGD in Environmental Law - University of Punjab (PUCIT), Lahore 2008 - 2010
M.Sc. in Geographic Information System (GIS)
GPA: 3.36 - Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) 2013 - 2014
B.Ed (1st Div)
Job Experience
Jers / Tractebel Engine (June 2021 to Present)Working as Team Lead GIS / National Key Expert on the govt. project with German Consultant Company (Tractebel Engie):
1. Punjab Intermediate Cities Improvement Investment Program (PICIIP) assignment Engineering Design and Construction Management (EDCM)
UET and PU (Jan 2020 to Present)
Serving as Visiting Lecturer in University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (UET); BS level and MS level
Serving as Visiting Lecturer in Punjab University, Lahore (PU); on BS level and MS level
Punjab University (Sept 2019 to May 2021)
Working as GIS Expert/ Disaster Management Expert on the following projects:
2. Hydro-climatic variability and climate change impact in Upper Indus Basin Pakistan
3. DEM Based Assessment of Neotectonic activity in Potwar Plateau, Pakistan
4. Satellite-based drought hazard assessment of Potwar Region, Pakistan through Google Earth Engine (GEE)
5. Satellite Data for Investigating the Variability of Atmospheric CO2 and NO2 in South Asia Region (2010 to 2020)
6. Variation of Atmospheric pollutants in South Asia Region due to the COVID-19 pandemic
7. Assessing the Effects of Spatial Growth Patterns on Groundwater in Lahore
8. Amplification of Multi-Hazard Zoning & Risk Mapping of Pakistan (Germany collaboration)
PIU-PDMA Lahore (Oct 2016 to June 2019)
Working as Senior Research Analyst on the following project: Flood Emergency Reconstruction and Resilience Project (FERRP)
Following are the services:
- Preparation of Hazard maps
- Monitoring of Survey data through dash board
- Design, preparation and Implementation of Spatial database in ESRI Environment
- Geo referencing of Satellite Images, Musaviz and Scanned Maps for data preparation.
- Flood modeling and simulation through DEM
- Developed GIS application most importantly application for Raster Analyst and Spatial Analyst Extensions and photogrammetry tools
- To perform image analysis, supervised/unsupervised and object-based image classifications independently
- Preparation of Multi Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Maps
- Preparation of 20 districts ATLAS and reports on MHVRA study
- Assessment for damage and losses from Natural Hazards.
- Gather, analyze, and integrate spatial data from different and determine how best the information can be displayed using GIS.
- Coordination with District teams regarding Spatial Data Issues and correction
- Coordination with 20 districts offices regarding spatial data issues & quality assurance
- Provide technical assistance as well as support to district team
Working as GIS Specialist (Head of GIS Section) on the following project:
Punjab Saaf Pani (Package 4 & 8)
Following are the services:
- Preparation of Survey Plan
- Checking of Digitization
- Monitoring Surveyor Data through Dash Board
- Development of Geo-Database in ESRI environment
- Updating & Checking of Geo Database
- Geo Statistical Analysis on Primary & Secondary Data
- To define the chemical properties for Ground Water Quality and Surface
- GIS based Mapping
- Analysis of best site Suitability Water Filtration Plant
Master Consulting Engineers Lahore (Feb 2015 to Nov 2015)
Working as GIS Expert on the following project:
Survey & Mapping of Infrastructure on BRT Corridor-1
Following are the services:
- GIS based Mapping
- Development of Geo-Database in ESRI environment
- Updating & Checking of Geo Database
- Provide Survey Sheets for the support of Field Surveyors
- Overlay Analysis & Spatial Analysis
- Flex Mapping
The Urban Unit. Lahore (May 2014 to Dec 2014)
Working as GIS Professional on the following projects:
1. Urban Immovable Property Tax (UIPT)
2. Flood Damage Assessment
3. Land Record management Information system (LRMIS)
Following are the services:
- Digitization of Satellite Imageries and Scanned Maps
- Development of Geo-Database in ESRI environment
- Provide Survey Sheets for the support of Field Surveyors
- Mouza Mapping
- Parcel Fabrication
MAC (Feb 2012 to Dec 2013)
Working as GIS Analyst on the following projects:
Land use Planning Projects for Seven TMAs
Following are the services:
- Satellite Image Geo referencing & Ortho Rectification
- Image Classification
- Digitization of Different features
- Network Analysis
- Land Use & Land Use Classification Maps etc.
