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A Seminar on "Social Media Harassment"

A Seminar on the topic of "Social Media Harassment" was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore Collage for Women University with the collaboration of "Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan" on 2nd March, 2022 at IT Seminar Hall, LCWU.

The purpose of the seminar titled as "Social Media Harassment" was to develop the consciousness among the students about safe use of internet, negligence in internet use and its drawbacks and cyber crimes. On the occasion, speakers delivered speeches about effects of social media harassment, effects of social media on human psychology and ways of remaining safe from cyber harassment.

Vice President AIKhidmat Foundation Pakistan, Dr. Mushtaq Mangat said in his address that the importance of social media could not be denied in the present time but it was the need of an hour that youth must be thoroughly guided so that any untoward incident could be averted in the future. 

The another guest speaker Cyber law expert Zain Ali Qureshi said that there were millions of internet users in the country and youth commit cyber crimes owing to lack of knowledge. He talked about privacy settings and how to use them for the online safety. 

Senior Manager Media Relations AIKhidmat Foundation Shoaib Ahmed Hashmi talked about the effects of social media Harassment and how both men and women being affected by it.

A larger number of university academic staff and students attended the seminar. In the last souvenirs and certificates were distributed amongst the guest speakers and organizers by Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal and Ms. Nazia Salah ud Din, In charge, Social Work Dept.