Dr. Asifa Kamal
Chairperson/Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- Associate Professor Statistics LCWU, Lahore 13, Feb. 2020 till todate
- Assistant Professor of Statistics LCWU, Lahore 23, January, 2009-13, Feb., 2020
- Lecturer Statistics HED Punjab at LCWU, 24, October, 2000 to 23, January, 2009.
- Lecturer Statistics HED Punjab 26, February, 1999 to 23, October, 2000.
Qualification |
Institution |
Year |
Post Doc |
University of Southampton, UK |
2017-18 |
Ph.D. (Statistics) |
GCU, Lahore |
2012 |
M.Phil (Statistics) |
GC University, Lahore |
2006 |
M.Sc. (Statistics) |
Punjab, Lahore |
1997 |
B.A. |
Lahore College for Women, Lahore |
1994 |
F.A. |
Lahore College for Women, Lahore |
1992 |
Matric |
Govt Model Girls High School Model Town Lahore |
1990 |
Sampling Techniques, Multivariate Analysis, Regression Analysis, Survival Analysis, Population Studies
Indigenous PhD Scholarship from Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship award at University of Southampton, UK by Punjab Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
Visited to Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey after selection from higher education department Turkey under Mevlana Faculty Exchange Program 3-17, Nov., 2019 and delivered series of seminars to students and faculty members.
Won grant from USAID to attend symposium of LISA 200, University of Colorado Boulder, USA (2019).
Established lab LISA-LCWU in collaborations with LISA 2020 global network and currently working as coordinator of LISA-LCWU.
Member LISA 2020 and attained full membership of LISA LCWU.
Received International Statistical Institute grant ($900) for capacity building projects for Statistics (10 May, 2020) and organized/conducted workshops.
Received grant ($ 1964) from World Bank (under TFSCB) through International Statistical Institute for year 2020 and organized 4 days events in the context of 3rd LISA 2020 symposium “Connecting to Build Capacity to Transform Evidence into Action and Celebrate the International Year of Women in Statistics and Data Science (IYWSDS)”.
Blog Training the Next Generation of Statisticians: Why Statistician Asifa Kamal is leading a new statistics lab in Pakistan. https://usaid.link/vs3
Video recording on ISI website under title women Statistically Significant
Currently supervising one BS student.
Arshad, A. (2021). Statistical Analysis of the Effect of Potential Non-Clinical Risk Factors on Covid-19 Cases and Deaths in Punjab, Sindh and KPK: Application of Negative Binomial Regression Model.
Shakeel, A. (2019). Trends and Determinants of Neonatal Mortality in Pakistan, PDHS (1991-2018).
Ali A. A. (2019). Factors affecting Body Mass Index of Pakistani Women: Quantile Regression Model.
Basharat, J. (2015). Analysis of Socio-Demographic Factors affecting Utilization of Antenatal Care Visits among Pakistani Women: A Negative Binomial-Logit Hurdle (HNBLOGIT) Regression Model Approach (1990-2013).
Khan, A. (2013). Effect of Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors on the Prevalence of Consanguineous Marriages in Pakistan.
Waqar, F. (2011). Effect of Socio-Economic and demographic factors on son preference in Pakistan (analysis at national and provisional level).
Ashraf, S. (2009). Factor analysis of teacher’s intervention strategies for solving student’s behavior and learning problems: A cross-sectional case study based on the teaching staff of girl’s schools of Ravi Road, Lahore.
MS Statistics
- Currently supervising one M.Phil students.
- Shakeel, A. (2021). Analysis of Patterns, Trends and Determinants of Stillbirth in Pakistan (PDHS 2012-13 and 2017-18): A Spatial and Multivaraite Decomoposition Analysis
- Kamran, A. (2020). Level, Trends and Determinants of Fertility in Pakistan: An Application of Relational Gompertz Model and Poisson Regression Model (1990-2018).
- Malik, S. (2020). Trends and Determinants of Family Planning Methods Among Women in Pakistan: A Pooled Analysis from PDHS (1990-91, 2006-07, 2012-13 & 2017-18).
- Ishaq, M. (2019). An exponential Ratio and Product Type in Regression Estimators for Finite Population Mean by using Transformed Auxiliary Variables under Non Response.
- Zahid, S. (2019). Generalized to Exponential Ratio Type Estimators for Finite Population Mean in the Presence of Non Response.
- Sarwar, N. (2018). Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration in Pakistan: Parametric and Non-Parametric Survival Approach.
