Department of Social Work


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A Seminar on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore Collage for Women University with the collaboration of Skill hat Institute of Professional Excellence on March 4th, 2019.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs. PCOS is a health problem that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. PCOS is linked to hormonal imbalance and is a leading treatable cause of infertility in women. The most common symptoms of the disease include irregular menstrual cycle, abnormal hair growth on face and body, acne and weight gain. Symptoms often appear after a woman begins having periods, but can also be triggered by weight gain. The exact underlying cause of this disorder is unknown; however, risk factors include weight gain, lack of physical exercise and a family history of the disease. So keeping in mind the problem of PCOS, the students of Social Work Department, Lahore Collage for Women University, Lahore conducted a seminar on this topic. The detail of seminar is given below: 

Dr. Munazza Ahmed (Chief Executive of Skillhat Institute of Professional Excellence), Professor Dr. Nadeem Goraya (Head of obstetrics & Gynacologist), Ms.Humaira Khurram (Founder of Kurves & Fitness Club) and Ms.Iram Shahid (Chairperson Department of Social Work, LCWU) were present as speakers. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.

Dr.Munazza Ahmed (Chief Executive of Skillhat Institute of Professional Excellence & Chairperson of Transforming Health Insight Foundation), explained the concept of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and give the introduction about the organization. Professor Dr. Nadeem Goraya (Head of obstetrics & Gynacologist), explained the causes, symptoms and the solution to overcome the disease. Ms.Humaira Khurram (Founder of Kurves & Fitness Club) is a Yoga Trainer, explained the basic Yoga steps and tells How Yoga can be helpful to reduce dependency on pill and medication for the regularization of hormones. After that Ms. Iram Shahid, (Chairperson Department of Social Work, LCWU) concluded the event with note of thanks to all the guest speakers and students for their response and active participation. The event was ended with the distribution of honorary shields and certificates among guest speakers and organizers. 

Women Empowerment through Family Planning

A Seminar on “Women Empowerment through Family Planning” was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore Collage for Women University with the collaboration of Sir Sarfaraz Husaain Kazmi (Regional Director of Rehnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan on March 1st, 2019.

The term "Family Planning" generally refers to methods undertaken that allow women to control when they get pregnant. There is considerable demand for family planning in Pakistan, the adoption of family planning has been hampered by government neglect, lack of services and misconceptions, Family planning is important for the health of a mother and her children, as well as the family's economic situation. The students of Social Work Department, Lahore Collage for Women University, conducted a seminar on this topic. The detail of seminar is given below:

Sir Sarfraz Hussain Kazmi  (Regional Director of Rehnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan), Ms.Nabeela Malick  (Director Advocacy of Rehnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan), Ms.Kanwal (Clinical Psychologist Rehnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan), Ms Shumail Rana (Field Coordinator of Rehnuma Family Planning Association of  Pakistan), Ms.Iram Shahid (Head of Social Work Department, LCWU) were present as speakers. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty members.

Sir Sarfraz Hussain Kazmi  (Regional Director of Rehnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan)  explained the History of Rehnuma Family planning Association of Pakistan. And talked about all the objectives and goals of this organization Ms.Nabeela Malick  (Director Advocacy of Rehnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan), shared her personal experiences and provide awareness about the importance of Family Planning. Ms.Kanwal (Clinical Psychologist Rehnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan) explained importance of professional help in family planning. Ms Shumail Rana (Field Coordinator of Rehnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan), explained eight components of Life Skill Based Learning. After that Ms. Iram Shahid, (Head of Social Work Department, LCWU) concluded the event with note of thanks to all the guest speakers and students for their response and active participation. The event was ended with the distribution of honorary shields and certificates among guest speakers and organizers.

Seminar on Anti¬- Beggary

A Seminar on Anti¬- Beggary was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore Collage for Women University with the collaboration of Directorate of Social Welfare & Bait-ul-mal Punjab on January 24th, 2019.