- Overlay Analyses & Spatial Analysis
- Designing & Updating Geo Database
Working as GIS Developer on the following services:
- Conversion of excel file into GIS data by using Arc GIS
- Geo Database Design & Management
- Digitization of features
- Telecom Network Planning
- Prepare data Quality Map of different cities etc
Skills & Knowledge
- MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Visio, Access, Project)
- Arc GIS (9.3 to 10.7 (all version))
- Computer Languages (Java, C#, VB, HTML, XML, KML, Java Script, AJAX Approach, Python)
- Google Earth Engine (Big Data Analysis)
- Databases (Oracle, MS Access, SQL server 2008)
- GIS Software (Arc GIS, Erdas Imagine, Google Earth, Matlab, Arc View, , ER Mapper, ILWIS, QGIS, Glober Mapper, WEAP, HEC GEO RAS)
Training & Certificates
1. Participated in Summer School on “Water Informatics: Science and System” held at Lahore University of Management Sciences (21-23 May, 2017)
2. One day training workshop on “Application pf SWAT Model for Soil & Water Conservation” held at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore (9 Aug ,2017)
3. Attended a Training Course on “Qualitative & Quantitative Estimates of Vegetation using Hyperspectral & Multispectral Remote Sensing” held at Institute of Space Technology, Karachi (12 -15 December 2017) Sponsored by ISNET
4. Attended the training Workshop on “Pre Multi Hazard Vulnerability & Risk Assessment” Organized by PDMA Punjab held at Hospitality Inn Lahore (11- 12 Jan ,2018)
5. Three Days Workshop on “Biodiversity, Conservation & Ecotourism” held at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore (7 - 9 May, 2018)
6. Two days Training on “Satellite Image & Digital Elevation Model” held at ER solution Lahore (20-21 Feb, 2019)
7. Two days Online Training on “Land use / Land cover & Crop Exposure to Flood & Drought Hazards” Organized by SACRED, SUPARCO Islamabad (21-22 Feb, 2019)
8. Ten days Training workshop on “Climate & Hydrological Modelling for Climate Change Impact Assessment on Water Resources” held at KIU, Gilgit (22- 31 July, 2019)
9. Four days Training workshop on “Customizing ArcGIS with Python” held at IST, Islamabad, (2-5 Sept, 2019)
10. One day Training workshop on “Extreme Event Analysis Through Remote Sensing Tools and Computer Models” held at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, (3 Oct, 2019)
11. Participated in International Geo Informatics Online Summer School on “Social Sensing, Geospatial Big Data Computing and Disaster Management” hosted by the State Key Lab of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing at Wuhan University, China (24 August to 2nd September, 2020)
12. One day Training workshop on “Hydrological Modelling For Snow-Fed Catchment (Webinar)” held at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, (13 Oct, 2020)
13. One day Training workshop on “Climate Change and Water (International Seminar) ” held at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, (2 Dec, 2020)
14. Participated in Online training course on “Environmental and climate change Analysis using Google Earth Engine” organized by the Geo training wing of Geospatial works (25 December to 27 December, 2020)
15. Distance Training Course on “Earth Observation Techniques in Agriculture” joined organized by ISNET and Azercosmos (30 December 2020)
6. Two days Training on “Satellite Image & Digital Elevation Model” held at ER solution Lahore (20-21 Feb, 2019)
7. Two days Online Training on “Land use / Land cover & Crop Exposure to Flood & Drought Hazards” Organized by SACRED, SUPARCO Islamabad (21-22 Feb, 2019)
8. Ten days Training workshop on “Climate & Hydrological Modelling for Climate Change Impact Assessment on Water Resources” held at KIU, Gilgit (22- 31 July, 2019)
9. Four days Training workshop on “Customizing ArcGIS with Python” held at IST, Islamabad, (2-5 Sept, 2019)
10. One day Training workshop on “Extreme Event Analysis Through Remote Sensing Tools and Computer Models” held at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, (3 Oct, 2019)
11. Participated in International Geo Informatics Online Summer School on “Social Sensing, Geospatial Big Data Computing and Disaster Management” hosted by the State Key Lab of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing at Wuhan University, China (24 August to 2nd September, 2020)
12. One day Training workshop on “Hydrological Modelling For Snow-Fed Catchment (Webinar)” held at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, (13 Oct, 2020)
13. One day Training workshop on “Climate Change and Water (International Seminar) ” held at University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, (2 Dec, 2020)
14. Participated in Online training course on “Environmental and climate change Analysis using Google Earth Engine” organized by the Geo training wing of Geospatial works (25 December to 27 December, 2020)
15. Distance Training Course on “Earth Observation Techniques in Agriculture” joined organized by ISNET and Azercosmos (30 December 2020)
1. Hania Arif, Syed Amer Mahmood, Munawar Sabir, “Investigation of Spatiotemporal Variations in Snow Cover using Google Earth Engine in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan”. Appl. Sci. 2022.
