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CPD Workshop on "The Solar-PV Renewable Energy System"

Continuous Professional Development Workshop on “The Solar-PV Renewable Energy Systems: Introduction, Types, Designs, Economic Analysis, and Practical Implementation” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering in collaboration with DFDI and PEC, 12th October 2022. 

A Continuous Professional Development (CPD) workshop at Lahore College for Women University is hosted by the Department of Electrical Engineering, which is a licensed Pakistan Engineering Body (PEB), in association with the Department of Faculty Development and Internationalization (DFDI) and the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). Dr. Faiza Iftikhar, PEB-Coordinator with Dr. Anjum Tahira Director DFDI, organized the workshop on " The Solar-PV Renewable Energy Systems: Introduction, Types, Designs, Economic Analysis, and Practical Implementation," and invited Dr. Tahir Izharas a guest speaker. Mr. Ejaz Dar, IEEEP founder, and Retired Railways head joined the event as a guest, Prof. Dr. Intesar Ahmed, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, and Dr. Sadia Murawwat, Chairperson Department of Electrical Engineering, opened the session formally.


Attendees from the engineering community, including students, professionals, and faculty members, from LUMS, NUST, and Punjab Universityparticipated in the workshop.

A big part of the audience was from industries such as LESCO, TSG, Buraq Energy Solutions, AYK Pvt. Ltd, NTDC, TUSDEC, Pespsi Co., MES Pakistan, Power consultant.


The patricipents of the workshop found it very interesting as well as important for solar renewable power system design covering all the aspects such as solar system topologies , battery storage system , solar PV module , solar inverters, solar puming systems , economical analysis and solar PV system design procedure.

The faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering including Dr. Taskeen Raza, Dr. Mr. Sajjad Rabbani, Ms. Ayesha Tariq, Ms. Fatima Qazi, and Ms. Ramsha also attended the workshop.

Finally, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Prof. Dr. Intesar Ahmed, addressed the audience and emphasized the value of CPD workshops in exposing students, new graduates, professionals, and faculty to cutting-edge developing ideas, industry demands, and market trends.

Prof. Dr. Intesar Ahmed, Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology presented the souvenir to the guest speaker Dr. Tahir Izhar, and the certificates to the PEB-Coordinator, Dr. Faiza Iftikhar, and the organizing team from DEE and DFDI.