Dr. Sadaf Jabeen
Assistant Professor
STEM Education Department
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Dr. Jabeen is an Assistant professor at Department of STEM Education, Faculty of Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore (LCWU), as well as Coordinator of BS Ed. Program which is one of the significant field in the area of Teacher Education. She has more than 10 years’ experience of Teaching and Research at tertiary level. She has started BS Ed. Program and developed ten new courses for Bachelor level students.
Dr. Jabeen’s scholastic research interests lie in Teacher Education, Educational Psychology, Curriculum Development, Educational Administration, Decision making in Higher Education, Teacher embodied learning environment, STEM education and so on Dr. Jabeen has been teaching several courses on curriculum Theories and design, educational leadership, as well as statistics and research methodology to postgraduate and undergraduate students.
Her philosophy of teaching asserts that students are entitled to quality instruction in an active and stimulating learning environment. Students should experience frequent and repeated opportunities to act, react, and interact with each other and the teacher. Curriculum materials should be timely and relevant. Standards of excellence should be high, yet attainable and they should be used to facilitate optimal student learning.
Dr. Jabeen has more than 30 international publications and book chapters to her credit. She has presented in a range of global forums and transnational conferences; peer reviewed academic papers in prestigious journals; mentored and successfully supervised a number of M.Phil and PhD students. She has also served as Editorial Board Member for Pakistan Journal of Social Science Review (PJSSR). Multidisciplinary Journal of Research and Evaluation (MDJRE), International Journal of Educational Inquiry and Reflection (JEIR) and member Editorial reviewer of many journals.
- Iftikhar, K., Jabeen, S., Munir, F., & Akram, I. (2022). A difference between perceptions of decision-waking Bodies Working at different designations of public and private universities regarding SDMP across the Punjab. Journal of Positive School Psychology. 6(11), 2439-2445. (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: X).
- Jabeen, S., & Kakar, N. (2022). Managerial effectiveness in secondary schools of Baluchistan: Role of policy planning and implementation unit. International Journal of Special Education 37(3), 2022 -8031- 8046. ISSN: (0827-3383) (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: X). https://internationaljournalofspecialeducation.com/submission/index.php/ijse/ article/view/1122
- Parveen, S. Jabeen. S. Sahar, B., & Iftikhar, K. (2022). Effect of collaborative learning strategies on student’s social skills at elementary level. Webology. (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: X) (ISSN: 1735-188X).19(2), 9834-9850. https://webology.org/data cms/articles/ 2022081411 3710amwebology
- Khan, B. S., Makhdum, F. N., Jabeen, S. (2022). Study to assess students’ readiness for online learning at higher education level. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences. 42 (2).417-429 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y) ISSN: 2074-2061. Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan. Available at http://pjss.bzu.edu.pk/index.php/pjss/article/view/1098/989
- Jabeen, S., Kalsoom, T., Khanam, A., & Eram, A. (2021). Environmental Education Awareness and Practices: A Comparison of ECE Trained and Untrained Teachers Indian Journal of Economics and Business. 20 (4).1105-1120 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: X) ISSN: 0972-5784. http://www.ashwinanokha.com/IJEB.php 1105
- Jabeen, S., Kalsoom, T. Nader, M., & Moazzam, M. (2021). Effect of Positive Reinforcement on Social Skills of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder at Primary Level. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 2021(1), 2430-2441. ISSN: 2295-5739 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: W). https://hivt.be/linguistica/issue/view/38. ISSN: 0304-2294
- Kalsoom, T., Jabeen, S., & Munawar, S. (2021). An exploration of student’s perceptions regarding use of E resources and its impact on their academic performance. Indian Journal of Economics and Business. 20 (3).1189-1203 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: X) ISSN: 0972-5784. http://www.ashwinanokha.com/IJEB.php 1189
- Munir, F., Jabeen, S. & Nader, M. (2021). Continuous professional development: performance of primary school teachers. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 5(I), 637-649. (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y) ISSN: 2664-0422,2664-0430
- Kalsoom, T., Aziz, F., & Jabeen, S. (2021). EFL Students’ Metacognitive Awareness Regarding Reading Comprehension Strategies at Elementary Level. Linguistica Antverpiensia, 1, 311-325. (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: W). ISSN: 2295-5739 https://hivt.be/linguistica/article/view/122/89
- Aziz, F., Kalsoom, T., & Jabeen, S. (2020). Associating Leadership Burnout and their Coping Humour in Pakistani Universities. Journal of Educational Research, Department of Education, IUB, Pakistan. 23 (2), 83-91. ISSN 1027-9776 (Print) (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y). http://jer.iub.edu.pk/journals/JER-Vol-23.No-2/8.pdf
- Abdullah, N. Jabeen, S. Akhtar, M. S. (2020). Evaluation of Ilm Ideas Phase I Program of UK aid for Education in Pakistan. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 7(2), 101-115. ISSN: 2311-293X. (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y). DOI: https://doi.org/10.46662/jass-vol7-iss2-2020(101-115)