- Dastgir, H. (2017). Some Exponential Type Predictive Estimators of Finite Population Mean In Two-Phase Sampling.
- Amir, N. (2017). New Exponential Type Estimators for Population Mean Under Predictive Approach Using Auxiliary Information in Two Phase Sampling.
- Afshan, F. (2016). Improved Predictive Exponential Type Estimation of Population Mean.
- Ahmad, Z. (2015). Analysis of the Effect of Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors on Child Mortality in Pakistan.
- Saher, H. (2013). Determinants of Low Birth Weight of New Born Infants in Pakistan: Comparison of Multiple Imputations with Deletion Method of Missing Data Handling Techniques.
- Conducted 6 days workshop “Data Analysis using SPSS” at LCWU, organized by DFDI, LCWU, from 27th – 29th September & 4th -6th October, 2021.
- Conducted one day workshop on “Analysis of Survey Data from Complex Sample Designs with SPSS”, 29, June, 2021.
- Delivered talk in 3rd LISA 2020 Plenary Session titled “New Approaches to Statistical Learning in Developing Countries, Wed, Jan 20, 2021.
- Resource person for workshop on “Tidyverse for Data Science”, 2-6, November, 2020.
- Resource person for online international workshop on “Tidyverse for Data Science”, 20-28, July, 2020.
- Conducted series of seminars (3) at Hacettepe University, Ankara Turkey on “Data Science with Tidyverse” under Mevlana Exchange Program from 3/11/19 to 17/11/19.
- Seminar on Handling Missing Data at Government College for Women, Samanabad, Lahore 3rd May, 2019.
- Seminar on Handling of Missing Data on 18 October, 2018 organized by DFDI at LCWU, Lahore.
- Resource Person for Advanced Level Workshop on Data Analysis, 20 – 25 Oct., 2016 (4 cr. hrs), LCWU, Lahore.
- Resource Person for 3-Week Workshop on SPSS Training, 11thApril – 29 April, 2016, LCWU, Lahore.
- Facilitator for Active Citizen Program and Supervisor of Social Action Projects.
- Resource Person for two week training on SPSS (2014) arranged by Directorate of Faculty Development, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- Resource Person for training on SPSS for teachers of affiliated colleges and LCWU faculty (July 4th to 15th July, 2011) at LCWU, Lahore.
- Resource Person for teacher training course on SPSS (2009) conducted by HEC at LCWU, Lahore.
- Non Response in Survey Sampling, Department of Social Statistics and Demography, University of Southampton, UK.
- Generalized Linear Models, Department of Social Statistics and Demography, University of Southampton, UK.
- Multilevel Modelling III, Department of Social Statistics and Demography, University of Southampton, UK.
- Time Series Analysis, Department of Social Statistics and Demography, University of Southampton, UK.
- Statistical Programming, Department of Social Statistics and Demography, University of Southampton, UK.
- Elected Member International Statistical Institute, year 2020.
- Member National Curriculum Review Committee for Statistics HEC, Pakistan.
- Member International Union for Scientific Study of Population IUSSP.
- Ex Member of Population Association of Pakistan (PAP).
- Ex Member of Islamic Society of Statistical Sciences.
- Member Editorial Board Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (JASS)
- Member LISA 2020.
- Member Advisory Committee Journal of Statistics.
BMJ open,
Asian Research Journal of Mathematics and
Journal of Poverty and Public Policy.
- Organized one day International Webinar on Statistics: Solution to Interdisciplinary Research Problem (20th October, 2020). Guest speakers were renowned national and International (from USA and UK) Statisticians.
- Chaired plenary session titled as “New Approaches to Statistical Learning in Developing Countries”, October 29, 2020 by Department of Statistics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
- Chaired session at online conference at AISC 2021 (8-10, October, 2021) UNC Greensboro, USA. Chaired Parallel Session 3d: Analysis of Public Health Data at the International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics on October 8-10, 2021.
- Departmental Management Representative (COD from Feb., 2021-till todate)
- Member Departmental Tenure Review Committee College of Statistical and Actuarial Science, University of the Punjab.
- Coordinator LISA LCWU.
- Member Physical Inspection Committee LCWU
- Member GP Fund Committee
- Member Benevolent Fund Committee
- Member TTS Committee Mathematics department LCWU
- Focal Person SDG4, LCWU, Lahore.
- Member Publication Evaluation Committee.
