Latest News - 2025

An event to celebrate 75 Years of Pakistan-UK friendship

The British Political Counselor to Pakistan and the British Council in collaboration with Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) hosted an event to celebrate 75 Years of UK-Pakistan friendship on 01 September 2022 at PC Hotel,Lahore.

Being a recipient of competitive awards, including ORSAS, Friendly Hand Research Bursary, & Thomas Holloway studentship of University of London, UK; Lifetime Fellowship of Cambridge Commonwealth Society; the British Council’s Chevening Scholarship; & Viqar un Nisa Noon Scholarship, University of Cambridge, UK towards her masters and PhD studies in the UK, Dr. Sumaira Noreen was invited to attend the event. The event provided an opportunity to interact with senior British diplomats and the British Council officials and to discuss prospects for research and project funding by the British Council. Dr. Sumaira appraised the progress on British Council’s awarded project to LCWU under the Pakistan/UK Season 2022, which was appreciated at the gathering.