Dr Arifa Tahir
Department of Environment Science
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- Profile
- Conferences
- Research Publications
- Degree Institution Description
- Ph. D Punjab University Botany
- M.S.C. Govt. College Lahore Botany
- B.S.C. Lahore College For Women Lahore Botany, Zoology, Chemistry
- F.S.C. Lahore College For Women Lahore Pre-Medical
- Matric Govt. Comprehensive School Lahore Science
1. Research fellow in project entitled “Production of enzyme Penicillin Amidase for the hydrolysis of Penicillin G to 6-APA”, sponsored by Pakistan Science Foundation in PCSIR Labs Complex Lahore from 01-02-91 to 31-12-94.2. Research fellow in PCSIR Labs Complex Lahore from 15-06-95 to 30-08 2001and conducted research on immobilization of enzymes
3. Lecturer in the department of environmental sciences in Lahore College for Women University from 2001-2005
4. Assistant professor in the department of environmental sciences in Lahore College for Women University from 2005-2010
5. Associate. Professor(TTS) department of environmental sciences in Lahore College for Women University 2010 to 2014
6. Professor(TTS) department of environmental sciences in Lahore College for Women University since 2014
7. Member Editorial board LGU JOURNAL OF LIFE SCIENCES
I develop the curriculum of various courses from hundreds of papers and books.Food Microbiology (MS and MS-PhD)
This course was designed to extend the student’s knowledge and understanding of the attributes of micro-organisms and the applications of modern techniques in food microbiology and food safety. Topics include microbiology of food, food-borne diseases, food spoilage, fermentation of food and modern microbial analysis techniques relating to food.
Industrial Biotechnology (PhD)
This course was created to provide graduates with the advanced conceptual understanding, and specialized technical skills for them to follow successful careers as scientists in the biotechnology industry. The training given also forms an excellent introduction to microbiology, molecular biology and bioinformatics for the students opting to follow a research orientated career path.
Mushroom Cultivation (PhD)
This course was developed to train students for mushroom cultivation, their health properties and benefits, their cultivation, processing and how to run a mushroom production farm. Bioremediation
Applied Microbiology (MS and PhD)
This course was co-created to give the students hands-on experience with a range of techniques for characterization of microorganisms and for studying interactions between microorganisms. The techniques include: PCR genotyping, bacterial genomics
Environmental conservation
This one-year course aims to provide a critical and conceptually sophisticated understanding of biodiversity science and the socio-economic, political, cultural and institutional environments, within which management and policy decisions are made.
Climate change
The course was co-created with Prof. Dr. K.J.Cheema to explain contemporary human-caused climate change within the context of past nature climate variability. It gives knowledge about climate change impacts on natural and human systems with the potential solutions.
Laboratory management
The course was co-created with Dr. Ammara Fatima with the aim to give a brief introduction to the range of topics required for successful laboratory safety management. To understand the range of hazards from working in laboratories and to Identify the control measures required for safe working. To understand the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 as applied to testing and calibration laboratories
Other courses taught at BS /MS/PhD level
• Environmental Microbiology
• Introduction to Environment
• Project Management
• Water pollution
• Laboratory analytical techniques
• Air Pollution
• Biofuel Production
• Research reading
• Environmental management
1. Worked in Imperial College UK, WYE Campus from 20-11-04 to22-12-04 in connection with Higher Education Link Project and worked with Dr. Nick Russel microbiology group and worked under in different microbiology projects.2. Worked on isolation and identification of bacteria by their cell wall composition (GCMS, FAME METHOD) in microbiology lab Imperial College UK, WYE Campus.
3. Three days Waters Training Course in Dubai “HPLC Analytical Development Training Course "May 20-22,2010
4. Worked for the production of Penicillin amidase from locally isolated strain under batch, fed batch and continuous fermentation conditions and to make the process economically feasible enzyme was immobilized on inert supports for the conversion of Penicillin G to 6- APA.(In PCSIR Labs Lahore Pakistan)
5. Worked on the propagation of Rhizopus oligosporous on Legumes for the production of fermented food tempeh. The nutritional value of legumes was much enhanced to use as cattle feed. .(In PCSIR Labs Lahore Pakistan)
• Society for applied Microbiology (sfam)UK• Member Biotechnology research group King Saud University Saudi Arabia
• Life time Membership of: Environmental Society of Pakistan.
• Chairperson Committee of experts Lahore Canal widening Project
• National Curriculum Revision Committee in Microbiology(HEC)
• National Curriculum Revision Committee in Environmental Science (HEC)
• National Curriculum Revision Committee in Food Technology(HEC)
• Member Advisory Committee international conference on “Environment and Sustainable Development
• Pakistan Zoological Society
• Pakistan Botanical Society
• Vice president Botany Alumini Association GCU Lahore
• Member Board of Studies Sustainable Development Study Centre GCU Lahore
• Member Board of Studies Center for earth and environmental studies Punjab University Lahore
• Member Academic Council University of South Asia Lahore
• Member Board of Governors Queen Mary College Lahore
• Member Editorial board The Environ Monitor
1. Empowerment of women in science and technology One student of the department(Zainab BIBI)got Queen Elizabeth Young leader researcher award,20162. Establishment of conservation park at Jallo Park Lahore
3. Establishment of Society for environmental actions (SEA)
4. Two times nomination by LCWU for best teacher award 2010 and 2011
5. Advisor Punjab Public Service Commission
6. Member Advisory Committee Center of Environmental Protection Studies PCSIR, Lahore
7. Incharge Pakistan Chapter Society of Ethnobiology (2015) As a part of a network of international groups who are committed to guard the relationships of humans and the natural world. The Society of Ethnobiology has opened its Pakistan chapter in LCWU (http://ethnobiology.org/local-chapters-society-ethnobiology).
8. Review the Pakistan REDD+ Readiness Proposal (R-PP) for Forest carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF).Recommendations were included in the final draft in provincial level meeting , organized by Punjab Forest Department.
9. Formulation of Guidelines for the Provision of Safe Drinking water to students and faculty members of Lahore College for Women University.
1. Meraj Khalid Award 2006-2007 for the promotion of Science & Technology in Pakistan2. Research Productivity Award 2011
3. Research Productivity Award 2012
4. Best Performance award 2012 by daily Jang
5. Included in the List of productive Scientists of Pakistan
6. Award for the promotion of education, 2016 (Frough-E-Taleem Gold Medal Award).
1. International Workshop Training of Trainers for Women on Water Networking for poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas jointly organized by UNESCO-ISESCO LCWU Lahore 11th -14th March,20082. International Workshop Training of Trainers for Women on Water Networking for poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas jointly organized by UNESCO-ISESCO LCWU Lahore 27th -29th May,2008
3. Assay Techniques for the isolation of Bioactive Compounds 12th -13th December,2007 under HEC-BC Link Project
4. One day seminar on “Handling Techniques of fermenters” sponsored by
Bioengineering Switzerland.13th February,2010
5. Two days National Seminar “Opportunities/Challenges for Pharmaceutical care at
Community Pharmacy In Pakistan 24th -25th February, 2010 organized by Lahore College for women University Lahore in collaboration with HEC Islamabad.
6. Lecture on Impact of Climate Change on Women. Training Course on Climate change:Issues and Strategies 4th- 8th March, 2013 organized by INSPIRE–Translational Education Partnership Programme: Development of collaborative postgraduate program on climate change and sustainable development.
7. Lecture on Think-eat-save. One day seminar on Environment World day organized by Environmental Protection Agency Punjab 5th June 2013.
8. Lecture on Water-Energy Nexus One Day water awareness seminar 17th March 2014 organized by Environmental Science Department 2014.
9. Lecture on Water For Sustainable Future Challenges & Drivers Three day certificate course on Sustainable Environment and Development under INSPIRE (UK) Translational Education partnership Program: Development of Collaborative postgraduate program on Climate Change 25th -27th June 2014
10. Lecture Dealing with Environmental Challenges: Pakistan A Case Study in Two-day International conference on “Environment and Sustainable Development GCU Lahore, 16th -17th December,2014
11. Two Days Conference “1st International Conference on Bioenergy: Challenges and opportunities in Pakistan” organized by Faculty of Biotechnology and Agro Sciences, University of South Asia, Lahore held on 20th -21st November, 2014
12. One Day International Conference on BIOENERGY: Biomethane as Alternative Fuel & its conversion into CNG 26th -27th August 2014 at LCCI
13. One Day workshop of “2nd Turkey Pakistan Workshop Urban Water & Waste
Water Systems” organized by THE URBAN UNIT held on 20th October, 2014
14. Three Days workshop on “Sustainable Environment and Development” organized by INSPIRE-Transnational Education Partnership Program held at LCWU, Lahore 25th - 27th June, 2014
15. One Day Seminar of “Water Awareness Day” organized by Lahore college for Women University, Lahore and Water Care Services Pakistan (WCSP) was held on 17th March, 2014
16. “Green-Touch Quiz Nationwide” organized by Environmental & Horticultural Society UET, Lahore was held on 30th April, 2014
17. Six Days Training workshop for “Active Citizens Training of Facilitators Refresher Course at LCWU” organized by Director Faculty Development and Internationalization with Collaboration of British Council Islamabad was held on 20th to 25th April, 2014
18. One Day Seminar on “Health, Safety and Environment” organized by Environmental Science Department, Lahore and Enviro Safe Society, Lahore held on 27th May, 2014
19. One Day Seminar of “World Forest Day” organized by Punjab Forest Department held on 21st March, 2014 at Jallo forest Park Lahore
20. One day seminar on “Reduce and Replace Polythene Bags” on 6th May,2015 organized by Institute of Pharmacy and LWMC at LCWU
21. One day Seminar on “Assessment of Acoustics in Health Care Design” on 24th January, 2015 at M. Phil block Govt. College of home economics, Lahore.
