Department of History


Year 2025

Year 2024

Year 2023

Year 2022

Year 2017

Independence Day Celebrations

2nd August 2017: The day of 14th August, is like the Sun around which all the other days and months revolve. On 2nd August, 2017, in recognition of such an auspicious day of reverence a function was organized by the department of History, L.C.W.U. The purpose of organizing this event was to celebrate the month of freedom and to pay homage to the people who devoted their lives and kept the beacon of Pakistan lightened.

Program was started with the name of Allah, Talawat-i-Quran, being followed by Naat and National Anthem. After the formal opening of the programmed some students of the History Department delivered speeches and National songs and also presented historical documentaries. The honorary guest speaker, Ms Mobina, Chairperson, Department of Political Science at L.C.W.U., precisely expressed her thoughts about the struggles of our leaders which resulted in the creation of Pakistan. She further highlighted the significance of staying active for the development of Pakistan.

The concluding remarks were delivered by the Dr. Sumaira Noreen, Head of History Department at LCWU and saying thanks to the chief guest, head and faculty of different departments, the organizers and all the participants who attended the event. The Function was well appreciated by the university as well.

Year 2016


History Department of Lahore College for Women University, organized a seminar on “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY” by Ms. Sania Bhatti, Punjab University, Lahore, on 9 March, 2016. Ms. Sania Bhatti explained the research methodology in every perspective and through light on APA & Turabian Mannuals. Ms. Sania Bhatti apprised the audience about research is not confined to science and technology only. There are vast areas of research in other disciplines such as languages, literature, history and sociology. Whatever might be the subject, research has to be an active, diligent and systematic process of inquiry in order to discover, interpret or revise facts, events, behaviours and theories. Applying the outcome of research for the refinement of knowledge in other subjects, or in enhancing the quality of human life also becomes a kind of research and development.  It is necessary for a researcher to design a methodology for the problem chosen. One should note that even if the method considered in two problems is same the methodology may be different. It is important for the researcher to know not only the research methods necessary for the research under taken but also the methodology.

This informative Seminar was attended by a large number of members of LCWU faculty who duly appreciated the content as well as the effective delivery of that content. It was an interactive Lecture that concluded with a question answer session.  Ms. Fauzia Rashid and Ms. Farzanda Aslam presented Ms. Sania Bhatti with the Souvenir.

Year 2015

Seminar on “fall of Dhaka in the Future Perspective”

History Department of Lahore College for Women University, organized a seminar on “Fall of Dhaka in the future perspective” by Dr. Rizwan Ullah Kokab, Government College University, Faisalabad, on 21 December, 2015.

The separation of East Pakistan was culmination of the weakness of certain institutions of Pakistan’s political system. This failure of the institutions was in turn the result of the failure of the leadership of Pakistan who could not understand the significance of the political institutions and could not manoeuvre the institutions for the strength and unity of Pakistan. Like in every political system the political parties were one of the major institutions in Pakistan which could enable the federation of Pakistan to face the challenge of separatism successfully. He explained that how any national political party could not grow and mature in Pakistan and thus a deterrent of the separatism could not be established. He has also revealed that the political parties were not strengthened by the leaders who always remained stronger than the parties and continued driving the parties for the sake of their personal political motives. Like language and provincial autonomy, the absence ofnationwide party organisation was one of the factors which became instrumental in the successes of the Bengali separatist movement. The leaders of Pakistan used and damaged every political party through their domination over them individually. Regional parties were developed and national parties were discouraged in the restrictive atmosphere. When Pakistani culture needed the quest for a national party, Pakistan Muslim League’s national status declined and the leaders could do nothing to save it. Very limited efforts, on behalf of the leaders, were made to develop national parties in well-organized manner, in contrary to the organized political parties which could be seen developing in the growth of Bengali Movement.

The restrictions over free development of the parties’ and domination of the leaders decreased the positive impacts of the parties and increased the negative effects of the rise of incapable leaders. The leaders who could or tried to establish national political parties were blocked in many ways. In this way, the political parties vis-a-vis the leadership weakened and they could not help in restraining the separatist movement.

This informative Seminar was attended by a large number of members of LCWU faculty who duly appreciated the content as well as the effective delivery of that content. It was an interactive Lecture that concluded with a question answer session. Prof. Dr. Zahida Suleman (Head of History Dep’t.) Presented Dr. Rizwan Ullah Kokab with the Souvenir.

