Prof. Shireen Asad raised Scholarship Fund for LCWU Students

ShirenAsadPresntedCheque.jpeg - 679.83 kBProf. Shireen Asad, an active philanthropist, alumnus LCWU, Professor of Psychology, Ex-Director Student Affairs LCWU presented a cheque to the worthy VC Prof. Dr. Shagufta Naz for fully funded need based scholarships for students of Psychology department.

Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Ali, Director Financial Aid and Prof. Dr Amina Muazzam, COD Psychology were present at the occasion. Worthy VC Prof Dr. Shagufta Naz appreciated and acknowledged her contribution for a noble cause. Prof. Dr. Amina Muazzam on behalf of the whole department appreciated and acknowledged the generous contribution of Prof. Shireen Asad for this noble cause and expressed that it would make a significant contribution to the deserving students lives and help them in pursuing their academic goals.