22. Two days International conference on “Pakistan Se Paris The Lahore COP 21-Paris” on 6th- 7th October,2015 organized by the Embassy of France in Al-HAMRA Lahore
23. Two day International conference on Environment of Small Cities on 16th – 17th April, 2015 at Amjad Chaudhry library at Lahore School of Economics Burki road Lahore.
24. One Day Seminar on “360 Seconds Idea Challenge On Environmental Sustainability” at COMSATS Institute Of Information Technology, Lahore, On April 15th , 2015
25. One day seminar on “Earth Day” on 22nd April, 2015 organized by Society of environmental action at LCWU.
26. One day seminar on “World Intellectual Property Day” on 5th May, 2015 at I.T conference room LCWU.
27. One day seminar on “Earth Day” held at Alhamra art complex with the collaboration of EPD on 22nd April, 2015.
28. One Day Seminar on “Joining Hands – Academia as a Catalyst for Community
Enhancement” on 11th May, 2015 at children library complex.
29. One day National conference on “Climate change :- Implications And Management Strategies” held on 21st February, 2015 organized by Env Monitor & Royal Society of Chemistry (Pakistan chapter)
30. One Day Seminar on Its our time to lead on earth day 22nd April,2015 organized by EPD Punjab at Alhamra Art council.
31. One day seminar on “Waste Recycled Exhibition” held on 10th March, 2015 at LCWU and Lahore Waste Management Company
32. One day seminar on “Entrepreneurship Models in Health care” organized by ORIC LCWU Lahore 25th March 2015
33. Seminar on “Water Management & Sustainable Development: UNESCO Initiatives and Programs” on April 18th, 2016.
34. Seminar on “Establishing Solid waste Segregation and Recycling Facilities in Pakistan”held on October 7th, 2016 at Falettis Hotel, Lahore.
35. One day Seminar on “Mercury Exposure and Health Risks: Dental Mercury Amalgam Use in Pakistan” held on January 14th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
36. Outreach Seminar under U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy-National University of Sciences and Technology held on May 12th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
37. International Seminar on “Ecosystem restoration in Pakistan- Global Call and Local Action” held on February 9th, 2016 at Government College University, Lahore.
38. International seminar on “Wetland for future sustainable livelihood” held on February 2nd, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University.
39. On day seminar on “Food Security & Climate Change” held on October 20th, 2016 by ECO,WAPDA,SEA & LCWU
40. 16th international conference on “Healthy soil for food security” held on March 15th – 17th, 2016.
41. National Workshop on “Organic Food and Health: Avenues of Innovation and Entrepreneurship” held on August 29th, 2016 at University of Management & Technology, Lahore.
42. PSF workshop on “Establishing and Leading a research Lab” held on May 2nd and 3rd, 2016 at COMSATS Lahore.
43. Workshop on “Ecosystem restoration in Pakistan-Global call and local action” held on February 9th, 2016 at Pakistan Botanic Gardens Network Secretariat.
44. Two days International Workshop on “Standardizing Flood Forecasting and Warning Approaches in Transboundary Catchments” held on April 19th, 2016 at Avari Hotel Lahore.
45. Talk on “Utilization of Domestic Sewage sludge for the production of bioenergy and biofertilizer” in technical session Energy & Environment 1st International Conference on Energy systems for sustainable Development 20-22 May,2015 organized by COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE
46. Talk on “Impact of Biomass energy on Environment” Round Table Brain Storming Session on Development and Utilization of Biomass Energy in Pakistan 12th June, 2015 organized by ENERGY RESEARCH CENTRE COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE.
Participated as Resource Person with Oral Presentation (International)
1. Paper Presentation on “Utilization of Domestic Sewage sludge for the production of bioenergy and biofertilizer” in technical session Energy & Environment 1st International Conference on Energy systems for sustainable Development 20-22 May,2015 organized by Comsats Institute of Information Technology, LAHORE2. 1st International Conference on Energy systems for sustainable Development 20-22 May,2015 organized by Comsats Institute Of Information Technology, Lahore
3. 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology 2016, in ICB-2016 held on February 24-25, 2016 at University of South Asia, Lahore.
4. 5th International Conference of Pakistan Phytopathological Society on Crop Protection for sustainable Agriculture 23-25 November,2015 At Institute of Agriculture Science University of Punjab Lahore
5. Lead Lecture Dealing with Environmental Challenges: Pakistan A Case Study in Two-day International conference on “Environment and Sustainable Development GCU Lahore,16th-17th December,2014
6. 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology 2016, in ICB-2016 held on February 24-25, 2016 at University of South Asia, Lahore.
7. International Conference on “Climate Change and Sustainable Development” held on January 28th-29th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
8. ISESCO Women in Science Conference held on March 8th, 2016 at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.
9. First international conference on Emerging Trends In Earth And Environmental Sciences 9th-10th March 2017 held in Punjab university Lahore
10. 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology 2016, in ICB-2016 held on February 24-25,2017 at University of South Asia, Lahore.
11. Paper presented in 5th International/10th National Conference of Pakistan phytopathological Society on Crop Protection for sustainable Agriculture 23-25 November, 2015 At Institute of Agriculture Science University of Punjab Lahore.
12. Paper presented on Enhanced Biosynthesis Of Penicillin V Acylase By Fusarium Oxysporum Fus-04 Using Factorial Design And Mode Of Addition Of Inducer in 1st International Online workshop on Biochemistry & Biotechnology 2012 held on 12th April, 2012.
13. Paper presented on Establishment Of Conservation Park At Jallo Forest Park Lahore For The Conservation Of Endangered Plant Species on 3rd International Conference Role of botanic gardens in conserving Natural vegetation held on 2nd-4th Feb,2012
14. A two-day international conference on “Environment and Sustainable Development held on 5th-6th November, 2014.
15. Two-day international conference on “Biotechnology for Sustainable Development” held on 26th 28th November, 2014 at GCU Lahore.
16. 5th International Conference of Pakistan phytopathological Society on Crop Protection for sustainable Agriculture held on 23rd -25th November, 2015 at Institute of Agriculture Science University of Punjab Lahore.
17. Paper presented on “Ethanol fermentation by immobilized mutant strain of Sacchayromyces cerevisiae” Two-day international conference on “Environment and Sustainable Development” held on 16th -17th December, 2014 at GCU Lahore.
18. Paper presented on “Utilization of Domestic Sewage sludge for the production of bioenergy and biofertilizer” in 1st International Conference on Energy systems for sustainable Development held on 20th -22nd May, 2015 at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.
19. Paper presented on Biotechnology: solution to climate change in International Conference on Biotechnology 2016 held on February 24-25, 2016 at University of South Asia, Lahore.
20. International Conference on “Climate Change and Sustainable Development” January 28th-29th, 2016 at Lahore college for women university Lahore.
21. Presentation on “Assessment of facultative bacterial isolates for the treatment of textile industrial effluent (Dr. Arifa Tahir, Lahore College for Women University Lahore)”
International conference on water processing for sustainable development. 1-2 august, 2017.
Resource Person/Oral Presentation (National)
1. Presentation on “Impact of Biomass energy on Environment” One Day seminar on Development and Utilization of Biomass Energy in Pakistan 12th June, 2015 organized by ENERGY RESEARCH CENTRE COMSATS INSTITUTE OF INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY, LAHORE Seminar on “Establishing Solid waste Segregation and
Recycling Facilities in Pakistan” held on October 7th, 2016 at Falettis Hotel, Lahore.
2. One day Seminar on “Mercury Exposure and Health Risks: Dental Mercury Amalgam Use in Pakistan” held on January 14th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
3. Outreach Seminar under U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy-
National University of Sciences and Technology held on May 12th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
4. One day seminar on Reuse and Replace Polythene Bags on 6th May,2015 organized by Institute of Pharmacy and LWMC at LCWU
5. Presentation on EARTH Day held at Alhamra art complex with the collaboration of EPD on 22-04-2015
6. One day Seminar on ASSESSMENT OF ACOUSTICS IN HEALTH CARE DESIGN on 24-01-2015 at M. Phil block Govt. College of home economics, Lahore.
