Seminar on "Use of AI for students to Develop Critical Thinking"

An interactive seminar on "Use of AI for students to Develop Critical Thinking" was held in Biotechnology Seminar Hall on 13th May, 2024. The seminar was lead by Foreign guest of Lahore College for Women University, Dr. Akira from Japan. Dr. Akira has an experience of 24 years and has a strong grip on AI and its use in education.posterCompititionBiotech.jpeg - 122.91 kB

The guest speaker emphasized that the student should use AI and get benefit of this technology but at the same time it is very important that the students know that they should do this technology in a positive way.  edge. 

The guests was also presented with souvenirs and cultural gifts by Director ORIC, Professor Dr. Faiza Saleem and faculty members.

A large group of students and faculty attended the event and appreciated the expertise of the resource person