Beggary has always been considered as a social evil and a curse for society. Street beggars are common sight in all our towns and cities, outside the mosques and religious gatherings. Major obvious reasons for this evil are illiteracy, poverty and unemployment. Due to the pervasiveness of this social problem, many evil practices have come into existence which are destroying not only our social norms but also affecting the law & order situation of the country. So keeping in mind the hazards of beggary, the students of Social Work Department, Lahore Collage for Women University, Lahore conducted a seminar on this topic. The detail of seminar is given below:

Mr.Ajmal Cheema (Minister Social Welfare Punjab), Ms.Afshaan Kiran Imtiaz (Director General Social Welfare), Mr.Faiz Naeem Warich (Divisional Director Social Welfare Punjab Lahore), Professor Dr Ijaz (Professor at University of the Punjab, Lahore & President of Al Qalam Welfare Society), Mr.Allama Bashir Ahmad Yousafi (Adminstrator of Nagina Welfare Society),Mr.Irshad Waheed (Director PCRDP) and Ms.Iram Shahid (Chairperson Department of Social Work, LCWU) were present as speakers. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.

Professor Dr Ijaz (Professor at University of the Punjab, Lahore & President of Al Qalam Welfare Society),   explained the Islamic concept of Beggary in the light of Quran and Sunnah. Mr. Faiz Naeem Waraich (Divisional Director Social Welfare Punjab Lahore) threw light on the role of Social welfare Department in Anti beggary Campaign. Mr.Allama Bashir Ahmad Yousafi (Administrator of Nagina Welfare society) explained the effects of beggary on society. Mr. Irshad Waheed (Director PCRDP) share his views on role of society in Anti beggary campaign. A seminar was also addressed by the honorable chief guest Mr. Ajmal Cheema (Minister Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Mal Punjab), he encouraged the students to participate in anti-beggary campaign for society. After that Ms. Iram Shahid, (Chairperson Department of Social Work, LCWU) concluded the event with note of thanks to all the guest speakers and students for their response and active participation. The event was ended with the distribution of honorary shields and certificates among guest speakers and organizers. 

Signature Campaign

With the end of seminar all guests, faculty and students participated in signature campaign for anti-beggary. The signature campaign was incepted by the signature of Mr. Ajmal Cheema (Minister Social Welfare Punjab), furthermore, all guests, university faculty and students participated in signature campaign. 

The Art of Mindful Parenting

A Seminar on The Art of Mindful Parenting was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with SAHIL and sponsored by Ghani Glass Ltd on January 12, 2018.

Mr. Salman Abid (Representative of SPT), Mr. Ghufran Mahmood (Trainer, Consultant), Ms. Mehrunissa (Clinical Psychologist), Ms. Sameera Nazir (Health Psychologist, Senior Program officer, Sahil) and Mrs. Iram Shahid (Head of Social Work Department) were present as speakers. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society and mass media.

Ms. Kalsoom Khalid introduced the thoughtful topic for audience and elaborated the theme further with the demonstration of video based on “major mistakes committed by parents”.

Mr. Ghufran Mahmood explained the importance of parenting skills. He shared inspirational stories of renowned personalities who had their back on every stressful situation. He highlighted why kids need active attention and why children show arrogance when they don’t get attention. He explained that behind aggressive and violent behavior of children there is always a reason and parents need to continuously engage their children in communication and different activities before they find an alternative which is not good for them. Mr. Ghufran insisted a productive advice and reflection of behavior that a child gets his/her parents. He also elaborated role of parents, teachers, and scholars in shaping a child’s behavior.

