Year 2024
- 2nd International Seminar "Echoes of Leadership: Women’s Imprints in Shaping Contemporary Arabic Literature" (17th December 2024)
- Seminar on Women's Contribution to Society in the Light of Seerat-un-Nabi (S.A.W) (19th September 2024)
- Mehfil-e-Milad organized by Department of Arabic
- Training Session on "Decision making & Career planning" (4th April 2024)
- Seminar on "“Influence of Arabic Language and Culture on Pakistani Society” (7th March 2024)
Year 2023
- Present Situation of Ummah and Our Responsibilities (23rd October 2023)
- Milad-e-Mustafa 2023 (5th October 2023)
Year 2022
- Arabic Literary conducted central Annual “Mehfil-e-Milad-e-Mustafa ﷺ” at LCWU (11th October 2022)
Work shop on Calligraphy
Five days calligraphy work shop held in Arabic Department (21 feb to 25 feb) LCWU. In this workshop students explore about Primary colours, secondary colours, tertiary colours, tints and shades, How to play with colours how to create different textures, how to compose composition according to contemporary time period, how to use silver and gold leaf and students explore how contemporary calligraphers making their art works like
· Jamsheed qaiser
· Gulgee
· Arif khan
· Noreen akhtar
· Asghar ali
· M. Ali bukhari
· Zubair mughal
· Bin qalender
Calligraphy Exhibition
Arabic department has conducted Calligraphy Exhibition on 19th May, 2022 in NHQ gallery institute of design and visual arts by students of Arabic department. This exhibition is a part of LCWU 100 year’s celebration. Prof. Dr. Bushra Mirza (Vice Chancellor LCWU, Lahore) was the chief Guest of this Exhibition. The students learn calligraphy as minor subject, although they have no fine arts background, but our aim to teach them maximum in minimum time period, so they can be a part of visual arts as an artist, and establish the knowledge of different Arabic calligraphic fonts among the students so they can fulfill their passion in Arabic language and in Arabic calligraphy. The purpose of this exhibition is to encourage students to become a part of contemporary time period as an artist or calligraphers.
Arabic Department conducted Mehfil e “HAMD-O-NAAT” on 8th Oct, 2021, Friday, 9am-11am at the Iqra Auditorium with the collaboration of DSA, LCWU.
This event is a part of “Celebration Shaan-e-Rehmatul Lil Alameen week” under the instruction of government of the Punjab Higher Education Department. Prof. Dr. Bushra Mirza (Vice Chancellor LCWU, Lahore) & MPA Neelam Hayat, was the chief Guest of this event. In this respect our worthy Registrar, Controller, deans, Directors, HOD’s (Teaching & Non-Teaching) attended this Mehfil e “HAMD-O-NAAT” to praise the honor of Our Last prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Mehfil starts with the recitation of Quran-e-Pak by LCWU student: Aneeqa Rafi.
Then Darood e paak, Naat-e-Rasool SAW & Salaam sent to praise the honor of Our Last prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم by the Group of students of different departments & some of our senior faculty members of lcwu. After the “Salaam”, a special pray did by Ms. Sobia Maryam(Arabic Lecturer).
At the end, Ms. Rahat Ajmal (HOD of Arabic/AP/Principal of LCWU, Lahore) presented the bouquet & Calligraphy frame to our chief guests Prof. Dr. Bushra Mirza (Vice Chancellor LCWU, Lahore) & MPA Neelam Hayat.
Refreshment & sweets were distributed among the participants & all the staff members of LCWU, Lahore.
VC :Prof.Dr Bushra Mirza Presented gift to the MPA Neelam Hayat
Ms.Rahat Ajmal(HOD of Arabic/Principal LCWU,Lahore) with Arabic Faculty Members.
VC: Prof.Dr Bushra Mirza , MPA Neelam Hayat with Arabic Department faculty
Ms.Rahat Ajmal(HOD of Arabic/Principal LCWU,Lahore) Presenting gift to the VC Prof.Dr.Bushra Mirza
Role of Teacher in Nation Building
Arabic department conducted Webinar “Role of Teacher in Nation Building” on 16th June, 2021 with the collaboration of DFD, LCWU. This webinar is a part of LCWU 100 year’s celebration. Prof. Dr. Bushra Mirza (Vice Chancellor LCWU, Lahore) was the chief Guest of this webinar.
Dr. Saeed Ahmad Saeedi (Assistant Professor Sheikh Zaid Islamic Center, Punjab University Lahore, Former Director Islamic Studies, and Lahore Garrison University) & Ms. Nureed Fatima (Islamic Research Scholar, Founder of Daira-e-Batool International) were the speakers of this webinar. Webinar was hosted By Dr.Qurattulain Tahirah (Assistant Professor, Arabic LCWU).
Webinar starts with the recitation of Quran-e-Pak by Ms. Sobia Maryam (Arabic Lecturer) & Nat-e-Rasool SAW by Warda Shaukat (Student) LCWU, Lahore.
Our worthy speaker did very impactful speeches on role of teacher. In this respect they said that the role of a teacher is really significant in Islam. The prophets, as well as Allah, teach us to be obedient and listen to our teachers in order to be successful in life. This means if the student is obedient and respects his or her teachers, Allah assists him in achieving his or her goals.
This Webinar is basically organized to wake up our students about teacher respect and also Students can show their consideration for their teachers by obeying their instructions in the class. Teachers don't only impart knowledge, but they also help with character building as well. The role of a teacher transcends following a specific lesson plan and work schedule. In this role, the teacher can encourage the student to be the best they can be, and also be a source of inspiration and advice to the students.
In this aspect our worthy Ms.Rahat Ajmal (Principal/ HOD of Arabic Department) also put light on Role of Teacher in nation building .At the last she thanked to our worthy Vice Chancellor for giving the opportunity for organizing this webinar and also thanked Director DFDI and Department of Mass Communication for their cooperation.
At the last, Dr.Qurattulain Tahirah (Host) also put light on “The Role of Teacher in nation building” and ended the Webinar with the best wishes.
Year 2019
- 1st International Seminar on Arabic Language (28th October 2019)
The Arabic Department of Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan and the Department of Arabic Language and Literature (DALL) of IIUM has signed Letter of Intent (LoI) on 26th July, 2019 which purpose is to develop academic and educational cooperation and to promote mutual Understanding between these two Departments.
Seminar on “Fahm-Ul-Quran’’ was held on 11th April, 2019
The main objectives of this Lecture is to enhance the ability of the students to gain basic rules of Arabic language and grammar through the practice of Quranic words and Arabic Alphabets.