- Batool, H., Anwar, M., Asghar, N., Rehman, H. U., & Kamal, A. (2021). A nexus between household characteristics and women’s empowerment: a case study of Punjab, Pakistan. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 9 (2), 203-212 https://doi.org/10.18510/hssr.2021.9221,
- Saud, N., Rasool, A. G., Amjad, N., Kamal, A., Shahid, N., & Tabassum M. N. (2021). Factors Effecting the Motivation towards Blood Donation among University Students in Lahore Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 15 (1), 198-200. ISSN1996-7195.
- Rasool, A. G., Saud, N., Kamal, A., Amjad, N., Shahid N., & Tabassum, M. N. (2021). Socio-Demographic factors affecting knowledge, attitude, and practice towards blood donation among university students, Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 15 (2), 638-641.
- Kamal, A., Malik, S., Batool, H., & Rasul, A. (2021). Influence of Individual and Community-Level Associates Of Contraceptive Use In Pakistan: A Multi-Level Mixed Effect Analysis (PDHS 2017-18). Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews eISSN: 2395-6518, 9(3), 764-775 https://doi.org/10.18510/hssr.2021.9375
- Bashir, N., Kamal, A., & Iqbal, T., (2021). Prevalence and Determinants of Diarrhea among Children of Punjab, Pakistan Pak Pediatr J; 45(3): 284-91.
- Bakhtawar, B., Latif, F., & Kamal, A., (2021). An Analysis of Competition and Displacement of Business among Media Forms in the Advertising Media Market of Pakistan. The Lahore Journal of Business, 10(1), 121.
- Kamal, A., & Shakeel A. (2021). Differentials and determinants of neonatal mortality in Pakistan: a cross sectional analysis (PDHS 2017-18). Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 71(3), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.1458, CD2 0.5, JCR impact factor 0.573
- Kamal, A., Ali, A. A., & Irfan, S. (2021). Socio demographic determinants of BMI of Pakistani women: an evidence from PDHS (2017-18) using quantile regression analysis. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association (JPMA), 71(4), 1069-1075. doi: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.1459, CD2 0.5, JCR impact factor 0.573
- Sarwar, N. H., & Kamal, A. (2020). Exclusive Breastfeeding Practices and Associated Risk Factors in Pakistan: An Evidence from PDHS 2012-13 using Cox Proportional Hazard Model, Pakistan Pediatric Journal, 44(2), 113-119.
- Kamal, A., & Numan, N. (2020). Trends and Determinants of Birth Spacing in Pakistan: 1991-2013. Pakistan Pediatric Journal, 44(3), 240-249.
- Kamal, A., Kamal, A., Afzal, N., Siddique, S., & Tahir, K., (2020). Role of Zinc in Patients Presenting with Recurrent Hepatic Encephalopathy in Medical Unit of Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore. Esculapio, Volume 16, Issue 03. https://doi.org/10.51273/esc20.251631
- Mirza, S., Latif, F., & Kamal, A. (2020). Online Media and Students’ Pro-environment Engagement-raising Awareness, Facilitating Environment-friendly Behavior and Social Capital, Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 6(2), http://journal.aiou.edu.pk/journal1/index.php/PJDOL/article/view/918/104
- Kamal, A., Noreen, G., & Amin, M. (2020). Trends and Determinants of Fertility in Pakistan: Multivariate Decomposition Analysis (PDHS 1990-91 to PDHS 2012-13), Journal of Innovative Sciences, 7(1), 6-17.
- Kamal, A., Amir, N., & Dastagir, H. (2020). Some Exponential Type Predictive Estimators of Finite Population Mean in Two-Phase Sampling. STATISTICS, COMPUTING AND INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH, 2(1), 51-57. http://scir.wum.edu.pk/index.php/ojs.
- Afshan, F., Kamal A., & Makhdum M. (2019). Improved Predictive Exponential Type Estimator of Population Mean. Journal of ISOSS, Vol. 5(2), 31-48.
- Kamal, A., Waqar, F., & Muazzam, A. (2018). Attitudinal determinants of son preference for Pakistani women based on PDHS (2012-13): A Poisson Regression Model Approach, JASS, Vol.5 (2), 13-27.
- Inayat, I., & Kamal, A. (2017). Factors Affecting Young Female Consumer’s Behavior towards Branded Apparels in Lahore, Journal of ISOSS, 3(2), 253-260.
- Saher, H., Kamal, A. & Nauman, U. (2017). Analysis of Factors Affecting Weight of Child at Birth in Pakistan: Multiple Imputation of Missing Data, Journal of Statistics, 24, 2017. pp. 75-91.