Mr. Salman Abid (Anchor Person) explained that parents these days react first on their child behavior and pay less attention on listening to their children. He urged on importance of training along with education of children and we must discourage rude and aggressive behavior of parents in order to stop the transformation of their attitude into their kids. Attitude development is an art and our young generation must read, learn and apply all the good techniques. “We must not force our kids to learn multiple courses and the trend of diverting  entertainment to fast food only is very unhealthy. The behavior of our society towards working and domestic child workers is also the worst and parents need to consider those kids as their own children”, he stated.  He also highlighted communication gap between parents and children and the fact that how parents impose career choices on their kids which leave them as oppressed and confused part of society.

Ms. Mehrunnisa Discussed the psychological domain of parental training. She highlighted power point presentation on types of parenting and it’s unhappy effects. She differentiated authoritative and authoritarian ways of parenting and the difference of effects with both techniques. She also elaborated that why persuasive behavior with no limited guidelines in also a harm for child’s behavior. She ended the presentation with tips on how to be a good parent.

Ms. Sameera Nazir (Health Psychologist) interacted with audience by asking questions on what is parenting. She highlighted importance of protection and love along with care in training of child. She explained the “5’s” to strong family relationships. She highlighted anger management techniques to deal with child aggressive behavior. She asked everyone to understand how important a child’s emotions are and why it need serious attention.

After that, Mrs. Iram Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, LCWU concluded the event with vote of thanks to all the guest speakers and students for their response and active participation. She highlighted the importance of being good training and insight development is for good parenting skills. She ended the speech by adding that we should listen to our children and we must stand along with them in everything.
The event ended with appreciation remarks and distribution of honorary shields and certificates.

Mrs. Iram Shahid
Head of Social Work Department

Seminar on Impacts of Corporal Punishment on Child’s Development

A seminar on Impacts of Corporal Punishment on Child’s Development was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with Child Rights Movements (CRM) Punjab and Child Advocacy Network (CAN), on November 22nd, 2017.

Mr. Iftekhar Mubarak (CEO CAN Pakistan), Mr. Ahmar Majeed (Legal Advisor CRM), Mr. Fahim ul Haq Thanvi (Prominent Religious Scholar), Ms. Ayesha Sheraz (Clinical Psychologist) and  Mrs. Iram Shahid ( Head of Social Work Department) were present as speakers. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society and mass media.

Mr. Iftekhar Mubarak gave opening remarks explaining the theme of seminar and existing situation of Corporal Punishment in Pakistan. He also discussed the significance of this issue as at present Pakistan houses the largest number of young children in its history. “Corporal Punishment is a social issue which should be addressed in its social paradigm. Young generation needs more supervision but not with punishments”.

Mr. Ahmar Majeed discussed the child rights in Pakistan with reference of Child Rights Convention (CRC). He explained how CRM Punjab is contributing in Child Welfare in Pakistan. He also discussed the flaws in legal procedures for reducing corporal punishment in Pakistan.

Ms. Ayesha Sheraz discussed psychological aspects of corporal punishment. “Corporal punishment does not mean only physical punishment. Rather it includes the emotional, psychological and social dimensions. Corporal punishment complete destroy the personality of the child.

Mr. Fahim ul Haq Thanvi highlighted the Islamic teachings regarding corporal punishment. “Family specially parents play an important role in developing personality of child. Usually Islamic teachings are misinterpreted and justified in this regard. However, corporal punishment is not a solution and justified. Rather parents must be a model of consistency, virtue and ethics.

Then a quiz session followed by question and answer session was held. After that, Mrs. Iram Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, LCWU concluded the event with vote of thanks to all the guest speakers and students for their response and active participation. She also discussed the significance of students’ participation and role of family in raising awareness about corporal punishment in Pakistan.
The event ended with appreciation remarks and distribution of honorary shields and certificates.

Mrs. Iram Shahid
Head of Social Work Department

Celebrations of International Social Work Day 2017

Each year International Social Work Day is celebrated to highlight the new trends of social work practice and also to acknowledge the contributions of social workers for betterment of society. This year this day was celebrated on 21st March, while the theme of activities was, “Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability” and the official colour was Green. This year, Department of Social Work, LCWU also celebrated and executed the activities on 21st and 22nd March, 2017.