7. Lecture on Water-Energy Nexus One Day water awareness seminar 17th March 2014 organized by Environmental Science Department, LCWU 2014
8. Three day certificate course on Sustainable Environment and Development under INSPIRE (UK) Translational Education partnership Program: Development of Collaborative postgraduate program on Climate Change 25-27 June 2014 Lecture on Water For Sustainable Future Challenges & Drivers
9. One day Seminar on “Establishing Solid waste Segregation and Recycling Facilities in Pakistan” held on October 7th, 2016 at Falettis Hotel, Lahore.
10. Outreach Seminar under U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy-National University of Sciences and Technology held on May 12th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
11. Paper presented in One day seminar on development and utilization of biomass energy in Pakistan 12th June 2015 at Comsats University Lahore
12. Resource person in One day seminar on Reuse and Replace Polythene Bags on 6th May,2015 organized by Institute of Pharmacy and LWMC at LCWU.
13. Paper presented on Silver Recovery from Discarded X-Ray and Photographic Films by Acidic Protease in 32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology held on 6th -8th March,2012 GCU Lahore.
14. Paper presented on Ethanol Fermentation by Locally Isolated Mutant Strain of Saccharomyces CerevisiaeFsat-89 in 33rd Pakistan Congress of Zoology held on 2nd -4th April,2013 Pakistan Museum of Natural History Islamabad.
15. Paper presented on Designing of fungal Consortium for the removal of Zn & Cu from Electroplating Effluent in 33rd Pakistan Congress of Zoology held on 2nd -4th April,2013 Pakistan Museum of Natural History Islamabad.
16. Paper presented on Impact of Biomass energy on Environment in One Day seminar on Development and Utilization of Biomass Energy in Pakistan held on12th June, 2015 at Energy Research Centre COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.
17. ISESCO Women in Science Conference held on March 8th, 2016 Quaid-e - Azam University, Islamabad.
Participated with poster presentation (INTERNATIONAL)
1. 5th International/10th National Conference of Pakistan phytopathological Society on Crop Protection for sustainable Agriculture 23-25 November,2015 At Institute of Agriculture Science University of Punjab Lahore2. 10th National Conference of on Crop Protection for sustainable Agriculture 23-25 November,2015 At Institute of Agriculture Science University of Punjab Lahore
3. Participated with papers/posters at INSPIRE-Transnational Education Partnership Program: Development of Collaborative Postgraduate Program on Climate Change
“International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Development” , held on January 28th-29th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, with the following titles:
4. “Climate Alarm: UN Polices Not Sufficient To Tackle Climate Change”
5. “Toxicological Evaluation Of Malathion An Organophosphate Insecticide, On Testosterone Concentration, Body Weight And Complete Blood Count In Oryctolagus Cuniculus”
6. “Health Assessment And Detection Of Lead In The Nail Samples Of Auto Mobile Workers”
7. “Health Effect Of Heavy Metals On Battery Recycle Workers”
8. “Chronic Health Impact Assessment Of Saw Mill Workers In Lahore”
9. “Genomic Characterization Of Three Members Of Brassicaceae Family And Their Comparison With Camelina Sativa (Foreign Species)”
10. “Extraction of Eco-Friendly Natural Dyes from Waste Marigold Flowers After Chemical Treatment”
11. “Production Of Alpha Amylase By Aspergillus Oryzae Using Pomegranate Peels”
12. “Treatment Of Waste Water From Carpet Dying Unit Using Banana Peels”
13. “Management Of Paper Mill Waste Water Using White Rot Fungus”
14. “Application Of Modified Rice Bran For Treatment Of Textile Industry Waste Water”
15. “Study Of Occupational Health And Safety Conditions And Preparation Of Hazard Control Plan In A Chemical Industry In Sheikhupura”
16. “Water Impact Assessment Of Wastewater Treatment Plant For Mehmood Booti/Salamat Pura, Shadbagh, Lahore”
17. “Baseline Air Quality Assessment For Construction Of Power Plant In A Food Industry At Sheikhupura”
18. “Study On Captive Behavior And Quantitative Assessment Of Peafowls (Pavo Cristatus) Feed Kept In Captivity”
19. “Detection Of Chromium In Soil Samples Collection From Various Residential Area Of Kasur District”
20. “Optimization Of Esterification And Transesterification For The Production Of Biodiesel”
21. “Optimization Of Recycling Of Waste For The Manufacturing Of Useful Fire Bricks”
22. “Detection Of Chromium In Soil And Wheat Straw Samples Collected From Agricultural Land Irrigated With Rohi Nullah Industrial Drain Near Gajjumata Road, Lahore”
23. “Efficacy Of Eucalyptus Bark Removal Of Chromium From Waste Water Sample Collected From Rohi Nullah Industrial Drain”
24. “Air Quality Monitoring of Gaseous Emissions and PM2.5 Released From Generators in Anarkali Bazar Lahore”
25. “Studies Of Heat Impact On The Employees Of Oil Terminal Located Near Sheikhupura, Machike”
26. “Quantitative Analysis Of Organic Waste From A Potato Processing Industry”
27. “Physico-Chemical Analysis Of Effluents From Stabilization Ponds Of A Sugar
28. “Prevalence Of Occupational Skin Diseases Among The Medical Staff of Skin ward At Different Hospitals Of Lahore”
29. Two-day international conference on “Biotechnology for Sustainable Development 26-28th November, 2014 GCU Lahore
I. Fed Batch Fermentation Of Ethanol From Waste Apple Juice By Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Qas 02
II. Utilization Of Molasses For Ethanol Production By Mutant Strain Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Fsat-89
III. Extraction Of Silver From Waste Photographic And X-Ray Films By Alkaline Protease Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles’
IV. Studies on the Microbial Production of Saccharilytic Enzyme on Wheat Straw for Ethanol Production’
30. Two-day international conference on “Environment and Sustainable Development GCU Lahore, 16th-17th December, 2014
I. Ethanol fermentation by immobilized mutant strain of saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Seminars/workshops/Conference participated (INTERNATIONAL)
1. Two days International conference on Pakistan Se Paris The Lahore COP 21-Paris on 6th- 7th October,2015 organized by the Embassy of France in Alhamra Lahore2. Two day International conference on Environment of Small Cities on 16th – 17th April, 2015 at Amjad Chaudhry library at Lahore School of Economics Burki road Lahore.
3. 5th International of Pakistan phytopathological Society on Crop Protection for sustainable Agriculture 23-25 November,2015 At Institute of Agriculture Science University of Punjab Lahore
4. 1st International Conference on Energy systems for sustainable Development 20-22 May,2015 organized by COMSATS Lahore
5. Two Days Conference “1st International Conference on Bioenergy: Challenges and opportunities in Pakistan” organized by Faculty of Biotechnology and Agro Sciences,
University of South Asia, Lahore held on 20-21st November, 2014
6. One Day International Conference on BIOENERGY: Biomethane as Alternative Fuel & its conversion into CNG 26-27 Augus,t2014 at LCCI
7. One Day workshop of “2nd Turkey Pakistan Workshop Urban Water & Waste Water
Systems” organized by THE URBAN UNIT held on 20th October, 2014
8. International Seminar on “Ecosystem restoration in Pakistan- Global Call and Local Action” held on February 9th, 2016 at Government College University, Lahore.
9. 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology 2016 held on February 24-25, 2016 at University of South Asia, Lahore.
10. International seminar on “Wetland for future sustainable livelihood” held on February 2nd, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University.
11. Seminar on “Development of Global Climate Policy (Paris Agreement)” held on January 22nd, 2016 by HEC.
12. 16th international conference on “Healthy soil for food security” held on March 15th – 17th, 2016.
13. Participated in conference “Women as Agent of Change” held on 28th July, 2016.
Seminars/workshops/Conference participated (NATIONAL)
1. One Day Seminar on 360 SECONDS IDEA CHALLENGE ON ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY at Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, on April 15’ 20152. One day seminar on EARTH DAY on 22-04-2015 organized by Society of environmental action at LCWU.
3. One day seminar on WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DAY on 05-05-2015 at I.T conference room LCWU.
4. One day Seminar on REPLACE AND REDUCE POLYTHENE BAGS on 04-05-2015 at I.T conference room LCWU.
5. One day Seminar on ASSESSMENT OF ACOUSTICS IN HEALTH CARE DESIGN on 24-01-2015 at M. Phil block Govt. College of home economics, Lahore.
6. One day seminar on EARTH DAY held at Alhamra art complex with the collaboration of EPD on 22-04-2015
7. One Day Seminar on Joining Hands – Academia as a Catalyst for Community Enhancement on 11-05-2015 at children library complex.
