Latest News - 2025

LCWU Performs in the HEC Ranking 

In the ranking released by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan for the year 2021-2022, the Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization at Lahore College for Women University has been awarded an X category which is a testament to its excellent performance. ORIC at LCWU has been ranked 1st among all women's universities in Pakistan and 23rd overall in Pakistan where there are more than 230 HEC-recognized universities in the country. Further LCWU ORIC ranks 9th overall in Punjab and 11th in general universities of Pakistan. This high ranking will also increase the performance-based grant that LCWU receives from the HEC. 

ORIC ranking is reflective of the commendable research and innovation taking place at LCWU. In the year 2022, faculty members won a record number of research projects from both national and international sources. These include projects funded by the British Council, USEFP, WHO, PIDE as well as HEC. Further, the faculty members published several impact factors articles which have led to the highest-ever cumulative impact of more than 900. 

ORIC office has further contributed by facilitating several national and international linkages and has won the PKR 40 million HEC grant for the establishment of Khadija Tul Kubra Business Incubation.

Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr Bushra Mirza appreciated the performance of faculty members and congratulated the ORIC office on this achievement. She said that this will help in further improving the university’s international stature and ranking. Dr Engr. Aqsa Shabbir appreciated the hard work of her team and said that this is a huge achievement for a women's university.