Huma Tahir
Department of Mass Communications
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PhD Fellow: University of the Punjab/2014-2019
MS: Mass Communication/LCWU/2011-2013
- MSc: Mass Communication/ University of Sargodha/2005-2007 (Gold Medalist)
- BSc: Physiology/University of Karachi/ 2000 – 2002
- Sep 2008 -To Date. LCWU – Lecturer
- Oct 2008-2015. FM 100 - Presenter
- Aug 2007- 08. Sunrise Fm SGD- Program Manager/Presenter
- 2006-2007. Pakistan Broadcast Corporation SGD- Presenter
- MSc Dissertation:
Comparative analysis of pictorial display in Daily Dawn and the News
- MS Dissertation:
Role of Pakistani TV Talk shows on voting behavior of the viewers
- AMCAP Doctoral Spring School 2020 organized by AMCAP & University of the Punjab, Lahore from Feb 28 - Mar 08, 2020.
- Global Education, Professionalism & Commercialism (Conference) organized by University of Central Punjab from 28th - 30th June, 2018.
- Workshop on Right to Information organized by LCWU on 25.05.14.
- Active Citizens Training of Facilitators organized by LCWU from 18th – 22nd Mar, 2013.
- Capacity Building in Instructional Methodology organized by LCWU from 10th Sept -21st Sept, 2012.
- Qualitative Research Course organized by LCWU from 28th May-8th June, 2012.
- Religious & Ethnic Diversity Peace & Tolerance & Alternative media Development organized by INSAN Foundation & United States Institute of Peace from 11th -14th Jan, 2011.
- Broadcast Training organized by HEC & Central Civic Education, Islamabad in April 2011.
- Sustainable Development: Challenges and Issues organized by LCUW, DFDI, DelPHE, British Council on 14th May, 2009.
- Youth Political School organized by UNDP & SPO from Nov 24th - 29th, 2008.
- Managing and Organizing events including workshops, seminars, exhibitions
- Maintaining and updating information on the organization’s website
- Maintaining Liaison with media
- Gathering and analyzing media coverage