- Ahmed, Z., Kamal, A., & Kamal, A. (2016). Determinants of Child Mortality in Pakistan: Cox Proportional Hazard Model Analysis for PDHS (2006-07) and PDHS (2012-13), Pak Pediatr J , 40(1), 47-53.
- Ahmed, Z., Kamal, A., & Kamal, A., (2016). Statistical Analysis of Factors Affecting Child Mortality in Pakistan, Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 26 (6), 543-544. Impact factor 0.230
- Basharat, J., Kamal, A., Manzoor, I. & Nauman, U. (2016). Socio-Demographic differentials for Utilization of Antenatal Health Care among Pakistani Women: A Negative Binomial-Logit Hurdle (HNBLOGIT) Regression Model Approach (1990-2013), Pak Pediatr J., 40(4), 242-53.
- Kamal, A., Saher, H., & Kamal A., (2016). Factors Affecting Low Birth Weight in Pakistan, Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 26 (12), 1001-1002. Impact factor 0.230
- Kamal, A., Khan, A., & Nauman, U. (2015). Effect of Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors on Prevalence of Consanguineous Marriages in Pakistan. Journal of Statistics, 22, 317-334.
- Javed, S., & Kamal, A. (2014). Job Satisfaction Factors of PTCL Employees, International Journal of Applied Research, 3, 166-174.
- Waqar, F., & Kamal, A. (2013). Socio-economic and Demographic Factors Affecting Intended Number of Boys in a Family: A Case Study based on Pakistani Women. The Pakistan Journal of Social Issues, 4, 44.-53.
- Kamal, A., & Pervaiz, M. K. (2013). Determinants of marriage to first birth interval in Pakistan, Journal of Statistics, 20 (1), 44-68.
- Kamal, A., & Pervaiz, M. K. (2012). Determinants of higher order birth intervals in Pakistan, Journal of Statistics, 19 (1), 54-82.
- Kamal, A., Riaz, A., Kamal, A., & Sheikh, F. (2012). Association of raised gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels in patients with acute coronary syndrome and their hospital Outcome, Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 6 (1), 208-211.
- Kamal, A., Hameed, M., Kamal, A., & Naseem, K. (2012). Assessment of Risk Factors in Patients Presenting with Gastritis at Services Hospital Lahore. Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 6 (2), 370-371.
- Kamal, A., & Pervaiz, M. K. (2011). Factors affecting the family size in Pakistan: Cloglog Regression Model Analysis, Journal of Statistics, 18 (1), 29-53.
- Kamal, A., Shahbaz. Q and Hanif, M. (2009). Modified regression type estimator in two phase sampling using arbitrary probabilities, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 25(2), 141-147.
- Kamal, A., & Shahbaz, M. Q. (2008). New Difference Estimator in Two-phase Sampling using Arbitrary Probabilities. Journal of Statistics, 15, 7-16.
- Kamal, A., Qaisera, S., Kamal, A., & Nazeer, A. (2008). Assessment of awareness regarding diabetic retinopathy among patients visiting diabetic clinic, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore, Esculapio, 3 (4), 6-9.
- Kamran, A., & Kamal, A. (2021, February 18-20). Trends in Urban/Rural and Regional Fertility differentials in Pakistan using Relational Gompertz Model Paper Presented and Published in the proceedings of 18th International Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICSS18). 305-316.
- Kamran, A., & Kamal, A. (2021, April 9-10). Data Quality Checks of Fertility Data: Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys (PDHS 1990-91, 2006-07, 2012-13, 2017-18). Paper Presented and published in the proceedings of 5th Online International Online Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (IOCESS2021a), in Lahore, Pakistan. pp. 625-639.
- Shakeel, A., & Kamal, A., (2021, October 8-10). Analysis of Spatial Patterns and Associated Factors of Stillbirth in Pakistan, PDHS (2017-18): A spatial and multilevel analysis. Paper Presented in online conference at AISC 2021 conference, UNC Greensboro, USA.
- Yaqoob, U., & Kamal A., (2021, October 8-10). Role of Socioeconomic and Parental Involvement Factors on Children Foundational Learning Skills: An Evidence from MICS (2017-18), Punjab, Pakistan. Paper Presented in online conference at AISC 2021, UNC Greensboro, USA.
- Dastgir, H., Kamal, A., & Makhdum, M. (2019, January 21-23). Some Predictive Estimators Of Finite Population Mean in Double Sampling. Paper Presented and Published in Proc. 17th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, 33.