- Yasmin, T., Mahmood, M. A., Jabeen, S., Siddiqui, G. K. (2020). Hedging as a Marker of Variation in Pakistani Research Dissertations of Sciences and Social Sciences. Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences (RAMSS). 3 (3), 361-367. E-ISSN: 2414-8512 Print: 2311-293X (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y). DOI: 10.47067/ramss.v3i3.70
- Sarfraz R., Jabeen S. Sajid, M. A., Zulfiqar Ali., M. S. (2020). Identification of the Educational Problems at Higher Secondary Schools of Lahore. Review of Education, Administration and Law (REAL). 3(3), 403-410. ISSN (PRINT): 2708-1788. ISSN (ONLINE): 2708-3667 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y) DOI: https://doi.org/10.47067/real.v3i3.85
- Jabeen, S., Kalsoom, T. & Khanam, A. (2020). Cooperative learning instructional method: Influence on secondary school students’ academic performance in physics. International Journal of Management. Volume 11, Issue 08, pp. 1627-1636. ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510. Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471. (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y) DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.8.2020.145
- Jabeen, S., Hashmi, A. & Khalid, M. (2020). Expectations of Research Students About Online Supervision of Thesis Supervisors: A Case of Virtual University of Pakistan Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), Vol. V, Issue II, pp. 126– 136. ISSN (Print): 2520-0348 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: X) http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2020(V-II).12
- Jabeen, S., Khalid, M. & Kalsoom, T., (2020). Relationship between Parental Involvement, Students’ Performance Goal Orientation and Academic Achievement at Elementary Level. Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 329-337. ISSN 2706- 8285 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y) https://doi.org/10.36902/sjesr-vol3-iss2-2020(329-337)
- Kalsoom, T., Jabeen, S. & Fatima, H. (2020). Students’ perceptions regarding education for sustainable development at university level. International Journal of Management Volume 11, Issue 8, pp. 1637-1647. Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471.ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM .11.8.2020.146. (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y)
- Shabbir, M. Jabeen, S., & Masood, S. (2020). An Exploration of Reasons and Relationships between Female Teachers’ Anxiety towards Teaching Mathematics and Students’ Achievement. Pakistan Social Sciences Review. Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 670-679. ISSN: 2664-0422 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y) http://doi.org/10.35484/pssr.2020(4-II)54
- Kalsoom, T., Jabeen, S., & Mubashira, K. (2020). Career orientation for girls: Impact of parents’ level of education and profession. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, Volume 57, Issue I, pp. 421-431. ISSN: 0034-5431(HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: X) http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/history/PDF-FILES/36_57_1_20.pdf
- Jabeen, S., Kalsoom, T., & Aziz, F. (2019). Relationship between Relational Aggression and Interpersonal Problems among Adolescents. Elementary Education Online, 18 (4), 2228-2233. ISSN : 1305-3515 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: X). doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2019.641217
- Kalsoom, T., Aziz, F. Jabeen, S. (2019). An In-depth Analysis of Peers and Mentors’ Feedback during Teaching Practicum. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), Vol. IV, Issue III, pp, 241– 249. ISSN (Print): 2520-0348 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: X). http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-III).31
- Jabeen, S., Kalsoom, T., Arshad, T. & Irshad, F. (2019). Teachers’ Influences on Students’ Attitudes towards Mathematics, International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, Volume VI, Issue I, pp. 35-45.
- Jabeen, S., & Mirza, M. S. (2018). Head Teachers’ Instructional Leadership Practices and school Culture: Perceptions of Secondary School Teachers. Journal of Distance Education and Research. Volume 3, pp. 49-66. ISSN: 2521-2397 http://journal.vu.edu.pk/data/volumes/3/JDER%20Vol%20III.pdf
- Inayat, N., Jabeen, S., & Kalsoom, T. (2017). Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Teaching Performance of College Teachers. International Journal of Educational Inquiry and Reflection, Volume 1I, Issue 2, pp. 41-51. Lahore College for Women University, Lahore ISSN: 2410-2008. https://www.researchgate.net/publication / 357646960
- Jabeen, S. Akhtar, M. S. & Rauf, M. (2017). Total Quality Management: Implementation in Teacher Training Institutions. PUTAJ –Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp. 33-47. University of Peshawar. ISSN: 1024-0829 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y) https://www.researchgate.net/ publication/ 357646797
- Jabeen, S. Akhtar, M. S. (2016). Higher Education, the Global Context and South Asian Developing Countries. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Volume 1II, Issue 1, pp 16-28. Lahore College for Women University, Lahore ISSN: 2414-8512 (HEC Recognized Research Journal, Category: Y)
- Jabeen, S. Akhtar, M. S. (2013). Decision Making Styles of University Leadership The Dialogue, Volume 08, Issue 3, pp. 273-284. Qartaba University, Peshawar. ISSN: 1819-6462 (HEC Recognized Research Journal Category: Y)