Latest News - 2025

An Interactive Seminar on Equality Policy of SBP

Bank Al Habib (An Interactive Seminar on Equality Policy of SBP)

1st Nov 2022:Bank Al Habib limited held a seminar with final year’s students of Department of Public Administration and Department of Management Sciences to raise awareness of banking in the “Equality Policy” of State Bank of Pakistan, which aims to reduce the gender gap in financial inclusion and encourage women to achieve their financial endeavor. Introducing easy and fastest way to open “Asaan  Account” with the minimum  required documentation,  preferably for who are unbanked/under banked.
A team from Bank Al Habib, including one of our BPA Alumni, held an interactive session to respond to student queries. All questions were answered in great detail by the team. It was accompanied by a live demonstration by a team from Bank Al Habib on how the Assan account for women is normally opened and a short discussion on how it works in banks. The discussion closed with future collaborations in terms of internships and business projects.