8. One day National conference on Climate Change :- Implications and Management
Strategies 21st Feb,2015 organized by Env Monitor & Royal Society of Chemistry (Pakistan chapter)
9. One Day Seminar “its Our Time to Lead” On Earth Day 22nd April, 2015 organized by EPD Punjab at Al hamra Art council.
10. One day seminar on Waste Recycled Exhibition 10th March, 2015 at LCWU and Lahore Waste Management Company
11. Two days 3rd Annual Exhibition of Albayrak 26-27th,2015 at Fort Road Lahore
12. 10th National Conference of Pakistan phytopathological Society on Crop Protection for sustainable Agriculture 23-25 November,2015 At Institute of Agriculture Science University of Punjab Lahore
13. One day Scientific seminar & poster Competition At Institute of Pharmacy LCWU 11th March,2015
14. 1st International Conference on Energy systems for sustainable Development 20-22 May,2015 organized by COMSATS Lahore
15. One day seminar on Entrepreneurship Models in Health care organized by ORIC LCWU Lahore 25th March 2015
16. Seminar on “Establishing Solid waste Segregation and Recycling Facilities in Pakistan” held on October 7th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University.
17. One day Seminar on “Mercury Exposure and Health Risks: Dental Mercury Amalgam Use in Pakistan” held on January 14th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University.
18. Outreach Seminar under U.S.-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Energy-National University of Sciences and Technology held on May 12th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University.
19. Seminar on “Water Management & Sustainable Development: UNESCO Initiatives and Programs” held on April 18th, 2016 at Lahore College for Women University.
20. On day seminar on “Food Security & Climate Change” held on October 20th, 2016 by ECO,WAPDA, SEA & LCWU.
21. Three Days workshop of “Sustainable Environment and Development” organized by INSPIRE-Transnational Education Partnership Program held at LCWU, Lahore 25-27 June, 2014
22. One Day Seminar of “Water Awareness Day” organized by Lahore college for Women University, Lahore and Water Care Services Pakistan (WCSP) was held on 17th March, 2014
23. “Green-Touch Quiz Nationwide” organized by Environmental & Horticultural Society UET, Lahore held on 30th April, 2014
24. Six Days Training workshop for “Active Citizens Training of Facilitators Refresher Course at LCWU” organized by Director Faculty Development and Internationalization
with Collaboration of British Council Islamabad was held on 20th to 25th April, 2014
25. One Day Seminar on “Health, Safety and Environment” organized by Environmental Science Department, Lahore and Enviro Safe Society, Lahore held on 27th May, 2014
26. One Day Seminar of “World Forest Day” organized by Punjab Forest Department held on 21st March, 2014 at Jallo forest Park Lahore
27. Two day International conference on ENVIRONMENT OF SMALL CITIES on 16th – 17th April, 2015 at Amjad Chaudhry library at Lahore School of Economics Burki road Lahore.
28. One Day Seminar on JOINING HANDS – ACADAMIA AS A CATALYST FOR COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT on 11-05-2015 at children library complex.
29. One Day Seminar on Its our time to lead on earth day 22nd April,2015 organized by EPD Punjab at Al hamra Art council.
30. Two days 3rd Annual Exhibition of Albayrak 26-27th, 2015 at Fort Road Lahore.
31. 5th International/10th National Conference of Pakistan phytopathological Society on Crop Protection for sustainable Agriculture 23-25 November,2015 At Institute of Agriculture Science University of Punjab Lahore.
32. One day scientific seminar & poster Competition at Institute of Pharmacy LCWU 11th March, 2015.
33. National Curriculum revision committee meeting in Environmental Science 19-21 March 2018 at HEC regional center Lahore
34. Meeting of board of studies in Environmental Science Punjab University12th April,2018
35. Meeting of board of studies in Environmental Science Punjab University 8th August,2018
36. Consultative meeting on indigenous solutions for clean drinking water and waste management 3rd August,2018
37. 33rd meeting of Board of Governors, QUEEN Mary College Lahore on 26-04-2018
38. 3rd Pak water & Energy Expo Exhibition and conference 24-25 October 2018 (Resource person)
39. One day seminar Energy crises and their solutions in Pakistan,9th April,2018 Punjab University(Resource person)
40. Meeting of board of studies in sustainable development study center on 12-04-2018Goerment College University Lahore
41. Meeting of board of studies in sustainable development study center on 01-10-2018Goerment College University Lahore
42. Integrated SLM policy and implementation strategy for Punjab Validation workshop 2nd March 2018
Merit Certificate (IstDivision in MSc Botany in GC College Lahore)Merit Certificate (Third Position in MSc Botany in GC College Lahore)
Novel water treatment technologies, Biosorption process, Applied Microbiology, medical Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Industrial microbiology, Food microbiology, role of microbe in climate change ,carbon sequestration by microbes expert in Fed batch fermentation technologyCONFERENCES
1. 3rd international conference on Biosciences9th May-11th May,2018 Government College University Lahore
• One factor at a time optimization of laccase production from aspergillus flavus MAF0139
2. 3rd international conference on Biosciences9th May-11th May,2018 Government College University Lahore
• Impact Assessment of Glacier Lake outburst flood in Chitral Pakistan
3. 3rd water Pak water and energy Expo 24-25th October 2018,Expocenter Lahore
4. 2nd International Conference on new trends in Public Health, Food, Nutrition and Safety, 24-26th October, 2018 Lahore College for Women University Lahore.
• Biosynthesis of Ag nanoparticles by Lantana camara
5. 2nd International Conference on new trends in Public Health, Food, Nutrition and Safety, 24-26th October, 2018 Lahore College for Women University Lahore.
• Detection of obsolete and organochlorinated pesticides in selected fruits and vegetables
6. 3rd International Conference on Biosciences (ICBS-2018) from 9-11th May, 2018 at Science block, GC University Lahore Pakistan.(Session Chair)
7. 1st GRIP,s International Conference of Pakistan on water & Energy Research 2018 3rd Pak water & Energy Expo Exhibition and conference 24-25 October 2018 (Resource person)
• Water and Energy Nexus
8. One day seminar Energy crises and their solutions in Pakistan,9th April,2018 Punjab University(Resource person)
1. National Workshop on Entrepreneurship” held Technology, Lahore.
“Organic Food and Health: Avenues of Innovation and on August 29th, 2016 at University of Management
2. PSF workshop on “Establishing and Leading a research Lab” held on May 2nd and 3rd, 2016 at COMSATS Lahore.
3. Workshop on “Ecosystem restoration in Pakistan-Global call and local action” held on February 9th, 2016 at Pakistan Botanic Gardens Network Secretariat.
4. Two days International Workshop on “Standardizing Flood Forecasting and Warning Approaches in Transboundary Catchments” held on April 19th, 2016 at Avari Hotel Lahore.
5. Three days one credit course on academic writing for publication 4-6th March,2015 at LCWU
6. Three days Course on Chairing an academic department effectively 10-12th 2014
7. Five hours workshop on Leadership: Mentorship in an academic Environment 22,April,2015
8. One credit course on Transformational Leadership by GHENT UNIVERSITY Belgium at LCWU from September 7th to 1st October,2015
9. One day training workshop on essentials of Project management for academic Excellence 17th November,2015 organized by Prudential Learning Solutions at LCWU
10. Course on Journal Author Academy part 1: Writing your Manuscript by Springer Academy.
11. Indigenous on Campus Training under HEC Modern University Governance Programme
12. One day Workshop on Environment and social system Assessment (ESSA) under job & competitiveness Program for results on 8-12-2015 Palace hall PC Hotel organized by Govt of Punjab Planning & Development Department Punjab Management UNIT.
