Faculty Development & Internationalisation

Head Research

Dr. Asifa Kamal is currently serving as the Chairperson of the Department of Statistics at Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) alongside her role as an Associate Professor. She has conducted numerous workshops as a Resource person, specializing in quantitative data analysis and applied statistical techniques using SPSS, STATA, and R software. With expertise in Sampling Techniques, Multivariate Analysis, Regression Analysis, Survival Analysis, and Population Studies, Dr. Kamal has been actively involved in advancing statistical education and research.

Dr. Kamal's academic journey has been marked by international experiences, including a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Southampton, UK, and participation in the Mevlana Faculty Exchange Program at Hacettepe University, Turkey.

Her contributions extend to global statistical communities, evident through her membership and coordination roles in LISA 2020, where she established and leads the LISA-LCWU lab. Dr. Kamal has secured grants from various institutions, including the USAID, World Bank, and the International Statistical Institute, furthering capacity-building projects and international collaborations.

Dr. Kamal has initiated significant partnerships, organized international symposiums. Her dedication to inclusive education is demonstrated through initiatives like the Mathematical Sciences Sponsorship Fund project aimed at facilitating learning for blind girls.

Dr. Asifa Kamal's commitment to advancing statistical education, fostering international collaborations, and promoting diversity and inclusion underscores her significant contributions to the field of statistics and academia.

Dr. Asifa Kamal
Head Research