3rd International Conference on Contemporary issues in Management and Administrative Sciences

2nd December to 4th December 2024

Submission Deadline: 15th November, 2024



Please Click Here to View complete Call for Paper


Registration Fee:

Participant Category




USD 100

PKR 3,000


USD 50

PKR 1,500


USD 50

PKR 1,000


Kindly note that:    

1.    An early bird discount of 20% in registration fee will be offered to those who will submit registration within 15 days of receipt of the acceptance letter.

2.    Payment must be made in USD or PKR only. The conference organizers will not accept any bank charges associated with the transfer of money.

3.    Each paid registration covers only one paper; you can pay Extra Paper Charges for one more paper from the same first author who already has a paid registration with early bird discount/normal fee.

4.    International presenters will be charged extra USD 50 for on campus accommodation and other related charges.

5.    Registration fees includes conference materials, refreshments for conference days, and attending all technical sessions.

6.    At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register.

7.    The Co-author who wants to obtain co-author certificate must have to register will full fee.

8.    Registration fee for each accompanying person/listener/attendee/participant is 1000PKR/50USD (With food and Without Conference Kit)

9.    International presenters who want to join virtually will have to pay USD20 for presentation/participation and certificates.

10. Delegates should bear the service Charges (if any) of the bank in the Sender's Side.

Please note that the paid registration fee cannot be refunded if you cannot participate in the conference