13. Three days one credit course on academic writing for publication 4-6th March,2015 at LCWU
14. Three days Course on Chairing an academic department effectively 10-12th 2014
15. Five hours workshop on Leadership:Mentorship in an academic Environment 22,April,2015
16. One credit course on Transformational Leadership by GHENT UNIVERSITY Belgium at LCWU from September 7th to 1st October,2015
17. One day training workshop on essentials of Project management for academic Excellence 17th November,2015 organized by Prudential Learning Solutions at LCWU
18. Course on Journal Author Academy part 1: Writing your Manuscript by Springer Academy
19. Indigenous on Campus Training under HEC Modern University Governance Programme
20. Workshop on Environment and social system Assessment (ESSA) under job & competitiveness Program for results on 8-12-2015 Palace hall PC Hotel organized by Govt of Punjab Planning & Development Department Punjab Management UNIT
1. One day seminar on Earth day on 22-04-2015 under Society of environmental action at LCWU.
2. One day seminar on 120 min idea challenge on 15-04-15 at student Service Center LCWU Lahore
3. One Day seminar on Waste Recycled Exhibition 10th March, 2015 Environmental Science Department LCWU Lahore
4. One day Seminar on “Mercury Exposure and Health Risks: Dental Mercury Amalgam Use in Pakistan” on January 14th, 2016.
5. Seminar on “Water Management & Sustainable Development: UNESCO Initiatives and Programs” on April 18th, 2016.
6. International seminar on “Wetland for future sustainable livelihood” on February2nd, 2016
7. International Conference on “Climate Change and Sustainable Development” on January 28th-29th, 2016.
8. On day seminar on “Food Security & Climate Change” held on October 20th, 2016 by ECO, WAPDA, SEA and LCWU.
9. One day seminar on Earth day on 22-04-2016 under Society of environmental action at LCWU.
10. One day seminar on 120 min idea challenge on 15-04-15 at LCWU Lahore
11. Annual Waste Recycled Exhibition from 2010 to 2017
12. One day Drinking water quality testing camp at LCWU 2011. A total of 314 water samples from different areas of Lahore were tested
13. One day seminar and tree plantation under prime minister Green Pakistan Program
14. World forest day 2017 tree plantation at LCWU.
15. Waste Recycled Exhibition 10th March, 2015
National collaboration
1. Punjab Forest Department
2. SUPARCO Lahore
3. Metrological department (MET)
4. Ministry of climate change
5. Environment protection department
7. Forest department
8. Pakistan Tourism Development corporation
9. Lahore Chamber of Commerce
Industrial Linkage
1. High-Tech Feeds
2. Pakistan Tobacco Company (Gifted more than 2000 plants which were planted in Jallo forest park Lahore )
4. Hashmat Tanneries KASUR
5. Global Environment Lab Lahore
6. WWF
8. Packages industry
9. ECO Green lab
10. Pharmagen industries
11. Lahore waste Management
12. Global waste Management
Community Service
• At University level
2. Secretory Doctoral Program central committee (DPCC)
3. Convener departmental doctoral program committee(DDPC)
4. Convener Inspection Committee for Scientific Equipment LCWU
5. Convener BOS Environmental Science Department
6. Chairperson Environmental Committee LCWU
7. Convener Science inspection committee LCWU
8. Member Academic Council LCWU
9. Member Steering Committee on Environmental Sustainability, LCWU
10. Member Selection Committee Lecture Assistant, LCWU
11. Member BOS, Geography Department ,LCWU
12. Member Dengue prevention and Management Committee LCWU
13. Member Committee Handing/Taking of PG-1,LCWU
14. Member Works & Environmental Monitoring Committee
15. Member Disaster Prevention and Management Committee LCWU
16. Environmental impact assessment of road construction from university Campus
17. Member committee of road construction from university Campus
18. Member Campus Committee LCWU Lahore Member departmental tenure review committee (DTRC), Biotechnology Department LCWU
19. Convener Selection committee for the selection of Associate Engineer in LCWU
20. Member departmental tenure review committee (DTRC), Environmental Science Department LCWU
21. Member departmental tenure review committee (DTRC), Botany Department LCWU
22. Member departmental tenure review committee (DTRC), Botany Department LCWU
23. Facilitator Active citizen Program British Council and supervised social action projects of students.
24. Meeting of departmental tenure review committee (DTRC) SDSC,GCU Lahore on 11-05-2015
25. Meeting of board of studies SDSC, GCU Lahore on 11-05-15.
26. Meeting of board of studies SDSC,GCU Lahore on 23-12-15
27. Meeting of departmental tenure review committee (DTRC), Biotechnology Department LCWU
28. Meeting of departmental tenure review committee (DTRC), Environmental Science Department LCWU
29. Meeting of departmental tenure review committee (DTRC), Botany Department LCWU
30. Meeting on Biomass to Energy at Centre for Advance studies in Energy NUST on 16-02-15
31. Selection of nonteaching staff in LCWU on 12th November 2015.
• At National level
1. Member Advisory committee on laboratory Certification constituted under sub-section 5 of section 6 of PEPA
2. Member Advisory Board The ENVIRON MONITOR (ISSN 1684-8012)
3. Member committee of qualification Equivalence determination HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Government of Punjab
4. Member NCRC (HEC) Microbiology
5. Member NCRC (HEC) Environmental Science
6. Member NCRC (HEC) Food Technology
7. Advisor to Punjab Public Service Commission
8. Member departmental tenure review committee (DTRC) SDSC,GCU Lahore
9. Member BOS SDSC(Sustainable Development Studies Center ) GC University Lahore
10. Expert Selection Board regarding appointment of two Assistant Professor (TTS) at Institute of Biotechnology Microbiology GCU Lahore
11. Expert Selection Board regarding selection of director general (BPS-21)for Environmental Science Department
12. Member Advisory Committee for the appointment of research associate(BPS-17) Center for Environmental Protection PCSIR Lahore
13. Member Committee Widening of Lahore Canal Bank road
14. External Examiner (Food Microbiology)Punjab University Lahore
15. External Examiner Sustainable Development Study Center, GCU Lahore
16. External Examiner Botany Department, GCU Lahore
17. External Examiner Chemistry Department, Punjab University Lahore
18. Member HEC Expert committee for evaluation/ recognition of Science journals
19. Convener Committee of experts regarding EIA/IEE projects by EPA PUNJAB
20. Member Committee of experts for evaluation and Recognition of Degrees
21. Member Sectorial Advisory committee for the promotion of public Education/ awareness of Environmental issues
22. Member sub-committee for External development for HEC funded project strengthening of faculties of LCWU Lahore
23. Jewry member in the competition on Assessment of ACOUSTICS in Healthcare Design on 24th Jan,2015 College of Home Economics Lahore
25. Life time Member of Environmental Society of Pakistan.
26. Member Technical Committee pre Conference (10th Biennial International Conference of Pakistan Society of Microbiology) one day workshop on VACCINOLOGY on 27th Jan 2015 at Auditorium-1, UOL, Microbiology ,
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB),The University of Lahore.
27. Evaluate and Expert Selection Board regarding appointment of two Associate
Professor in the discipline of Environmental Science University of Veterinary and animal Science Lahore
28. Evaluate and Expert Selection Board regarding appointment of two Professor in the discipline of Environmental Science University of Veterinary and animal Science Lahore
29. Chairperson session II in Two-day international conference on “Environment and Sustainable Development GCU Lahore,16th-17th December,2014
30. Co-Chairperson for technical session III in Two-day international conference on “Biotechnology for Sustainable Development 26-28th November,2014 GCU Lahore
31. Co-chair for technical session II in three day international conference on Emerging Trends in Earth and Environmental Sciences Punjab University Lahore.