Vice Chancellor LCWU Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Kausar was chief guest on this occasion, who inaugurated the celebrations on 21st March, 2017. Besides, deans and directors of other departments with their faculty members, large number of students, members of civil society and media persons attended the event. While guests included old students, faculty members of social work department from affiliated colleges and University of the Punjab, officials of Department of Social Welfare and Bait ul Maal Punjab, social workers placed in different projects and representatives of different prominent social welfare organizations.
Various activities were planned to observe the day such as:
a.    Poster Making competition:

b.    Celebration Walk

c.    Show casing of services of collaborative NGOs:

d.    Presentation of  Documentaries

e.    Interactive Theatre

f.    Speeches and interactive session with dignitaries of field

National Graduate Conference (15th – 16th March)

Ms. Nazia Salahuddin (Lecturer) presented her research paper in National Graduate Conference (15th – 16th March) organized by Allama Iqbal Open University, Main Campus Islamabad. Title of her research paper was “Domestic Problems faced by Lady Health Workers due to their Professional Duties in the Rural Areas of District Lahore.  

Besides, research paper on “Role of Spirituality in Social Work: Views of Students” by Ms. Zara Masud (Internee and Independent Researcher) and Ms. Sitwat Farooq (Lecturer) was also selected for roundtable discussion. However, they could not attend the conference.

Donation to Khatoon Welfare society

Students and faculty of Social Work Department joined hands with a renowned local NGO Khatoon Welfare Society, District Shaikhupura, Punjab. Under supervision of Kahtoon Bibi, this organization is serving for last fifteen years. It has established a free dispensary hospital and an old age home. Besides, this NGO is also working for women welfare and empowerment. This year, this organization is organizing collective marriage ceremony of 12 orphan and destitute girls on March 5th, 2017. In this regard, students of Social Work Department have arranged donation of fancy clothes and shoes for all brides. On 14th February, 2017, this donation was handed over to Khatoon Bibi.

Seminar on Child Labour

A seminar on Child Labour was organized by the students of Social Work Department, LCWUplaced in Rural Community Development Project Chung, Lahore. The event was organized in collaboration with RCD Project Chung, on February 2nd, 2017 in Maraghazar Colony, Lahore.

Mrs. Iram Shahid (Head of Department of Social Work, LCWU), Mr. Ashraf Janjua (Social Welfare Officer), Mr. Arshad Abbasi (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Social Work University of the Punjab Lahore), Mr. Dr. Aqeel Hassan Naqvi (Medical Practitioner and Psychologist), Ms. Saba Naaz (CEO of Brilliant House School System), Mr. Ghufraan Mehmood (Master Trainer), and Ms. Kulsoom Khalid (Student and Secretary of Social Work Society, Dept. of Social Work, LCWU) were present as speakers on this occasion.
While Mrs. Navera Fatima (Lecturer) and Ms. Sitwat Farooq (Lecturer) were present as special guests and representatives of Dept. of Social Work, LCWU.

Ms. Kulsoom Kahlid, gave opening speech and highlighted the issue of child labour in Pakistan. Mr. Dr. Aqeel Hassan Naqvi discussed the physical and psychological effects of child labour on young children.

Ms. Saba Naaz discussed role of NGOs in addressing child labour in Pakistan. She also discussed contributions of her organization in reducing child labour through educational services.

Mr. Ghufraan Mehmood described reasons of child labour in South Asia and specifically in Pakistan. He also explained remedies for this social issue.

Mr. Ashraf Janjua admired the efforts of students in raising awareness regarding child labour in local community. He also described the role of Social Welfare and Baitul Maal Department, Punjab and initiatives of Punjab Government in minimizing ratios of child labour.

Mr. Arshad Abbasi explained role of students in tacking child labour as a major social problem of Pakistan. He described the links between child labour and other social problems which collectively decrease the quality of life for children of Pakistan.

