One Day Workshop on The Power of You tube & Teaching through Digital Technologies
MOU Signing Ceremony between LCWU & PHEC & QASF

ORIC-LCWU conducted a One Day Workshop on The Power of You tube & Teaching through Digital Technologies for faculty members at Committee Room on 17th November, 2020 .
Mr. Zahid Qavi, motivational speaker from ICAP talked about usage of online tools to impart education using social media and Zoom. Another, motivational speaker Qasim Ali Shah discussed the effect of usage of YouTube in our lives and he also talked about how social media can be used as a tool for imparting knowledge and for earning The event ended with the vote of thanks from Dr. M.Zia-ul Haq Senior Manager ,ORIC-LCWU.
The MoU was signed by Prof. Dr. Bushra Mirza, Vice Chancellor Lahore College for Women University, Dr. Fazal Ahmed Khalid- Chairperson – PHEC and Qasim Ali Shah- CEO QASF.