NEWS ARCHIVE - August 2024

A Workshop on "How to Manage Your Projects?"

workshopVC1.jpeg - 538.46 kBThe Khadija-tul-Kubra Business Incubation Center (K-BIC) at Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) hosted a one-day workshop titled "How to Manage Your Projects?" The event featured an insightful keynote address by the honorable Vice Chancellor of LCWU, Prof. Dr. Shagufta Naz, who shared strategies in project management aimed at fostering the professional growth of faculty and students while enhancing organizational effectiveness.workshopVC3.jpeg - 252.26 kB

workshopVC2.jpeg - 370.89 kBThe workshop was highly interactive, allowing faculty members to engage in meaningful discussion. Dr. Uzma Qureshi, Dean Faculty of Education and Director of DFDI, enriched the discussion by sharing her personal experiences in managing projects and effectiveness of collaboration. She commended Prof. Dr. Shagufta Naz for her visionary leadership in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and professional development at LCWU, which is crucial for both academic and institutional success.workshopVC.jpeg - 395.67 kB

In her closing remarks, Prof. Dr. Shagufta Naz emphasized the importance of experiential learning in mastering project management. She encouraged faculty members to actively involve in projects to gain a holistic understanding of the project lifecycle, developing competencies that are essential not only for professional success but also for personal growth and life management.