Seminar on “Pakistan-India and Afghanistan Relation

History Department of Lahore College for Women University, organized a seminar on “Pakistan-India and Afghanistan Relation” by Mr. Mahboob Ahmad, Ph.D Scholar of Kashmir University, Srinagr, on 14th December, 2015.Mr. Mahboob Ahmad explained the relations between Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Mr. Mahboob Ahmad apprised the audience the Relations between India and Pakistan have been complex due to a number of historical and political events. Relations between the two states have been defined by the violent Partition of British India in 1947, the Kashmir Conflict and the numerous Military Conflicts fought between the two nations. Consequently, even though the two South Asian nations share Linguistic, cultural, geographic, and economic links, their relationship has been plagued by hostility and suspicion. The insurgents who initially started their movement as a pro-Kashmiri independence movement, have gone through a lot of change in their ideology. Most of the insurgents portray their struggle as a religious one. Indian analysts allege that by supporting these insurgents, Pakistan is trying to wage a Proxy War against India while Pakistan claims that it regards most of these insurgent groups as "freedom fighters" rather than terrorists. Internationally known to be the most deadly theatre of conflict, nearly 10 million people, including Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists, have been fighting a daily battle for survival. The cross-border firing between India and Pakistan, and the terrorist attacks combined have taken its toll on the Kashmiris, who have suffered poor living standards and an erosion of human rights.

This informative Seminar was attended by a large number of members of LCWU faculty who duly appreciated the content as well as the effective delivery of that content. It was an interactive Lecture that concluded with a question answer session. Dr. Sarah Shahid on the behalf of Vice-Chancellor presented Mr.Mahboob Ahmad with the Souvenir.

Year 2013

Seminar on “Last Sermon of Holy Prophet (SAW.W) in present perspective”

On 20th Nov, 2013 Wednesday, Fatima Jinnah historical society (History Department, LCWU)  organized a lecture, under the topic of  “Last Sermon of Holy Prophet  (S.A.W.W) in the present perspective” keynote speaker was Mr.Oriya jan Maqbool. He explained the every aspect of the above mentioned topic. Other department of LCWU also participated.  Head of history department, Prof.Dr.Zahida Suleman threw light over the importance of last sermon and the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W). 

This address forms the basis (constitution) of individual and collective morality, the Islamic Sharia and contains the analysis (solution of important problem and elucidation of factual things (realities of life).It can rightly be designated (called) the greatest Charter of human right. Fourteen centuries have elapsed but not a word has been added to it, nor can any addition be made to it, in as much as it consists of words which came from the mouth of that personality, who was the most eloquent of the Arabs and non-Arabs and who had been gifted with comprehensive speech (words). As the Prophets so His address is the last word in ethics.

Therefore, it occupies a unique position as an everlasting (eternal) document of Charter of human rights. He described the women’s rights that Prophet (S.A.W.W) said, O ye people, you owe your women certain rights and likewise you have right over your women. Your right is that the women should not like.
The Lecture was very informative for everyone. As the topic was the part of syllabus, so students found the lecture very helpful.

A Memorial Seminar “Maulana Zafar Ali Khan”

Living nations always remember the standard-bearers and front liners of freedom, independence and sovereignty: Maulana Zafar Ali Khan is one multi-dimensional personality who influenced a whole generation of freedom fighters in many ways. Fatima Jinnah Historical Society, Department of history, LCWU arranged one-day seminar to shed light magnitudes of the life and contribution of Maulana Zafar Ali Khan. Renowned Journalists Mujeeb-ur- rehman Shami, Orya Maqbool Jan, Jamil Athar, Muwahid Hussain Syed and Sajjad Mir graced the occasion with their presence and delivered noteworthy speeches that enriched the knowledge of audience, especially the students.

Dr. Sabiha Mansoor (Vice Chancellor & Chief Patron of the society, LCWU) preside the seminar while Professor Zahida Head- Department of History shouldered the portfolio of host and events manger and perform the prime and significant responsibility of stage secretary. Dr. Sabiha Mansoor addressed the occasion and emphasized the need to educate the students with reference to these forgotten heroes a Maulana Zafar Ali Khan whose unparalleled support and pledge towards freedom movement was the hallmark that lead the movements to meet its successful end.

Maulana Zafar Ali Khan was a philanthropist, Journalist and Freedom fighter who supported Quaid-e Azam and Muslim cause of a separate homeland with zeal, passion and consistent devotion.  Mujeeb –ur-rehman Shami announced a cash prize of Rs. 5000 each for both the students, who recited Holy Quran and presented Naat, on behalf of Maulana zafar Ali KhanTrust. All the worthy speakers were presented LCWU souvenirs by Dr. Sabiha Mansoor and Dr. Ayesha Aroohi (Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities)