Latest News - 2025

Workshop attended by Dr. Nausheen

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) organised a three-day workshop in order to enhance the capacity building of researchers in the field of climate adaptation and resilience. Pakistan Climate Resilience Research Coordination Network was formulated comprising of top academicians in climate science from across Pakistan. Dr. Nausheen Mazhar, Chairperson of Geography Department-LCWU, attended stating that she felt honored to be a part of the Pakistan Climate Resilience Research Coordination Network, which was formulated in a 3 days training at NUST, organized under USAID HESSA project. She enjoyed the training skills of their training facilitators from University of Utah, University of Arizona and University of Vermont. The participants learnt the challenges the country is facing in terms of climate resilience, Governmental efforts in this regard and developed their own multidisciplinary research proposals to address the most pressing climate research needs.