32. Member board of governors at Queen Mary College Lahore
Sr No. |
Complete Name of journal and address |
Title of Publication |
Vol. No & page No |
Year published |
1. |
Current Science ISSN: 0011–3891 |
In vitro Compatibility of Fungi for the Biosorption of Zinc (II) and Copper(II) from lectroplating Effluent. Ahmad Abdel-Megeed, Arifa Tahir, Zunaira Latif and Ashraf A. Mostafa. |
112(4):839-843 |
2017 |
2. |
International |
Pararhizobium antarcticum sp. nov.isolated from Kingfisher Pond of Miers Valley, Antarctica Syeda Um-e-Kalsoom Naqvi;Yanan Qin; Arifa Tahir; Peter Stougaard |
DOI:10.1099/ijsem |
2017 |
3. |
Bangladesh journal of Botany. |
Antioxidant activity of locally available plant extracts against |
46(3): 831-837 |
2017 |
4. |
Air quality monitoring of PM 10 at Niazi and Daewoo bus Station. |
7(1): 13-18 |
2017 |
5. |
Fresenius |
Development of Fungal Biofilm on Luffa Cylindrica For Biosorption of |
25(12): 5075-5632 |
2016 |
6. |
Journal of |
Isolation and Screening of ungifor Delignification of Paper mill Effluent Arifa Tahir, Mamoona Sarwar, |
9(2): 1-5 |
2016 |
7. |
Journal of |
Preparation of Different Refused Derived Fuel Combinations with |
7(2): 1-8 |
2016 |
8. |
Iranian journal of science and |
Production of Cellulase for Ethanol Fermentation from Pretreated Wheat Straw. |
DOI:10.1007/ |
2016 |
9. |
Journal of the |
Cross-sectional study on the endotoxin exposure and lung function impairment in the workers of textile industry near Lahore, Pakistan. |
66(7):803-807 |
2016 |
10. |
Desalination and water treatment. |
Degradation and detoxification of |
DOI:10.1080/19443994 : 1-16 |
2016 |
11. |
Nanomaterials |
Plant Mediated Green Synthesis of CuO Nanoparticles: Comparison of |
DOI:10.3390/ |
2016 |
12. |
Nanomaterials |
Green Synthesis of Iron Nanoparticles and Their |
DOI:10.3390/ |
2016 |
13. |
RSC Advances |
Design of enzyme-immobilized polymer brush-grafted magnetic |
DOI: |
2015 |
14. |
Journal of |
Reduction of Phosphorus Pollution from Broilers Waste through Supplementation of Wheat Based Broilers Feed with hytase.Ahmed Abdel-Megeed, Arifa |
Volume 2015 |
2015 |
15. |
Applied |
Cloning, Expression, and |
178(2):294- |
2015 |
16. |
Environmental |
Biomechanical Leaching of Uranium from Low grade black shale. Fozia Anjum, Shazia Anwer |
15(1):1-35 |
2015 |
17. |
Oxidation |
Treatment of synthetic dye wastewater by coagulation and |
38(4) :1800-1812 |
2015 |
18. |
Pakistan journal of Botany |
Temperature and pH kinetics for enhanced biosorption of Cr (Vl) by highly Chromium resistant fungi Glicoladium viride ZlC2063.Ahmed Abdel-Megeed, Arifa Tahir, Sidra Zahid |
46(6):2285-2292 |
2014 |
19. |
International |
Effect Of Mode Of Addition Of Inducer On Enhanced Bio-Synthesis |
In Press |
2014 |
Environmental Engineering and management |
Biosorption of Direct Blue 160 By Pretreated Hexagonia SpPinus 03 From Dye House Effluent & Phytotoxicity Studies. Arifa Tahir & Humaira Irum. |
omicron.ch.tui asi.ro/EEMJ/p dfs/accepted/3 82_768_Tahir_12.pdf |
2013 |
21. |
Environmental |
High Yield of Ethanol from waste Apple Juice By Immobilized Cells |
Online first |
2013 |
22. |
Pakistan journal of Botany |
Microbial assessment of cooked and uncooked rice samples available in |
Special issue |
2012 |
23. |
African Journal of Microbiology |
Activation of enzyme phytase in Aspergillus niger LCWU 21 by |
6(11), 2748-2751 |
2012 |
24. |
Environmental |
Comparison Of Biosorption Efficiency Of Free And Immobilized |
Online first |
2012 |
25. |
Canadian journal of applied sciences |
Effect Of Cultural Condition On Production Of Ethanol From Rotten |
2(1): 187-195 |
2012 |
26. |
International |
Biosynthesis Of Zn Bacitracin By |
01(04): 498-510 |
2012 |
27. |
Annals of |
Development of a fungal consortium for the biosorption of cadmium from paddy rice field water in a bioreactor. |
DOI 10.1007/s132 |
2011 |
28. |
Annals of |
Chromium biosorption onto A Locally Isolated Cr (Vl) Tolerant Gliocladium Viride ZIC2063 and |
DOI:10.1007/s132 |
2011 |
29. |
journal of |
Comparison of antibacterial activity |
5(18), pp. 4504-4510 |
2011 |
30. |
Pakistan journal of Botany |
Surveillance of Microbial indicators and physicochemical parameters to |
43(6): 2821-2824 |
2011 |
31. |
International |
Microbial Examination Of Bottled Water Available In Local Market Of |
04(03): 431-437 |
2011 |
32. |
Canadian journal |
Microbial Assessment of Herbal |
1(3): 97-103, |
2011 |
33. |
Synthesis and Pharmacological |
74-82 |
2010 |
34. |
MicologiaApplicad |
Studies on the production of commercially important phytase from Aspergillus niger ST-6 isolated |
22(2),51-57 |
2010 |
35. |
Antibacterial activity of black tea |
2 (2) : 60-67 |
2010 |
36. |
Optimization of cultural conditions for the propagation of gliocladium viride |
1,37-46 |
2010 |
37. |
International Online Journal of applied Pharmacy |
Effect of cultural conditions on ethanol production by locally |
3(2):72-78 |
2010 |
38. |
Acta Cryst ISSN: 16005368 |
1-(4- Bromophenyl)-1-(4-itrophenyl) thiourea Saeed Sohail, Naghmana |
E65,01870-01871 |
2009 |
39. |
Engineering in Life Sciences |
Biosorption of Ni(II) From effluent of electroplating industry by |
9,No.6,462-467 |
2009 |
40. |
Hyper production of enzyme penicillin amidase by locally |
59(4)1-7 |
2009 |
41. |
Journal of |
Simple method to study the mechanism of thermal and non- |
(5) .058-63 |
2009 |
42. |
New Biotechnology |
Isolation, screening and infrared spectra of Gliocladium viride a |
DOI:10.1016/j.nbt.06.253 |
2009 |
43. |
Journal of chemical |
Ni(II)biosorption by locally isolated |
83:1633-1638 |
2008 |
44. |
Science International ISSN: 1013-5316 |
Studies on the production of enzyme Penicillin amidase for the hydrolysis |
8, 71-75 |
1992 |
45. |
New biotechnology (Conference paper) |
Hyperproduction of enzymepenicillin amidase by locally isolated thermotolerant Bacillus spp. |
DOI: 10.1016/j.nbt. 2009.06.252 |
2009 |
46. |
Bioenergy-Challenges and Opportunities in Pakistan. |
ISSN 2394-3211 |
2017 |
47. |
European Journal of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research ISSN 2394-3211 |
Role of Nanotechnology in Agriculture. Shahid Raza, Saima Hanif and Arifa Tahir. |
4(5), 138-143 |
2017 |
48. |
Transylvanian Review |
In |
25(18), 4756- 4766 |
2017 |
49. |
Assesment of Mould And Yeast In Some Bakery Products of Lahore, |
https://doi.org/10.1002/jemt.23103 |
2018 |
50. |
Saudi journal of Biological Sciences |
Green Synthesis of ZnO hierarchical microstructures by Cordia myxa and their antibacterial activity SadiaSaifa, ArifaTahir, Tayyaba Asim,Yongsheng Chena, Mujeeb Khand and Syed Farooq Adil |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2019.01.004 |
2019 |
51. |
International Journal of Research Publications |
Role of Heat Shock Proteins in Sindhi Red Cattle Breeds: A Review |
15(1), 1-4 |
2018 |
52. |
International Journal of Research Publications |
Importance of HSPs Protein in livestock Pakistan: A Review |
15(1) |
2018 |
53. |
International Journal of Research Publications |
Ethic of Nursing in Australia: A Review |
15(1) |
2018 |
54. |
Water practice and technology |
Alumina as environmentally stable adsorbent for the removal of diresel black dye from waste water |
https://doi.org/10.2166/wpt.2018.110 |
2018 |
55. |
Biologia |
Optimization of cultural conditions for enhanced production of laccase by Aspergillus flavus Maf 0139 |
64(ll) in press |
2018 |
56. |
International Journal of Biosciences |
Assessing the community vulnerability to natural disasters and climate change in the mountainous region of Pakistan |
1, Vol. 13 Issue 3, p132-143, |
2018 |
57. |
International Journal of Biosciences |
Biodegradation of remazol black B by extracellular fungal laccase from Aspergillus oryzae AM1101 |
Vol. 13, No. 3, p. 290-296, |
2018 |
58. |
Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology |
Evaluation of Physicochemical and Nutritional Contents in Soybean Fermented Food Tempeh by Rhizopus oligosporus |
Volume 17 [1] |
2018 |
59. |
Colloids Interfaces |
Polymeric Nanocomposites of Iron–Oxide Nanoparticles (IONPs) Synthesized Using Terminalia chebula Leaf Extract for Enhanced Adsorption of Arsenic(V) from Water |
3(1), 17; https://doi.org/10.3390/colloids3010017 |
2019 |
60. |
Biologia |
Understanding the community’s perception of climate change and adaptations in the Mid Hills of Pakistan |
64 (II), 197-209 |
2018 |
61. |
Saudi Journal of biological Sciences |
Green synthesis of ZnO hierarchical microstructures by Cordia myxa and their antibacterial activity |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2019.01.004 |
2019 |
62. |
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research |
Spatiotemporal variability of indoor atmospheric emissions in the mega-city of Pakistan |
17(2):4133 DOI: 10.15666/aeer/1702_41334146 |
2019 |
63. |
Pakistan journal of Botany |
Assessing the impacts of changing climate on forest ecosystem services and livelihood of Balakot mountainous communities |
51(4) DOI: 10.30848/PJB2019-4(1) |
2019 |
64. |
Applied Ecology and Environmental Research |
Does Livelihood Vulnerability Index Justify The Socio-Economic Status Of Mountainous Community? A Case Study Of Post-Earthquake Ecological Adaptation Of Balakot Population |
17 (3), 6605-6624 |
2019 |
65. |
Lab Revista mexicana de ingeniería química |
Investigation Of Novel Laccase Producing Fungal Species And Its Substrate Specificity By Wet And Dry Lab |
