Focal Person for SDG-4
Associate Professor Statistics LCWU, Lahore
Post Doc University of Southampton, UK.
PhD Statistics, GCU, Lahore, Pakistan.

- Educational Public Resources
- Events at University Open to the General Public
- Vocational Training Events open to the General Public
- Education Outreach Activities Beyond Campus
- 11th Concurrent Scientific Session on SDG-3 "GOOD HEALTH & WELLBEING"
- 6th Concurrent Scientific Session on SDG-3 "GOOD HEALTH & WELLBEING"
- An Informative Scientific Session on SDG-5 "Gender Equality"
Year 2021
- 2-Day International Webinar “The Vision for Social Reforms and the Poetry of Firdowsi and Iqbal”
- International webinar on "Matter and Energy in Current Era"
- Kashmir-Kashmir Solidarity Conference
- International Mother Language Day
- Sports-Cricket Match 2021
- Internship for LCWU Students
- Workshop on “Guidelines for Conversion of Annual System to Semester System"
- Talent Hunt Competition
- 3 Day training for Non-teaching Faculty
- MoUs with EGB4 Technologies (US) and Imam Khumani International University, Iran
- Online Training Session on “How to Utilize Departmental Budget"
- Online Session on "Professional Trainings and Skills"
- Writing a Successful Funding Proposal
- Virtual Poster Competition
- E-Library
- Online session on "Servant Leadership"
- LCWU disbursed cheques for different Scholarships Programme
- Legends of Punjabi Language and Literature from all over the World
- First meeting of University Research and Innovation Board
- LCWU got 1st position in All Pakistan Women Judo Intervarsity Championship
- Webinar on” The Role Of Teacher In Nation Building”
- Online session by Prof.Gul Sadiq Afshan on “Thinking out of a box as a teacher and as an administrator”
- World Environment Day
- Entrepreneurial Gala 2021
- Online session by Prof. Gul Sadiq Afshan on “How to Be a Productive Leader as an Educator”
- Visit of Indonesian Ambassador to LCWU
- How Statisticians can help in Medical Research
- A five-days hands-on Network Security Training and Workshop
Webinar Organised by Department of Political Science to Celebrate Independence Day
Webinar on Hindu Nationalism Against Muslim Community in India
- Annual Exhibition organized by the Department of Interior Design, LCWU
- Five days Training and Workshop by Riphah International University, Islamabad
- Social Work Department arranged a seminar regarding "Diamond Jubilee of Pakistan"
- Statistics Poster Competition 2021
- Certificate Distribution ceremony for the 1st batch of Prime Minister’s Kamyab Jawan
- Webinar on Women Empowerment at LCWU
- Prime Minister's Electric Wheelchair Scheme for University Students
- Webinar on Breast Cancer Awareness
- International Breastfeeding Day Celebration & Inauguration of breastfeeding Corner
- Webinar on 14th of August 2021
- Project Exhibition organized by the Department of Home Economics, LCWU
- Workshop on "Empowering Young Women for better future of Pakistan"
- An International Webinar on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates
- Workshop on Advanced Time Series Handling Techniques using Eviews and STATA
- لاہورکالج برائے خواتین یونیورسٹی میں سوشل سائنسز میں پی ایچ ڈی اسکالرز کی رہنمائی اور مقالہ جات لکھنے کی حکمت عملی ک متعلق ایک روزہ ورکشاپ
- MOU Signing Ceremony between LCWU & Women Development Department
- Tree Plantation in LCWU
- VU and LCWU will join hands in developing joint academic programs and Blended Learning mode
- MOU signing Ceremony between LCWU and FCCU
- Sports Festival held at LCWU to pay rich Tribute to the Martyrs
- A Penal Discussion at LCWU with CCPO on harassment of women
- HEC Digital Learning & Skills Enrichment Initiative (DLSEI)
- International webinar on Academic Writing
- ORIC-LCWU organized LOI signing Ceremony
- Glimpses of two day's Conference by department of Secondary Education
- LCWU got 3rd Position in All Inter University Swimming Championship
- An International Webinar on “Promotion of Urdu Language and Literature"
- Peridot Research Program
- TISC under ORIC LCWU, is proud to appear in World Intellectual Property Organisation(WIPO)
- ORIC LCWU is presenting video lectures on Intellectual Property Rights
- Christmas Ceremony
- Panel discussion on different political stakeholders to End Violence Against Women
- Corona fear, Anxiety, Phobia and is it Triggering Anger and Aggression in People
- International Webinar on Gender Dynamics in Current Pandemic
Internationl Webinar on Post Pandemic Higher Education Research Reshaping strategies & policies
Clean and Green Pakistan Campaign in LCWU at Kala Shah Kaku Campus.