Mrs. Iram Shahid concluded the session describing role of family in securing child rights and protection from abuses of child labour. She admired efforts of students for engaging community members and raising awareness among them. She alsothanked to all the guest speakers and students for their cooperation and concerns.

The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty of Punjab University, Lahore College for Women University, Brilliant School system, and representatives from civil society.

Seminar on Inner Peace and Conflict

A seminar on Inner Peace and Conflict: A Journey towards Inner Healing was organized by the students of Social Work Department, LCWUplaced in Urban Community Development Project no. 3, Lahore. The event was organized in collaboration with Anjuman e Himayat e Islam, on January 28th, 2017 in Quaid e Azam Hall, Anjuman e Himayat e Islam Tibbiaya College, Lahore.

Mr. Justice (R) Manzoor Hussain Sayal, President Anjuman e Himayat e Islam was chief guest for this seminar. Mr. Asif Mehmood Jah, President of Custom Health Care Society, Lahore, Ms. Zainab Tariq, Clinical Psychologist, Dr. BushraYasmeen, Deputy District Officer, UCD Project # 3, Lahorewere present as speakers on this occasion.

Ms. ZainabNaeem, student of Social Work Department gave opening speech and shared a presentation on trends and ratios of depressionand inner conflict among youth.

Mr. Asif Mehmood Jah described reasons of inner conflict among youth of Pakistan. He also explained significance of religious teaching in attaining inner peace and self-sustainability. He described spiritual nurture as the sole remedy of psycho-emotional conflicts.

Ms. Bushra Yasmeen discussed need of self-actualization specially in present circumstances of Pakistan. She also described effectiveness of self-harmony on all three micro, mezzo and macro levels of social life.

Ms. Zainab Tariq explained effects of inner conflicts on psychological well-being of young adults. She also shared remedies to handle emotional blockings, frustrations and pessimism.

Mr. Justice (R) Manzoor Hussain Sayal, discussed role of NGOs in imparting harmony in society. He highlighted the need and significance of inner peace in social development of Pakistan. He also appreciated the initiative of Social Work Department, LCWU Lahore in arranging such an impressive interaction session.

Ms. Sitwat Farooq, Lecturer of Social Work Department, LCWU gave concluding remarks. She alsothanked to all the guest speakers and students for their response and participation.

The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty of Punjab University, Lahore College for Women University, Anjuman e Himayat e Islam Law College, Tibbiya College Anjuman e Himayat e Islam and representatives from civil society.

Media persons of different channels and newspapers also covered the event. Video footage can be watched at this link:

Seminar on Role of Students against Narcotics Use

A seminar on Role of Students against Narcotics Use was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with Safe Child Foundation, on January 27th, 2017.

Mr. Anjum Shahzad, founder of Safe Child Foundation, Mr. Khalid Mehmood, General Secretary of Safe Child Foundation, Ms. Amna Munir Clinical Psychologist were present as speakers on this occasion. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.

Mr. Kahlid Mehmood gave opening remarks describing prevalence of drug uses and its contributing factorsamong youth. He also discussed role of NGOs in Pakistan.

Mr. Anjum Shahzad discussed types of narcotics and significance of religious orientations inn reducing ratios of drug usage. He also discussed role of students in addressing this social evil. He further explained the ratios and factors of drug use specifically in female population of Pakistan.

Ms. Amna Munir discussed prevalence of narcotics use on educational campuses.  By stating the psychological factors and physio-psycho effects, she also explained preventive measures of narcotics use.

After question and answer session, Mrs. Iram Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, LCWU discussed role of social workers in narcotics use prevention. Thanking all speakers and students, she concluded the session.

