Dr. Rozina Ch. (Associate Professor of Physics LCW University) presented talk on her research paper titled “Magnetic field quantization in pulsar”
Ref: Ch. Rozina, N. L. Tsintsadze and L. N. Tsintsadze,Plasma Phys. (2020), vol. 86, 905860211 cdoi:10.1017/S0022377820000252 (Cambridge University Press UK) at “European Geophysical Science (EGU) General Assembly Session 2020 held On line Copernicus Meetings, Vienna, Austria 4-8 May 2020. The abstract is available on Conference link https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/EGU2020-22152.html
The session was Convened by Rongsheng Wang (University of Science and Technology of China) and Co-conveners were Rumi Nakamura (Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences Austria) & Yuri Khotyaintsev (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala Sweden).The Live chat session was attended by a great number of researchers & scientists such as Kyoung-joo Hwang (Southwest Research Institute USA)Takuma Nakamura (Space Research Institute (IWF) / Austrian Academy of Sciences),Sadie Robertson (Imperial College London, Physics, United Kingdom),Julia E. Stawarz (Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom),Stephen Fuselier (Southwest Research Institute, Space Sciences and Engineering USA) etc.from world renowned universities & institutions.