Department of Environmental Sciences

COD's Message

The Department of Environmental Science at LCWU is planning a major rebuilding and recruitment effort to meet the new challenges to global environment. Environmental Science Program offers a hands-on integrated approach to learning. Our courses cover a variety of topics related to the environmental challenges facing our world.

The department is at the forefront of advances in the basic sciences associated with pollution, human health, treatment technologies, urban planning, monitoring, conservation etc. Department has world class teaching in health, biotechnology, bioproducts and bio-processing, bioinformatics, GIS, sustainable development, food quality, conservation, water management, soils, microbiology and ecosystem science and management. We provide students with the tools to tackle a real-life environmental problem in a professional manner using analytical skill, research skills, and presentation skills. Students are also encouraged to learn outside of the classroom as field studies classes and internships. The Environmental Science department has excellent facilities for teaching and research, including well-equipped laboratories, experimental and field facilities.

Two Societies SEA and LEAF are very active in organizing seminars, conferences, workshops, competitions. We prepare students for a wide range of careers in industry, government, consulting, and education.

Prof. Dr Arifa Tahir
Department of Environmental Science