Free Medical Camp

Department of Social Work, LCWU has always been a prominent part of community services. Keeping this tradition, a Free Medical Camp was arranged by students of Social Work Department, on 25th January, 2017 in BabuSabu, Lahore.
This camp was arranged in collaboration of Urban Community Development Project No. 3, and renowned NGO Custom Health Care Society Lahore. Ms. Zainab Naeem, Ms. Ayesha Akram and Ms. AiqaAsjad students of Social Work Department, LCWU were organizers. Whereas Dr.Muhammad AwaisMunir (MBBS, RPM) examined the patients providing prescriptions and advices regarding healthy life style.  

The purpose of this one-daycamp was to provide general health services to local population besides raising awareness about healthy life style and preventive measures of contagious diseases.

Gifts for Syrian Refugees

Date: 25th January, 2017

The Department of Social Work, Lahore college for Women University has always been serving humanity through various activities both on national and local levels. In line of these activities, three students of Social Work department, Ms. Zainab Naeem, Ms. Aiqa Asjad and Ms. Ayesha Akram placed for their field work in UCD Project no. 3, arranged donations of warm clothes and shawls and few food items for children for Syrian Refugees. It was a one week community based activity in collaboration with renowned NGO Health Care Customs Society, Lahore. Students not only motivated community people for this noble cause but also collected donations of warm clothes from other students of department. After collection, all stuffs were handed over to Health Care Customs Society, Lahore which facilitated in transportation of donation to the desired destiny.

Seminar on Social Exclusion of Transgenders

A Seminar on Social Exclusion of Transgenders was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with Khawja Sara Support Programme (KSSP) by Akhuwat and Foundation House, on January 20th, 2017.

Ms. Taimoor Aashi and Ms. Saima Butt (representatives of She-male community), Ms. Saima Naseem, Project Manager KSSP, Dr. Shahid A. Zia, representative of Fountain house and Dr. Izhar ul Haq Hasmi representative of Akuwat were present as speakers on this occasion. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.

Dr. Shahid A. Zia gave opening remarks and discussed social status of transgenders with reference of stigmatization and social exclusion.

Ms. Taimoor Aashi and Saima Butt narrated their own life stories and explained hardships of being transgender in Pakistan. They also admired efforts of Social Work Department, LCWU for raising awareness regarding this sensitive issue.
Ms. Saima Naseem gave briefing about KKSP and its contributions for welfare of this marginalized community in Pakistan.
Mr. Izhar ul Haq Hashmi discussed role of NGOs in rehabilitation of transgenders. They highlighted the contributions and facilities of Fountain House. He also appreciated determination and enthusiasm of students and faculty of Social Work Department for social inclusion of specific groups including transgenders.

Mrs. Iram Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, LCWU highlighted the significance of family in social inclusion of transgenders. With concluding remarks, she thanked to all the guest speakers and students for their response and participation.

Donations by Social Work Department

Department of Social Work, LCWU, has always been in collaboration of national and regional level NGOs. AKUWAT Pakistan is one of the leading NGOs of Pakistan. Currently, Clothes Bank and AKUWAT University are its major project. This year students of Social Work Department collected donation of clothes and PKR 50,000/- for it. On 16th January, 2017, this donation was handed over representative of AKHUWAT, Lahore. 
Besides, a donation of medicines was also handed over to Hajvery Welfare Society, Mayo Hospital Lahore on 16th February, 2017.

Seminar on Online Harassment

A seminar on Online Harassment was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with Search for Justice Foundation, on January 18th, 2017.

Mr. Iftekhar Mubarak, Chairperson, Search for Justice Foundation, Ms. Huda Jilani, Project Assistant Digital Rights Foundation, Mr. Syed Shahid Hassan, Project Director National Response Centre for Crime FIA Pakistan, were present as speakers on this occasion. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.

Mr. Iftekhar Mubarak gave opening remarks and briefed audience about online harassment. He also discussed various types of digital exploitation of users by stating local case studies.

Ms. Huda Jilani explained the importance of digital privacy, users’ unconscious negligence and methods of digital harassment. Mr. Syed Shahid Hassan discussed governmental initiatives to address cybercrimes and specifically online harassment. He also explained the procedure of reporting cybercrime specially for females.