LCWU has joined hands with Coursera the largest, E-Learning platform and online learning Community
A seminar on entrepreneurship “How to generate innovative business idea”
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Generation Equality Realizing Women Rights LCWU
International Webinar On “Gender Dynamics in the Current Pandemic”
1st Session Seerat un Nabi SAW Seminar, Department of Islamic Studies LCWU
2nd Session Seerat un Nabi SAW Seminar, Department of Islamic Studies LCWU
Seminar on Raising Awareness about Role of Police in Society
International Webinar Punjab's Sikh Era and impact of Persian Art, Culture and Language
International Webinar Day 1 (Life,Hope,& Persian Literature)
International Webinar Day 2 (Life,Hope,& Persian Literature)
1st Online International Punjabi Conference "Punjab Punjabi Adab Ty Maa Boli"
International Webinar on Nanotechnology in Current Era Day 1
International Webinar on Nanotechnology in Current Era Day 2
International Webinar on Nanotechnology in Current Era Day 3
3 Day training for teaching faculty on topic “Syllabus Writing”
First International Conference on Arabic language on 28th October 2019 LCWU.
International Symposium on the Postcolonial and the Glocal dept of English
- Kashmir Issue: A Crisis Beyond Boundaries LCWU Lahore College for Women University
لاہور کالچ فارویمن یونیورسٹی،بین الا قوامی فکر اقبال کے عنوان سے سیمینار
لاہور کالج برائے خواتین یونی ورسٹی کے شعبہ اردو کے زیر اہتمام ایک روزہ بین الاقوامی سیمینار
- Dementia Awareness Event Report
International Conference titled as “Architectural Education towards Disaster Mitigation
Pakistan-Japan Joint Seminar on “Disability & Development” held at LCWU
- International Conference on Solid State Physics (ICSSP’19)
- شعبہ اردو کے زیر اہتمام لیکچر کا انعقاد موضوع : تقویم ہجری و عیسوی میں طبتیق
- 1st Turkish Abru Art Workshop's inauguration with the collaboration of Turkish Cultural Centre Lahore, Persian Department & IVAD, LCWU
Year 2021
- Workshops on EndNote
- Workshops on softwares LATEX
- Workshop on Analysis of Survey Data from Complex Sample Designs with SPSS
- Two Months Course on CHINESE Language
- Online Arabic Language Course
- E-Rozgaar
- Lectures related to Self-Hygiene, RecyclingShort Courses - Textile & Interior Design
- Short course - Documentary & film making and Digital marketing & SEO
- Newsletter LISA LCWU 2020
- A Thalassemia Children Food Drive Activity at Ganga Ram Hospital
Social Work Department Donation in Flood Relief Donation Drive
- DSA organized a lecture on Road Safety by Punjab Police
- Entrepreneurship Boot Camp
- ACP community based Events-1
- ACP community based Events-2
- ACP community based Events-3
- Social Work Community Based Events
- Active Citizen Program: Event Coverage of “Never Ending Hope - Free Books/Medicines”
- Active Citizen Program: Online Counseling in the light of the spread of COVID-19 Web TV LCWU
- Active Citizen Program: Project Report on “Never Ending Hope”
- Active Citizen Program: Event Coverage of “Difficulties that blind fellows face during” reading of book and to enhance their auditory skills”
- Active Citizen Program: Project Report on “Online Counseling Services for mothers and children during COVID-19”
- Active Citizen Program: Project Report on Training of Minitab
- Active Citizen Program: Event Coverage of “Training of Minitab”
- Active Citizen Program: Event Coverage of “Education & Enrollment of children living in Slums”
- Active Citizen Program: Project Report on “Education & Enrollment of children living in Slums”gramme - Social Work
- Active Citizen Program: Event Coverage of “Istalahat-e-Tahqeeq-o-Tadveen”
- Active Citizen Program: Project Report on “Career Counciling and Plastic Re-use”
- Active Citizen Program: Event Coverage of “Career Counciling and Plastic Re-use”