News Archive - July 2021

A Lecture on “Language of Research: How Statisticians can help in Medical Research”

Dated: 15th July 2021: LISA LCWU, Department of Statistics has organized an informative lecture on principles and fundamentals of medical research titled as “Language of Research: How Statisticians can help in Medical Research”. The resource person of the lecture was Dr. Abdul Rehman Khawaja, HOD Biostatistics/CEO from Medical Statistics Research Academy, Lahore. The resource person provided valuable insights into the crucial role of statisticians in medical research. The lecture covered topics such as designing clinical trials, data collection and management, statistical analysis techniques, and result interpretation. Participants gained deeper understanding of statistical methodologies in medical research. The lecture successfully bridged the gap between statisticians and medical researchers, fostering collaborations and equipping participants with the necessary tools for data-driven decision-making. Overall, it was an informative and impactful event.