Vol. 18, No. 3 (2019) 1233-1243 |
2019 |
66. |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
Vulnerability, well-being, and livelihood adaptation under changing environmental conditions: a case from mountainous region of Pakistan |
Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-05880-x |
2019 |
67. |
Advances in Biotechnology and Microbiology |
Biotransformation of Selenite to Red Elemental Selenium |
12(1)2019 |
2019 |
68. |
Water Practice and Technology |
Alumina as environmentally stable adsorbent for the removal of diresul black dye from waste water |
14 (1): 62–70 |
2019 |
69. |
Proximate composition, functional properties and quantitative analysis of benzoyl peroxide and benzoic acid in wheat flour samples: effect on wheat flour quality |
2020 |
70. |
Medycyna Pracy |
71(1):1–7 |
2020 |
71. |
Acta Chromatographica |
Stability-Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Metformin Hydrochloride and Vildagliptin in Tablet and Biological Samples |
32(2020)1,39–43 |
2020 |
72. |
Archives of environmental and occupational health. |
Contamination of heavy metals in poultry eggs: A study presenting relation between heavy metals in feed intake and eggs. |
https://doi.org/10.1080/19338244.2020.1799182. |
2020 |
73. |
International Journal of Botany Studies. |
Antifungal analysis of Sapindus mukorossi and Accacia concinna fruit extracts against plant pathogenic fungi. Published in |
Volume 5; Issue 3; 2020; Page No. 323-328, 2020. |
74. |
International journal of biosciences). |
Biosynthesis, characterization and antioxidant activity of Solanum nigrum-mediated Ag and Cu nanoparticles. Published in |
Vol. 15, No. 6, p. 97-106, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/15.6.97-106. |
2020 |
75. |
Pakistan Journal of Science |
Faiza Anum, Arifa Tahir, Arusa Aftab, Ayesha Khalid, Zaheer Hussain Aftab, Shahid Raza and Ayesha Alam. 2019. Phytochemical Analysis and Antifungal Potential Evaluation of Phyllanthus emblica. |
Vol. 71 No. 2 June pp: 89-98. |
2019 |
76. |
International Journal of Botany Studies. |
Air pollution influence on non-structural carbohydrates and protein constituents of native flora along Lahore canal. |
Volume 5; Issue 3; 2020; Page No. 329-333, 2020. |
77. |
International journal of Research Publications, |
Role of Heat Shock Proteins in Sindhi Red Cattle Breeds: A Review |
15(1): http://ijrp.org/paper-detail/408 8. |
2018 |
78. |
Morpho Anatomical Analysis of Some Selected Flora of District Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan, |
2(3): 218- 248. |
2018 |
79. |
International Journal of Research Publication, |
Ethics of Nursing in Australia: A Review |
15(1): http://ijrp.org/paper-detail/419 |
2018 |
Book Chapter
Advances in Eco-Fuels for a Sustainable Environment in Ecofuel future prospect and community impact Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy 2019, Pages 459-479 e Book ISBN 9780081027776 print ISBN 978-0-08-102728-8 (Science Direct)IN PROCEEDINGS
1. |
2nd International conference of plant scientists and 11th national meeting of plant scientists ISSN 0253-8318 |
Assessment of adulteration and microbial contamination in packed and unpacked milk samples |
In press |
2011 |
0.947 |
2. |
3rd international conference on Role of Botanic Gardens in Conserving Natural Vegetation 2-4th February,2012 |
Establishment Of Conservation Park At Jallo Forest Park Lahore For The Conservation Of Endangered Plant Species |
In press |
2012 |
- |
3. |
32nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology |
Ethanol Fermentation by Locally Isolated Mutant Strain of Saccharomyces CerevisiaeFsat-89 |
In Press |
2013 |
4. |
33nd Pakistan Congress of Zoology |
Designing of fungal Consortium for the removal of Zn & Cu from Electroplating Effluent |
In Press |
2013 |
1. |
LAMBERT Academic Publishing ISBN:978-3-8484-1321-8 |
Antibacterial activity of Camellia Sinensis against dental caries |
Published |
2012 |
2. |
LAMBERT Academic Publishing ISBN-10: 3659317705 ISBN-13: 978-3659317705 |
Production of -Lactam AntibioticsThrough Penicillin V Acylase |
Published |
2013 |
1. |
2019, Pages 459-479 e Book ISBN 9780081027776 print ISBN 978-0-08-102728-8 (Science Direct) |
Advances in Eco-Fuels for a Sustainable Environment in Ecofuel future prospect and community impact Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy |
2019 |
2. |
INTECH publishers ISBN 978-953-307- 500-6 ELECTROPLATING |
Resistant Fungal Biodiversity Of Electroplating Effluent And Their Metal Tolerance Index |
1. Role of white biotechnology: A solution to climate change” was published in 3nd International Conference on Biotechnology held on 8-9 February, 2017.2. “Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity of Medicinal Plant (Chewing Sticks) Against
Streptococcus Sp. was published in 3nd International Conference on Biotechnology held on 8-9 February, 2017.
3. “Immobilization of Aspergillus niger AT-321 on Polyurethane Form for removal of
Cr from Aqueous Solution” was published in 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology held on 24-25 February, 2016.
4. “Microbial examination of packed and unpacked milk samples available at local
market of Lahore” was published in 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology held on 24-25 February, 2016.
5. “Fungal consortium for the biosorption of copper from electroplating effluent” was
published in 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology held on 24-25 February, 2016.
6. “Biological refinement of Jatropha curcas seed cake and its use in chick feed” was
published in 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology held on 24-25 February, 2016.
7. “Biotechnology: A solution to climate change” was published in 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology held on 24-25 February, 2016.
8. “Enhanced cadmium accumulation and nutrient acquisition in Triticum aestivum and Avena sativa grown in phosphorus fertilized soil” was published in ISESCO Women in Science Conference, 2016 held on March 8th, 2016.
9. “Heat related disorders in employees of oil terminal, Machike” was published in ISESCO Women in Science Conference, 2016 held on March 8th, 2016.
10. “Effect of humic acid on cadmium uptake in maize (Zea Mays L)” was published in Healthy soil for food security 16th international conference held on March 15th – 17th, 2016.
11. “Impact of biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer on organic matter, phosphorus and potassium content in soil” was published in Healthy soil for food security 16th
international conference held on March 15th – 17th, 2016.
12. “Phosphorylation of claspin is initiated by specific nucleoplasmic ratio and casin kinase 1 at the xenopus laevis midblastula transition” was published in Kinase 2016: Next generation inhibitors held on March 17th, 2016.
13. ‘‘Studies on biosoption of Azodyes from Dye House Effluent’’ was published in International chemistry conference-Recent advances in chemistry held on 2-3 November, 2007.
1. Punjab economic research Institute Report On Plastic Bags Manace-Alternatives& Social Responses A case study of Lahore Punjab, 2016.2. Paper Review of Manuscript entitled “Nanotoxicity Modelling and Removal Efficiencies of ZnONP with Consortium” for the International Journal of Phytoremediation.
3. Review of Manuscript entitled “Biosorption of Chromium (VI) from water onto the heat-treated biomass of Saccharomyces cerevisiae” for Desalination and Water Treatment
4. Paper review of “biosorption of cadmium and chromium from water by endophytic Kocuria rhizophila: equilibrium and kinetic study for desalination and water treatment”.
5. Science domain international on 04-05-2015 “invitro antibacterial activity of Maclura tinctoria and Azadirachta indica over streptococcus mutans and porphyromonas gingivalis”.
6. Paper review for British journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2015;BJPR-18308)
7. Paper review for Pakistan Journal of Botany 15-074.
8. Paper review for desalination and water treatment TDWT-2015-0464
9. HEC Research Project Review under NRPU No. 3851 Titled “Risk assessment and prioritization of pesticides, pharmaceuticals and their transformation products in aquifers”
Focal Person
Prof. Dr. Zahir Ahmad Zahir
Institute of Soil & Environmental Sciences
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan.
10. Reviewed SPRINGER BOOK on Life sciences entitled Yeast Feeding in animal
11. HEC Research Project Review entitled ‘Study to explore the viable strategy for commercial production of ethanol from lignocellulose biomass’
PhD students Research workSadia Saif (completed degree awarded)
“Biogenic synthesis of metallic nanoparticles by plant extracts and their stabilization for efficient treatment of drinking water”
Syeda Um-e-Kalsoom Naqvi (thesis submitted)
Utilization of Dairy industrial waste (Cheese whey) for the bio-synthesis of B-Galactosidase by Bacillus sp.
Madiha Aftab (2011 to onward)
Synthesis and coating of Laccase enzymes on metallic nanoparticles for the declourization of reactive dyes
Tooba Naz (2012 to onward)
Enhancement of lipid content in Chlorella sp. For biodiesel production and wastewater treatment for sustainable energy solution
Fariha Kanwal (2013 to onward)
Enhanced biosynthesis of hydrogen by metallic nanoparticles for sustainable energy solution.