Mrs. Iram Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, LCWU She described significance of cyber privacy specially in gender perspective.With concluding remarks she alsothanked to all the guest speakers and students for their response and participation.

Issues of Burn Victims in Pakistan

A seminar on Issues Of Burn Victims in Pakistan was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with Burn Care Welfare Society, Pakistan on January 11th, 2017.

Mr. Mujeeb Ur Rehman Shami, currently President of CPNE and the chief editor of Daily Pakistan, Mr. M. Taqweem, Organizer Burn Care Welfare Society, Ms. Sadia Sohail MPA, PTI Punjab, and Ms. Dr. Fatima, renowned psychiatrist were present as speakers on this occasion. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.

Mr. Mujeeb Ur Rehman Shami threw light on the scarce medical treatment facilities available in Pakistan. He also emphasized on establishing medical units specifically serving the burn victims in country.  

Ms. Dr. Fatima, discussed the psychological problems of burn victims. She specifically highlighted the exclusion and stigmatization of patients by community leading towards psychological disorders. Ms. Sadia Sohail explained initiatives of Government of Punjab for welfare of such patients. She shared future implications for such victims with reference of law enforcement and compensations.
Mr. M. Taqweem gave briefing on role of NGOs for rehabilitation of Burn Victims in Pakistan. He also discussed the future plans of establishing a burn care hospital in Lahore.

Mrs. Iram Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, LCWU discussed the role of social workers in rehabilitation of burn victims in Pakistan. In the end, she concluded the event with note of thanks to all the guest speakers and students for their response and participation.

seminar on Life Based Skill Education

A seminar on Life Based Skill Education was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with Rahnuma - Family Planning Association of Pakistan (FPAP), on December 20th, 2016.

Mr. Sarfaraz Kazmi, Director Punjab Rahnuma-FPAP, Mr. Umer Shahzad Provincial Coordinator Pumjab Rahnuma - FPAP and Mr. Hassnain Tirmazi Director Programmes, The Media Foundation were present as speakers on this occasion. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.

Mr. Sarfaraz Kazmi presented an introductory presentation on present situation of need for LBSE from gender perspective in Pakistan. Mr. Umer Shahzad discussed about basic ideas of LBSE. Mr. Hassnain Tirmazi sensitized students regarding harassments of teen agers and highlighted the significance of familial trainings in this regard.

Mrs. Iram Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, LCWU highlighted the significance of LBSE. She also explained that Dept. of Social Work has already imparting this education through field activities in both major and minor programmes of university.  With concluding remarks, she thanked to all the guest speakers and students for their response and participation.

Seminar on Issues of Informal Labour in Pakistan

A Seminar on Issues of Informal Labour in Pakistan was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with HomeNet, Pakistan on December 14th, 2016.

Mrs. Nasira Javaid Iqbal, Retired Chief Justice LHC, Mrs. Mahnaz Rafi, member Standing Committee on Rights of Women Punjab and renowned Women Rights Activist, Ms. Maria Kokab, representative of HomeNet Pakistan were present as speakers on this occasion. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.
Mrs. Nasira Javaid gave opening remarks. She highlighted the economic issues of informal female workers in Pakistan. She also described the legislative violations of women’s rights and lags in civil procedural laws in this regard.

Mrs. Mahnaz Rafi, discussed the socio-demographic factors of exploitation of female informal workers. By revealing her personal life experiences, she described domestic level problems of women in this sector.

Ms. Maria Kokab, shared contributions of HomeNet Pakistan in empowerment of home based workers. She also presented services of her NGO through presentation on successful case studies from field.

Mrs. Iram Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, LCWU discussed the role of social workers in research and advocacy for informal workers in Pakistan. She also shared the services of social workers for rights of homebased workers specially in Punjab. In the end, she concluded the event with note of thanks to all the guest speakers and students for their response and participation.

