NEWS ARCHIVE - April 2024

Chief Minister's Bike Initiative for Youth Scheme Awareness Session held at LCWU

Lahore College for Women University hosted a session as part of the Chief Minister's Youth Initiative, dedicated to providing bikes to university students. The event was facilitated by the Directorate of Student Affairs. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Shagufta Naz and Secretary, Transport and MassTransit, Dr. Ahmed Javed Qazi were Chief Guests. Dr. Farrukh Naveed, Secretary Higher Education Department Punjab, Vice Chancellor UHE Prof. Dr. Faleeha Zahra Kazmi and Ms. Nadia Shafique, Additional Secretary Planning also graced the ceremony.
The interactive session aimed to familiarize students with the registration process, eligibility criteria, available bike options, and the overall procedure. This marked the inaugural event held at any university under this ambitious initiative which will be a milestone in enhancing accessibility and empowerment of female university graduates.