- Introduction
- Call for Abstracts
- Conference Organizers
- Organizers from LCWU
- Conference Organizers from Partner Universities
Gender and Culture
Gender and Sports
Education: Returns to Education, under and over education and investment in education
Sociology of Gender
Sociological Perspectives of Gender & Religion
Gender, Environment & Climate Change
Gender, Politics and Social Change
Gender and Economy
Gender and Health
Gender, Peace & Security
Violence, Harassment and Trafficking
Psychology of Gender
Gender and Discourse
Gender and Media (Digital, Social, Print, Electronic)
Sociocultural dynamics of Masculinity
Abstract (200-250 words) with 5 keywords should be submitted by October 20th, 2022 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Abstract must include title of research, authors name and affiliation and email address of corresponding author.
- All abstracts will be peer reviewed and only accepted abstracts would be invited to submit and present PPTs.
- Submission deadline for abstracts: October 20th, 2022.
- Decision about acceptance/ rejection November 5th, 2022
- Submission of power point presentation for the conference: November 15th, 2022
Patrons- in- chief
- Prof. Dr. Bushra Mirza
Vice Chancellor,
Lahore College for Women University - Dr. Rukhsana David
Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore - Dr. Shahid Qureshi,
Rector Gift University, Gujranwala
- Prof. Dr. Nabila Rahman
Vice Chancellor,
University of Jhang
Co Patrons- in- chief
- Prof. Dr. Muhammad Afzal
Dean Arts & Social Sciences
Lahore College for Women University
- Prof. Dr. Asir Ajmal
Dean Social Sciences
Gift University, Gujranwala - Prof. Dr. Ghazala Yaqub
Head Research
Operations Kinnaird College for Women
- Dr. Muhammad Roman
HoD,Department of Sociology
University of Jhang
- Dr. Uzma Ashiq Khan (Conference Team Lead)
Incharge Dept. of Gender & Development Studies & PI of Project Lahore College for Women University
Tel: 92-42-9203089 (226)
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Dr. Shehla Ahmad (Conference Coordinator)
Assistant Professor & Co PI of Project
Lahore College for Women University Tel: 92-42-9203089 (275)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Ms. Madiha Nadeem (Conference Organizer)
Lecturer & Co PI of Project
Lahore College for Women University Tel: 92-42-9203089 (275)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr. Shazia Riaz Dar
Assistant Professor & Incharge Gift Corpus Research Center
Gift University, Gujranwala
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
Prof. Dr. Masha Asad Khan
Dean Social Sciences & Humanities Kinnaird College for Women Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
Dr. Amjad Rehman Asghar
Assistant Professor Sociology, University of Jhang,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.