Practical Classroom Based Skills
All programs offered by the department focus on practical skills for teachers, such as, skills and knowledge to design and develop worksheets, computer based activities, innovative teaching materials and resources.
Continuous Professional Development CPD
All in-service teacher education and training programs are designed for ongoing professional learning and development of in-service teachers to expand their teaching repertoire to include a variety of teaching methods such as, discussion, role-play, small-group work, using ICT, and thus improving their teaching abilities and practices.
Change management and pedagogical leadership
The department is committed to produce educational leaders and agents of change who will collaborate with all stakeholders to enhance the authentic educational experience for all learners. All programs offered by the department have an inbuilt element of providing students management and organizational skills to be able to effective in their personal and professional lives.
Collaboration and Partnership
The department as part of its mission supports all activities and endeavors geared to improve practice within and outside the university. It, therefore, subscribes to collaboration and partnerships with the industry and other stakeholders to help the students locate themselves within the field and job market. The department as part of this motive has designed and runs a summer program for faculty and staff children up to the age of 12 Years. The program will be extended to other organizations.