2. Muhammad Farhan Saleem, Hania Arif, Hafiz Haroon Ahmad “Estimation of relation between moisture content of soil and reflectivity index using GPS signals” Vol 03 Issue 03: pp 102-112, 2021
3. Hafiz Haroon Ahmad, Farhan Saleem, Hania Arif “Evaluation of catastrophic global warming due to coal combustion” International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, Vol 03 Issue 04: pp 198-207, 2021
4. Rana Muhammad Sohail Aslam, Shaker Mahmood Mayo, Ijaz Ahmad, Nisar Ahmad, Hania Arif “Riverbank Erosion & Consequent Land Settlement Issues: A Case of River Chenab, District Hafizabad” Vol 03 Issue 04: pp 152-165, 2021
5. Syed Amer Mahmood, Sarah Hassan, Hania Arif, Saira Batool, Areeba Amer, Muhammad Shahazad, Rana Muhammad Sohail Aslam, & Bushra Talib. “Novel Technique to Investigate Glacio-fluvial Hypsometry in Hunza Using Local Indicator of Spatial Autocorrelation (LISA)” International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 3(2), 73–85 (2021).
6. Khubaib Abuzar, Saira Batool, Areeba Amer, Syed Amer Mahmood, Hania Arif, Asad Waseem, Bushra Talib & Rana Muhammad Sohail Aslam “A Study of Active Chaman Fault System (CFS) using SRTM DEM”. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 3(1), 24–32. 2021
7. Areeba Amer, Syed Amer Mahmood, Hania Arif, Bushra Talib, Muhammad Shahazad, & Rana Muhammad Sohail Aslam. “SRTM DEM based Neotectonics from Non-Linear Analysis: A Paradigm through Fractal Analysis”. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 3(1), 43–51, 2021.
8. Raza, Syed Amer Mahmood, Areeba Amer, Hania Arif, Amer Masood, Rana Muhammad Sohail Aslam, Muhammad Shahzad, Bushra Talib, Khubaib Abuzar, “Remote Sensing Evaluation of Neotectonics in Potwar Plateau Lesser Himalyas Pakistan” Vol 02 Issue 04: pp 202-208, 2020
9. Hania Arif, Syed Amer Mahmood, Munawar Sabir “Appraisal of Spatiotemporal Variations in Snow Cover Dynamics using Geospatial Techniques: A paradigm from Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan”. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, Vol 02 Issue 04: pp 209-223, 2020.
10. Bushra Talib, Hania Arif, Muhammad Shahzad, Syed Amer Mahmood, Jawad Nasir and Muhammad Shafiq, “Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Use / Land Cover in Swat, Pakistan Using Supervised Classification in Remote Sensing: 2000 to 2015”. Int. J. Econ. Environ. Geol. Vol. 11 (2) 69-74, 2020, Online: ISSN 2223-957X
11. Saira Batool, Zahra Waheed, Syed Amer Mahmood, Hania Arif, Rana Muhammad Sohail Aslam, Muhammad Shahzad, Bushra Talib, Hafsah Batool Remote Sensing and Morphotectonic Analysis in Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis Using River Longitudinal Profiles, Vol 01 Issue 04: pp 179-191, 2019
12. Paper Presented on “Spatiotemporal Variations in Snow Cover using Google Earth Engine in Gilgit- Baltistan, Pakistan” at Hydrology and Water Resources Conference held at University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore-Pakistan (2021)
13. Paper presented on “Water Brone Diseases Area Identify by GIS techniques” at UN/ Pakistan/ PSIPW 4th International on Use of Space Technology for Water Management, Islamabad, Pakistan (2018).
14. Paper Presented on “Change in Urban Sprawl Pattern & Overall prosperity Stipulation in Gujrat City” at 15th All Pakistan Geographical Conference – APGC-2018 held at University of Karachi (2018)
15. Paper presented on “GIS Based Indentification of Water Brone Diseases”at 5th International Conference on Geo Technique, Construction Material and Environment, Mie, Japan (2017).
16. Poster presentation on “Impact of Climate Change on Forest cover using RS & GIS Techniques” at 5th International Conference on Aerospace Science and Engineering (ICASE 2017) held at Institute of Space & Technology, Islamabad (2017).
17. Paper presented on “GIS based Problaistic Hazard Risk Assessment of Road Accedients”at 5th International Conference on Geo Technique, Construction Material and Environment, Osaka, Japan (2015).