Seminar on Human Rights

A seminar on Human Rights was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University with the collaboration of SPO (Strengthening Participatory Organizations) on January 11th, 2016.

Salman Abid, Regional Director SPO, Lubna Mansoor, Regional Director Ministry of Human Rights, Mumtaz Mughal, Regional Director Aurat Foundation, Sadia Sohail MPA PTI, Dr. Alliya Aftab MPA PMLN spoke on this occasion. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.

Salman Abid threw light on the services of SPO (Strengthening Participatory Organizations)  
Lubna Mansoor explained Basic fundamental rights of a common citizen and institutional & state’s role in achieving them. She also speaks on the AGENDA OF HUMAN RIGHTS that was passed in 1948.

Mumtaz Mughal threw light on Human rights issues & challenges, the problems which we face in getting our rights which government has given us.

Dr, Allia Aftab & Sadia Sohail explain the role of parliamentarian and the political parties in achieving human rights and to make them easy to approach for a common person.

After that a puppet show was shown to audience with the given theme of human rights so that the message conveyed more effectively.

In the end, Mrs. Irum Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, concluded the event with note of thanks to all the guest speakers and students for their response and participation.

Seminar on Street Children

A seminar on Street Children was organized by the students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University in collaboration with Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan on January 06th, 2016.

Mr. Anas Wahidi President Lahore Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan, Ikram Subhani Secretary Punjab Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan, Dr. Mushtaq Mangal Secretary General Al-Khidmat Foundation Pakistan spoke on this occasion. The event was attended by the large number of students along with the faculty and representatives from civil society.

Anas Wahidi threw light on the services of Al-Khidmat Foundation.

Ikram Subhani said that

 “An estimated 1.2 to 1.5 million children are on the streets of Pakistan's major cities and urban centers, constituting the country's largest and most ostracized social group.”

Dr. Mushtaq Mangal shared his concern about the problems that are faced by street children. Violence, Health, Drugs, Indulgence in crime are the situations that they face. He said that street child is like any other child having and deserving freedom and opportunity for education and a good environment.

In the end, Mrs. Irum Shahid, Head of Social Work Department, LCWU concluded the event with note of thanks to all the guest speakers and students for their response and participation.

Maternal & Child Health Care

Social Work Department arranged a seminar on “Maternal and Child Health Care” With the collaboration of Maternity and Child Welfare Association of Pakistan (MCWAP) & Family Planning Association of Pakistan (FPAP) on 16th November, 2015 in IT Conference Room, LCWU.
The main objective of the seminar was to sensitize the students about the significance of maternal and infant health care.

Sarfaraz H.Kazmi (Regional Director FPAP), Dr. Rukhsana Bashir (Spokesperson from FPAP), Dr. Rubina Sarmad (Professor of Maternal and Child Health, Institute of Public Health), Dr. Ubaida Nighat (Head of Environmental Health, Institute of Public Health)

“The Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision for 2030”

The Students of Social Work Department, Lahore College for Women University along with collaboration of Children Advocacy Network and Alliance against Child Marriages with the support of Action Aid celebrated International Girl Child Day on 15 October 2015. The celebration was included a PLAY  to highlight the effects of “Child Marriages” on a Girl’s life followed by a Policy Dialogue between Young Activists on Child Rights and Parliamentarians on Girls Issues.

Play Cast (highlighting the effects of “Child Marriage”) students of Social Work Dept (LCWU).

Miss. Mary Gill (MPA at Provincial Assembly of the Punjab), Dr. Alia Aftab (MPA),  Mr. Salman Abid (Regional head of SPO) pledged to table resolution for inclusion of Women & Children Rights in Curriculum
Panel of Policy Dialogue on "Girl's Issues"               
Mr. Irfan Mufti (Dy. Executive Director SAP-PK) sharing his views on SDGs

Head of Social Work Department along with faculty and a view of Participants of Policy Dialogue