Sobia Maryam
Department of Arabic
- Profile
- Research Publications
- Worked as visiting lecturer in Lahore College for Women University Lahore from September 2014 to January 2020.
- Joined as a lecturer in Arabic on permanent basis in February 2020.
Honor and Awards
- External examiner for MA Arabic Exams, Arabic Department University of the Punjab
- Member of Budget committee from Arabic Department
- Program member of departmental SAR
- Member of Hifz ul Quran Committee for intermediate admissions.
- Member of departmental QEC team
- Departmental focal person of CGCC
Graduate Student/Postdocs Undergraduate
Service Activity
I am engaged in various service activities as listed below:
Coordinator of Departmental Admissions
Coordinator Departmental Examinations
Coordinator Timetable Setting
Teaching BS Arabic Major and Minor Subjects.
Teaching Quran Translation to the students of ILC
Research Supervision
Invigilation Duties
Preparation of BS Arabic Courses and Syllabus for online teaching through OCD on LCWU website.
Student advisor of Arabic Department
Facilitator of Active Citizen Program.
Member of departmental QEC team
Brief Statement of Research Interest
- Thesis in M.A on the topic of “الشيخ عبد الحكيم شرف القادري (حياته و ومؤلفاته)” under the supervision of Dr. Zahur Ahmad Azhar.
- Thesis in M.Phil. “صلاح الدين الأيوبي والبركان دراسة مقارنة بين الروايتين التاريخيتين الاسلاميتين” under the supervision of Dr. Zahur Ahmad Azhar.
- An article “کرونا وائرس کی وبا ؑاور سماجی بہبود کا تصور(شریعت اسلامی کی روشنی میں ” published in Al Khadim Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Civilization pg #280-296 in July-Sep,2021