Shell Tameer Workshop on “Introduction to Entrepreneurship
24 August, 2023: It was one day start-up development training program, that provided guidance on how to transform idea into venture. It gave the audience an opportunity to participate in Shell Tameer Awards, which will offer different winning prizes to participants. It started with recitation of Holy Quran and hosting was done by Shermeen Shahzad, President of entrepreneurial club. Ms. Farah Saleem Qureshi, HR & Finance Officer, KBIC, LCWU and Mr. Muhammad Yousaf, Business Development Officer KBIC, LCWU were leading the event. Various activities were performed to activate the minds of the audience. Souvenirs were given to appreciate volunteer's along with that, Participation certificates were given to everyone who attended the workshop by Shell Tameer. LCWU faculty of various departments and high authority of entrepreneurial club team were awarded with gifts at end. While Vice Chancellor, Professor Shagufta Naaz presented a souvenir to Mr. Imran Azeem Head of Training and Development Shell Livewire Pakistan.