- Sarwar, N., Kamal, A., & Khan, T. (2019, January 21-23). Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration In Pakistan: Parametric Survival Models. Paper Presented and Published in Proc. 17th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, 33.
- Javed, R., Fatima, A., & Kamal, A. (2019, January 21-23). Factors Affecting the Utilization of Maternal Health Care Services among Women in Punjab, Pakistan: Insight from MICS Data 2014. Paper Presented and Published in Proc. 17th International Conference on Statistical Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan, 33.
- Inayat, I., & Kamal, A. (2016, December 12-15). Factors Affecting Young Female Consumer’s Behavior towards Branded Apparels in Lahore. Paper presented at ICCS-14, Multan, Pakistan.
- Ahmad, Z., & Kamal, A. (2015, February 6-7). Analysis of the Effect of Socio-economic and Demographic Factors on Child Mortality in Pakistan. Paper Presented at First Annual Conference of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences on Mathematical and Statistical Models in Economics, Finance and Applied Science: Analysis and Methods.
- Ashraf, S. & Kamal, A. (2011, December 19-22). Factor Analysis of Teacher’s Intervention Strategies for Solving Student’s Behavior and Learning Problems (A Cross-Sectional Case Study Based on the Teachers of Girls Schools of Ravi Town, Lahore). Paper Presented at 11th ICCSS, UMT Lahore, 21. 707-715.
- Kamal, A., & Shahbaz. Q. (2007, November 7-8). Regression Estimator in Two-Phase Sampling. Paper Presented at International Conference on Statistical Sciences with special reference to the Survival Data Analysis, GCU, Lahore.Kamal, A., Qaisera, S., and Nazeer, A., & Kamal, A. (2008). Stages of diabetic retinopathy and its relationship with blood sugar level and duration of diabetes mellitus, Lahore”, Esculapio, 4 (1), 12-16.
- Malik, S., Kamal, A., Shakeel, A. (2021, October 27). Role of Individual and Community Conceptual Factors on Contraceptive Use in Pakistan: A Multilevel Analysis (PDHS 1990-2017). Poster presented at poster competition titled as “Let the data speak” organized by ORIC and Department of Statistics. 1st position.
- Arshad, A., Kamal, A., Afzal, F. (2021, October 27). Does Handwashing and Social Distancing Really Matters: A District Level Analysis of Punjab, Sindh and KPK Using Negative Binomial Regression Model. Poster presented at poster competition titled as “L et the data speak” organized by ORIC and Department of Statistics. 3rd position.
- Kamran, A., Kamal, A. (2021, October 27). Trends of Fertility Decline in South & Southeast Asian Countries using Relational Gompertz Model. Poster presented at poster competition titled as “Let the data speak” organized by ORIC and Department of Statistics. 1st position.
- Shakeel, A., Kamal, A. (2021, October 27). Analysis of Spatial Patterns and Associated Factors of Stillbirth in Pakistan, PDHS (2017-18): A Spatial and Multilevel Analysis. Poster presented at poster competition titled as “Let the data speak” organized by ORIC and Department of Statistics.
- Zahid S., Kamal, A., & Amir, N. (2019). Some Exponential Type Predictive Estimators of Finite Population Mean in Two-Phase Sampling. Forman Statistics Research Showcase 2019.
- Kanwal, S., Kamal, A., & Dastgir, H. (2019). A Predictive Estimator of Finite Population Mean in Double Sampling. Forman Statistics Research Showcase 2019.
- Afshan, F., & Kamal, A. (2017). Improved Predictive Exponential Type Estimators of Population Mean. Poster presented at 2nd COMSATS STATISTICS POSTER COMPETITION held on May, 11, 2017 at COMSATS Lahore. 3rd position.
- Saher, H., Waqar, F., & Kamal, A. (2015, February 6-7). Social and Demographic Factors Affecting Son Preference in Pakistan: A Provisional Level Approach. Poster presented at First Annual Conference of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences on Mathematical and Statistical Models in Economics, Finance and Applied Science: Analysis and Methods.
- Hameed, S., Javed, S., & Kamal, A. (2015, February 6-7). Identification of Job Satisfaction Factors of PTCL Employees, Poster presented at First Annual Conference of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences on Mathematical and Statistical Models in Economics, Finance and Applied Science: Analysis and Methods.
- Poster presentation on research festival (2014) on the 50 years of department of Statistics, GCU, Lahore.