LISA-LCWU has organized an International virtual workshop titled as: “Spatial Data Analysis in ArcGIS and SaTScan” on Nov 24th, 2021. The ArcGIS software is a geographical information system (GIS) software that allows handling and analyzing geographic information by visualizing geographical statistics.
The resource person of the event was Ms. Abeera Shakeel Visiting Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. She completed her MS from Lahore College for Women University in the subject of Statistics and she is working as an internee of LISA-LCWU since 2019. Dr. Asifa Kamal, Chairperson, Department of Statistics and Coordinator LISA-LWCU 2020 highlighted the role of LISA-LCWU in expanding statistical literacy and capacity building of women in Statistics.

The participants were students, and faculty members from different countries Brazil, Ghana, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Malaysia. In the workshop importance of GIS and Spatial Data analysis was discussed. The instructor also trained the participants on how to work on ArcGIS and SaTScan using DHS dataset. Dr. Asifa Kamal thanked Professor Dr. Eric Vance, Director LISA 2020 network, for his support to organize the workshop and also extended her note of thanks to the Resource person, LISA-LWCU team (Ms. Asma Zeb, Ms. Faiza Afzal and Ms. Sadaf Malik) and the attendees of the workshop.