Dr. Shahida Alam
Assistant Professor
Department of Persian
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Title |
Institute |
Iran Culture Center,Lahore.
(9-10-1995 to 1-1-1999)
Lecturer in Persian.
G.C.W FawaraChowk, Gujrat.
(2-1-1999 to 31-3-2001)
Lecturer in Persian & Head of Deptt
Lecturer in Persian & Head of Deptt
(1-4-2001 to 31-3-2004)
Study leave for Ph.D
25-10-2011- ( upon selection)
Assistant Professor Persian
Lahore College For Women University
Honor and Awards
- Persian Language courses from Iran Culture Center Lhr.
- Refresher courses from Iran Culture Center and National Institute of Languages.
- 2nd position in M.A Persian in Punjab University, Lahore in 1992.
- 1st position in order of merit of PPCS in 1995.
Directed first Persian Drama for Lahore College For Women University.
- Member Departmental Faculty Hiring Committee
- Member Phd Advisory Committee
- Member Doctoral Committee
Service Activity
- Phd Coordinator
- F.A Coordinator
- Departmental Web& Media Coordinater
- InchargePhd Admissions
- Member Departmental Faculty Hiring Committee
- Member Phd Advisory Committee
- Departmental Focal person for dengue.
- Departmental Focal person for COVID.
Brief Statement of Research Interest
- Editing of Persian manuscripts &critisicm.
- Research regarding Persian Language and Literature(Iran and Subcontinent).
Deebacha-e-Karistan.”Bazyaft Oriental College/Punjab University research journal. (January to June 2004)
“IraniMosiqui Ki Tarikh” ekjaezaTarjuma o Talkhis,Mujalla “ Iran Shanasi”. (March 2005)
“Islami Inqlab Ke Bad Ki Irani Shaeri, Mujalla “ Iran Shanasi” (May 2007)
“Syed Ali Hajweri Aur Kashful Mahjub”, Alsadad (2003)
Khawja Bihari Zair-e-Nazar Farhangistan-e-Farsi (an Irani Encyclopedia (2006)
Soware Khayal dar Sher e Kaleem Kashani “ Mujalla e Tehqeeq” , ( Oct – Dec 2015)
Urdu Translation of persian short stories:
“Ishq ki Dar dnaq Kahani.” Qaumi Zuban (September 1993)
“Do Nanhi Muskarati Ankhein.” Qaumi Zuban (February 1994)
“Dehshat” Qaumi Zuban (June 1994)
“Routine” Qaumi Zuban (2003)
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments |
- A Thesis Tashih o Tahshia “ Tawarikh-e-Kashmir” (Dora-e-Afghanan)
- (Editing of Afghan period from a book on history of Kashmir)
- DSowar-e-Khayal Dar Sher-e-ShibeQare.
- (Imagery in Sub-Continent’s Persian poetry)
Selected Professional Presentations
Moasir farsi shaeri par sabk-e-hindi ke asrat”Presented in International Seminar held at Punjab University on 15/3/2006 to 16/3/2006.
- “Iqbal aur Tareekh e Islam”
International seminar on Iqbal .GCW Bilal Gunj, 2015
- “Sowar e Khayal dar sher e Kaleem Kashani”
GC University , Lahore. 2015
- “Iqbal Aur Islami Tareekh ki Baaz Shakhsia”.
University of the Punjab. Lahore , 2015.
- “Ghalib ki shaeri mein Tamsal Afrini ka Jaeza”
Ghalib Society , Lahore.2015.
“Rubaiyat e Syed Ali Hamdani”
University of the Punjab. Lahore , 2015. -
Firdowsi Bar awar e felm
Lahore College For women University, Lahore.15th March 2017 -
“Chehra e Irfani e Saadi Dar Gulistan”
Lahore College For women University, Lahore 22nd February 2018