Sr.No. |
Degree |
Title of Research |
1. |
MS |
Distribution, Population estimation and habitat evaluation of Punjab urial (ovis vignei punjabiensis) in District Chakwal, Punjab, Pakistan) |
2. |
MS |
Impact assessment and mapping of Glacier lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) in Reshun valley District Chitral Pakistan |
3. |
MS |
Effect of microwave radiation on antioxidant potential of some indigenous plants of Gilgit Baltistan. |
4. |
MS |
Optimization of different parametersfor the development of cost effective biosolar cells for electricity generation |
5. |
MS |
Assessment of different mediators for the development of cost effective biosolar cells for electricity generation. |
6. |
BS |
Isolation of campylobacter sp. From fresh and frozen chicken meat |
7. |
BS |
Studies on the potential of locally isolated fungi for the absorption of arsenic metal from leachate |
8. |
BS |
Immobilization of Aspergillus niger on polyurethane foam for the removal of lead from aqeous solution. |
9. |
BS |
Development of fungal biofilm on luffa cylindrical for biosoptionof Zn (II) from aqeous solution. |
10. |
BS |
Biosorption potential of Aspergilus niger immobilized on corn cob for chromium removal from an aqueous solution. |
11. |
BS |
Detection of selenium in egg collected from different markets of Lahore |
12. |
BS |
The effect of automobile related lead pollution on wild plants at specific motorway site |
13. |
BS |
Impact of air pollution on stomatal behavior of plants collected from heavy traffic site in Lahore |
14. |
BS |
Effect of essential and Non-essential metals on seed germination |
15. |
BS |
Effect of Essential and Non-Essential heavy metals on early seedling growth of Pisum sativum and Zea mays |
16. |
BS |
Effect of essential and non-essential heavy metals on seed germination of Medicago sativa and Brassica sp. |
17. |
BS |
Effect of essential and non-essential heavy metals on seedling growth of Medicago sativa and Brassica sp. |
18. |
BS |
Effect of essential and non-essential heavy metals on seed germination of Pisum sativum and Zea mays |
19. |
BS |
Effect of essential and Non-essential metals on seed germination of corn and sunflower |
20. |
BS |
Effect of essential and Non-essential metals on seedling growth |
21. |
BS |
Effect of essential and Non-essential metals on seed germination of lemon and tomato |
22. |
MS |
Studies on the chromium (vi) ions biosorption from tannery effluent using fungal biosorbent : Isolation kinetic modeling and column studies |
23. |
M.Sc. |
Studies on the arsenic biosorption efficiencies of different cell preparations of Bacillus subtilis MD08 |
24. |
BS |
Development of an eco-friendly enzymatic process for dehairing of hides and phytotoxicity studies against wheat. |
25. |
BS |
Silver recovery from discarded X-ray and photographic films by alkaline protease and phytotoxicity of effluent against Vigna radiate |
26. |
BS |
Comparative studies on the antibacterial activity of water and ethanol extract of Camellia sinensis (L) kuntze against oral bacteria |
27. |
BS |
Microbial assessment of rice samples for the prevalence of Bacilluc cereus |
28. |
BS |
Assessment of adulteration and microbial assessment of milk available in Lahore |
29. |
MS |
Biosynthesis and characterization of alkaline protease by locally isolated Bacillus Sp. |
30. |
BS |
Studies on the production of fermented food tempeh |
31. |
M.Sc. |
Optimization of fermentation conditions for synthesis of Penicillin amylase by ultrasonicated cells of Escherichia coli |
32. |
M.Sc. |
Comparative studies on the anti-bacterial effect of green tea, black tea and lemon grass extracts against Streptococcus mutants |
33. |
M.Sc. |
Studies on the biosynthesis of zinc bacitracin by Bacillus licheniformis |
34. |
M.Sc. |
Assessment of microbial examination of herbal drugs |
35. |
M.Sc. |
Isolation and Screening of thermophilic Bacillus species for the production of enzyme ALPHA AMYLASE |
36. |
B.Sc. |
Air Microbial surveillance of hospital environment |
37. |
B.Sc. |
Bacteriological monitoring of hospital environment |
38. |
M.Sc. |
Quantitative analysis of heavy metals in soil and vegetation irrigated with hudaira drain |
39. |
M.Sc. |
Quantitative analysis of heavy metals in sediments and water of hudaira drain |
40. |
BS |
Microbial assessment of different samples of cane sugar available in Lahore. |
41. |
M.Sc. |
Studies on Bactericidal Effect of Microwave Irradiation on Different Bacterial Species |
42. |
M.Sc. |
Ethanol fermentation from Sugar Cane Molasses by yeast |
43. |
BS |
Microbial examination of different bottled water samples available in Lahore. |
44. |
BS |
Fecal Coliform as an Indicator Organism |
45. |
BS |
Studies on the prevalence of Bacillus cereus in rice products (sessionn2005). |
46. |
BS |
Citric Acid Production by Aspergillus niger |
47. |
M.Sc. |
Biosorption of Ni from Electroplating industry by immobilized cells of Bacillus. (Session 2004-2006). |
48. |
M. Sc. |
Studies on the mechanism of bactericidal effect of microwave radiation against different bacterial species. |
49. |
M. Sc. |
“Production and purification enzyme phytase by Aspergillus niger by solid substrate fermentation |
50. |
M. Sc. |
“Microbial assessment of UHT/Pasteurized milk and milk products of different dairies. |
51. |
M. Sc. |
Biosynthesis of enzyme phytase by Aspergillus niger by submerged fermentation |
52. |
M. Sc. |
Biosynthesis of Extracellular enzyme penicillin amidase for the hydrolysis of penicillin G to 6-APA |
53. |
M. Sc. |
‘Bioaccumulation of azodyes from dye house effluent |
54. |
M. Sc. |
Biosorption of As from drinking water by locally isolated Bacillus sp |
55. |
MS |
Designing Of Fungal Consortium For the Biosorption of Copper and Zinc From Electroplating Effluent |
56. |
MS |
Ethanol Fermentation by Locally isolated mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
57. |
MS |
Biosynthesis and characterization of thermophilic and acidophilic phytase from locally isolated fungi |
58. |
MS |
Biosynthesis of penicillin v acylase for the hydrolysis of penicillin v to 7-aminodesacetoxycephalosporanic (7-ADCA) |
59. |
MS |
Utilization of agricultural and Industrial waste for the propagation of edible mushrooms. |
60. |
MS |
Isolation and screening of microbial flora from paddy rice field for the biosoprtion of Cadmium and Lead |
61. |
MS |
Biosynthesis of Zinc Bacitracin by Bacillus lichenformis under submerged fermentation using what bran |
62. |
MS |
Development of consortium for the biodegradation of azo- dyes |
63. |
MS |
Bio-technological approach for the degradation of diesel oil by oil resistant microbes isolated form petroleum contaminated soil |
64. |
MS |
Production of Ethanol from apple juice by Saccharomycs cerevisae straining and its conversion to vinegar by Acetobacter species |
65. |
MS |
Sustainable strategies to maintain biodiversity in conservation park at Jallo Lahore |
66. |
MS |
Assessment of Protease coated iron nanoparticles for the bio control of nematodes |
67. |
MS |
Utilization of sewage sludge for the production of biofertilizer and biofuel |
68. |
MS |
Detoxification of Jatropha seeds |
69. |
MS |
Preparation of protease coated nanoparticles for Ag recovery from used x-ray films |
70. |
MS |
Carbon Sequestration capacity of indigenous riverian forest |
71. |
MS |
Assessment of herbal extracts for meat preservation |
72. |
MS |
Assessment of antioxidant activity of selected plants against oxidative stress produced due to noise stress in albino mice |
73. |
MS |
Effect of air pollution on protein and carbohydrate content of indigenous plants |
74. |
MS |
Biosynthesis of Ag & Cu nanoparticles using Grewia asiatica L. leaf extract for evaluation of biological activity |
75. |
MS |
A comparative study on the water footprint of recycled and Virgin paper production process |
76. |
MS |
Assessment of water footprints of leather manufacturing process |
77. |
MS |
Physico-chemical and Microbiological Assessment of Water Quality of Rawal lake |
78. |
MS |
Study on the Distribution and Migration Pattern of Plants in the Ecological Zones of Punjab Pakistan in Response to Climate change |
79. |
MS |
Water Footprint Assessment of Textile Process: A Comparative Study of Recycled Denim and Lenin Denim |
80. |
MS |
Water Footprint Assessment of Operational and Construction Hydropower Plants in Pakistan |
81. |
MS |
Studies on the Microbial Production of Saccharilytic Enzymes on Wheat Straw for Ethanol Production |
82. |
MS |
Isolation and Screening of Fungi for bioremediation of paper mill effluent |
83. |
MS |
Synthesis of silver Nanoparticles coated with Turmeric and Garlic Extracts for shelf Life Enhancement of Packed Meat |
84. |
MS |
Preparation of Nano Herbal Antiseptic Bandage for the treatment of external Wounds |
85. |
MS |
Extraction of silver from used X-Ray and Photographic films by Alkaline Protease Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles |